
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Saturday, January 12, 2013

I've Got My Ticket For The Long Way 'Round!

“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” -Dale Carnegie
Welcome back everyone! Again, I appreciate the comments that were left on the poem I shared yesterday! If you were somehow unable to see it, the post is still up, and always available for viewing.
So, how was everyone's Saturday? I sure hope it was awesome! I know that thanks to some of the best "siblings" ever, I had a wonderful Saturday!

Okay, so first I was just sitting here playing RAGE online, and then I get a call from Naomi! She asked me if I wanted to go see a movie! I had to ask my mom, of course, because I still appreciate her permission to go do things with friends. Anyways, so I said yes, that I would love to. So, we arranged to go meet at her house, and then get Alex and go. BUT, we never heard back from Brian, and so... we just stayed at Naomi's house forever! Ha, first we cooked dinner with the rest of her family, and then we blessed and ate the food. (OBVIOUSLY!) Then we just sat and watched funny YouTube videos, and munched on sausages. After that, we noticed it was kind of late, and then decided we could watch a movie downstairs! So we grabbed the computer, the projector, a sheet, and some sick speakers, and went to set it up! Ha, it took us like half-an-hour to set it all up, but man, IT WAS WORTH IT!
So, after questioning what movie to watch for like 10 minutes, they finally just elected me to choose an "appropriate" movie that we could all laugh at. So, after some deliberation, I picked Video Game High School! (directed and created by Freddie Wong) I figured, we're all some sort of gamer, and so... it would be enjoyable! Ha, we actually had a lot of fun, even though half the time we weren't really watching, just listening to it and talking about stuff.
Anyways, so that was my night tonight, but it was AWESOME for me! Ha, I love my "siblings"!

Song-of-the-Day: Cups by Anna Kendrick
For those of you who have seen Pitch Perfect, this song makes sense. But for those of you who haven't, I STRONGLY suggest seeing it as soon as possible.

Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moon, Randi Hepworth, Rebekah Phillips, and Naomi Black
Hey you! Ha, we don't talk much anymore, and I kind of miss talking to you! You're an amazing person, and a great singer! Ha, you're very clever, and very smart as well! I saw what you did to Josh to reply to his asking you to the dance. Nice job with that!
Randi: Ha, I miss you in Troylairs! I miss you playing piano, and I miss the talks we used to have whenever I had an issue, or whenever I was going through a depressing phase. Just know that I return the availability, and that you can talk to me as well.
Rebekah: Is it strange that I still get those tingles, those pains, those... feelings whenever something is wrong? Ever since last year, I've been more in tune to that. And now I feel it with everything. As soon as I got home, I had this like... ache in my side, and so I wanted to talk to you I guess. I'm glad I did!
Naomi: Love you, sis. I hope you're doing wonderful! Know you can always talk to me if you're having a rough day, alright! Thanks for the wonderful night, and for all the good tidings and love for me.

So, thank you all for reading. Please leave a comment, if you have any suggestions, or feelings.
I love you all, and so to end off tonight, my name is James Facer.

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