
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Sunday, January 20, 2013

We Are All Born Superstars

"All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.  I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory.  I was naive.  I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer.  It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with:  that I am nobody but myself."  -Ralph Ellison
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful last couple of days! I know I sure have! I'm glad to be back on the computer! Apparently, I can still use this thing, I just can't watch gaming videos, or Skype with my gaming buddies too often.
Ha, but today, Sunday, has been so great. Such a wonderful spirit today.
It's always just a wonderful way to completely start over, and feel a whole lot of good in one day and be surrounded by others who are just happy about everything!

So, you guys know how I have this bet going with my friend that I can't "hug or be hugged by a girl until I'm 16"? Well the guy decided today to sick his sister on me! I was freaking out! He cornered me with her, and was pulling my arms off her shoulder. I WAS SO CLOSE TO LOSING. But nope, you don't win that easy, even with cheating!
I tell you, I am not going to lose this bet very easily. It's going to take a lot more than putting your little sister up to it. Even more than bribing the girls at school to do it.
I'm prepared to put every form of fence around myself if I have to! Ha, no, but seriously. If you want a legitimate bet, please don't try to cheat, just to win. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK.

Song-of-the-Day: Born This Way by Lady GagaYou know what I'm tired of? People changing themselves, because they don't like how others view them.
Keep yourself just as you would be naturally, please. God made you in his image, and he loves you, no matter how you look. He loves you unconditionally.
Forever remember that you have real friends out there that love you, or will love you, unconditionally. Even if you haven't met them yet, you need to know that there are people out there like that. People who won't judge you because of what others have told you about them. People that are likened unto Christ, our brother.
Again, please know that I believe  and I testify to you all, that we were made in God's image. That we were all brought upon this earth for a purpose. That we all have a purpose throughout this mortal coil. Take every view on life, before you decide what it is to you.
We had a lesson in Seminary last week where we talked about how the world is today. Our teacher gave us all a question, and we were to write down our answer on a sticky note and then stick it up on the board anonymously. The question was what percentage of good to bad is there in the world?
Practically everyone put up a negative answer. (ex. 40/60, 5/95,etc..) As I went up to put mine on the board, I started to question why everyone would put those kinds of answers. Then my friend Emma comes from behind me and puts hers up as well. I put mine in the empty space next to hers, and saw that we had put the same answer, 60/40. We were the only two in the class who thought that there was more good in the world, than bad.
Then our teacher proceeded to tell us that our world, was as we viewed it.
In other words, if you think the world is all bad, you'll always have a bad time. But, on the other hand, if you see a lot of good, then you should have a lot more happiness.

Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Chelsea Moore, Devon Lares, Rebekah Phillips, Ian Hofmann, Alex Hammond, Naomi Black, The Salvo Family, Miranda Dahl, Brianna Mobley, Dawson Hammond, and Marco Garcia

I hope you believe in yourself. That you're truly beautiful. That God loves you, and that you have great friends that are always here to help you learn that more. The simple joy it brings me to see you smile is more than enough to get me through any of the days that I think are hard. I know that we all have a different life, and that some are harder than others, but I know that if you can get through the day, then so can I. I love you Taylor. Thank you being such an inspiration to my poetry, for my happiness, and for my works. You have a wonderful life that God has planned for you.
I hope you enjoy the little gift that I've put together for you. I'm giving it to Autumn to give to you on Tuesday, hopefully. I love you, Taylor. I really mean it.

Autumn: Thank you for being you all the time. For not changing your habitual behavior to please others, and for always being there for me on the bus when I have a bit of a hard start to my day.
Chelsea: Well hello, wife. :3 Ha, we have some great laughs together, you and I. Thanks for being a confidence booster, and thanks for always being just down the street, LITERALLY, when I need a true friend.
Devon: Oh Devon... OH DEVON, OH DEVON. I love how we hardly know each other, but yet we're still great friends. No matter what kind of crap was going on for me, who was there for me to tell my story to? YOU. Who was there for me when I wanted to quick-scope nooblets and release my anger and stress on them? YOU. Who's one of the greatest bosses I've ever met? YOU. You're a great guy, and I hope you know that. For as little of time as we've played together, you've been a great friend to me, and I really appreciate that.
Rebekah: Thank. You. For. Everything. I hope you know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be half the man I am today. I wouldn't be half as clean as I am today. I wouldn't be striving to become a better person each and every day. I still care, and I miss the talks we used to have. I hope we can resume those someday. I wish you and the Daws the best of luck.
Ian: GOOBY PLEASE! Man, even though we've known each other for such a short amount of time, I love how we just tell each other about all the stuff going on. I love how we try to write songs together, but completely fail.
Alex: My bro. I haven't heard from you at all this weekend. It's a bit out of the norm for how close we are. I hope you're doing alright! Call me if you need it, okay? I love you man. No homo.
Naomi: Na-Na! Man, I miss talking to you, and even those hugs that you tell me you love so much. Believe me, when this bet is over, you're getting a serious hug from your little bro over here. I'm like... missing every second of hugs I've ever gotten.
Salvo Family: I hope you know that I love you all, and I'm going to seriously miss you guys when you move! We've had a lot of laughs, a lot of smiles, and a whole load of fun. Thanks for inviting me into your home, and thanks for being my second family. Thank you for your wonderful children, and thank you just about everything.
Miranda: Hey there! It's been a while! I hope I don't seem too weird to you, you know? I just really care about my friends, and I like checking up on you! You're a great friend, and you've talked to me when I was at some of my lowest moments, and helped bring me back up. I really appreciate it.
Brianna: I really appreciate all your pushing and all your egging me on. I normally don't like doing videos, but... knowing that I have someone out there that keeps telling me to do them, is really nice. Thank you for always supporting me.
Dawson: Hey there, shorty. Ha just kidding. You're a great guy, and I appreciate all you've done for me, and for Bek. You don't even know how much she loves you. You better take care of her, or else I'm going to come give you a noogie or something. I'm not violent, unless people really start to mess with those I care about. Just know that I care about you man. If someone starts messing with you, tell me, and I'll come set them straight, alright?
Marco: HEY! Ha, you're a great friend! We've got our moments. I miss the stuff we used to do man! We need to talk a little more often. You're pretty awesome at the music you make. Keep doing it, because there are those like me who truly love it. Just keep being awesome.

Thank you all so much for being here for me. If some of you found offense to my religious side to this post, I'm sorry, but what I believe is true. I hope you can accept me, with all that I am.
I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful night. Keep it simple, keep it classy, and most of all, keep it you.

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