“I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me - I’m going to smile." -Author Unknown

Hello everyone! Welcome to the last blog post I'll be making from a computer for a while. My grades last trimester were not satisfactory to what me and my parents like, so... I'm shutting down all computers in my control, and all video game devices. The only thing that I will probably be keeping, is my iPod, so I can at least TRY to make posts!
Anyways, today was nice! I had the devotional in Seminary, and I felt so bad because I had kind of forgotten it the day before. So, when I was told that I had it, I had this feeling I should talk about Kindness. So, when the time came, I got up there and used a scripture(which I've sadly forgotten at this time), and after that I used the experience where I was at the movie theater a couple of years back. At this time, I did not have an iPod, and all I had was a small rather cheap phone. I was watching the movie, Up, and at the end of the movie, I started feeling for my phone, and could not find it. I seriously checked every pocket and space on me, and couldn't find it. I then proceeded to get on the ground and search for my phone, and before finding my phone, I found an iPod touch. It was still alive, and was locked. I knew that if I had wanted to, I could've reset it to factory settings. A few minutes of searching later, I find my phone as well. Now, I had both items in my possession and was quite happy from this! But as I was walking out of the room, I felt like I should turn the iPod into the office's lost & found. So, I did! The following year, when I was in 8th grade, I got my iPod stolen during my P.E. class. A few days later, it got returned to me. I used this experience to relate to Kindness, because I did one random act of kindness for someone with their iPod, and then I get my iPod back as well because someone else was kind in return to me. And so I give you my testimony, that I know this church is true, and that random acts of kindness will be acted upon you, if you act them upon other people.
Song-of-the-Day: Beautiful Goodbye by Maroon 5
I've come to love this group, over the past few years. I remember when I was a kid, that I used to think the singer for this group was female, but... obviously it's not. SO, I felt dumb when I found that out. But, ha, they've done a lot of really good music throughout my lifetime.
I chose this song in particular because he even says in the song, "Clever words can't help me now.", and because I write poems that are cleverly worded, or I can even have my moments where in person I can speak really cleverly, but... it doesn't help with my situation right now, so that's why I chose this song.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips, Jake Allred, Chelsea Moore, Alex Smith, and Taylor Sorg
Rebekah: Thank you so much for being here for me in this time of need. Thank you for being my new co-admin. And thank you for making me your co-admin as well. You don't know how much I appreciate all of it.
Jake: Jake, I'm going to miss you when you leave, man. I know you'll be in a better place though, and that you'll be pleasing the Lord by serving 2 full years of a mission for him.
Chelsea: I love you, wifey. Ha, you're an amazing friend, and you don't know how much of a confidence booster it was when I saw you say that you'd like for me to be your Valentine this year. It just sucks that I can't be here for that! I'll probably be in Portland at that time, so... yeah.
Alex: You're an excellent friend, thank for always inviting me to stuff with you too. I hope you have an awesome day..
Taylor: I hope you know that I really care about you, and that I'm always going to be here for you. I hope you like the little present I'm arranging for you. I put a lot of thought into it for you.
So thank you all so much for being here for me throughout everything. I love you all.
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