"No matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are, and rip it into pieces and they won't even watch where the pieces land. But through the breakdown, you'll learn that you're strong, and no matter how hard they destroy you, that you can conquer anything." -Anonymous
So, how's everyone doing? Sorry it's been like literally a WEEK since I've posted. You know how it is when you're completely over-stressing about silly stuff. Eh, I'm just, DONE, with all the stuff that's been going through my head lately.
Ha, I'm not going to rant on about all of the stuff, because I'll just give off the wrong tone somehow.
I'm just glad to be done with it all, and not having to deal with it anymore.
Now, who knows what song that the title lyrics come out of?
It's from Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. Civil Wars. From the Hunger Games Soundtrack.
NOW NORMALLY, I'm not a big T-Swift fan, but... I had a bit of a downer day a couple of days ago, and I was looking for "Sad Dubstep". I found this playlist, and this was the second song. I REALLY liked the version I found there, and so I started listening more and more, and kind of fell in love with this song.
It's called the Bustre Bootleg Version. I suggest looking it up, if you like the original song already.
ALSO, there's a free download for it, which I love! So now I have it on my iPod!
So, today we had the talent show, and I actually wasn't so stressed about that while we waited. The only thing that killed me about how that turned out, was that the microphone was giving me feedback, so it made that really annoying sound, and you couldn't hear the piano. If I could be hurt by compliments, I would've been dead about half an hour after the performance. I swear, I'm almost tired of hearing the words, "You did good" or "Good job!". As much as I appreciate the congratulations, it actually can get repetitive! I love you all, and it completely made my day, but... cool it down a couple notches, please?
Alright, again with this. Got a question, or five, you want to ask me? You guys can ask me any question[so long as it doesn't cross my comfort zone], and I'll answer them all truthfully. That's another reason why I was postponing the blog for so long! I asked the question on my Facebook, and I got ONE question.
From my loving wife, Chelsea, too! :D Ha, she always comments on my stuff, and I find it funny. She's awesome, and she's always been there when it came to me crying and stuff... Ha, I appreciate her question, and I'll save it for that specific blog post. It'll be my favorite question to answer, too!
Song-of-the-Day: Safe & Sound (Bustre Bootleg) by Taylor Swift ft. Civil WarsSeriously, I'll even put a link to the video for this song. Just take a listen, if you want, and I bet you'll enjoy the "chillstep".
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moore, Cassandra Fortenberry, Alex Hammond/Naomi Black
Chelsea: Oh, wife! How are you? I've had this bad feeling on my right side practically all day, and it's not going away. (yes, that seems weird, but that's how I tell something is wrong) You doing okay? Come over and talk to me if you have to, okay? Love you. (notice whenever I color yours, I get as close to TEAL as I can!)
Cassandra: You did SO good at the Talent Show today, and thanks for always being willing to talk to me about the stuff going on! You're amazing!
Alex/Naomi: Hey, you two! I miss all the times when we would hang-out! We need to get back into that habit soon! I miss my brother and sister dearly! Ha, I love you two. Thanks for the Gem State help and stuff. You guys are amazing.
Alright guys! Sorry if today's post seemed a bit too much. I've just got to get back into the routine, and it should be normal again! :D
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Take Time To Realize That I Am On Your Side
"Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea what so ever." -Unknown Author
As my sister/best-friend Naomi keeps on telling me, "Don't put yourself out there. Let them tell you they like you. Let them be the first to make a move."
I didn't realize how true her words were, until just about three weeks ago. Of course... before that I had been putting myself out there all the time. I didn't even realize it, but once you look back at all the things you did and said, you see that's exactly what you were doing. I feel quite a bit ashamed that I didn't notice it earlier, but then again, I keep getting swept up into the constant drama of "who's going out with who" and "who do you like". My answer for the second question has been the same for quite some time now. Although I may have said otherwise a couple times, I kept coming back to the conclusion in my own heart and mind that the one I have feelings for right now is the one that I really do like. I could even say, I love her. Although I've been called other not-so-nice names for saying those three words a time or hundred before.
Yes, I'm sorry to all of you out there who don't think that someone of our age can be in any form of love. Yes, it is true that we won't know what true love really is until we're of an older, more-mature, and more-experienced age. We can still believe though, and that is what I'm doing. Belief doesn't have to come from experience. It can come from what you feel. And I feel that what I feel for her is right. Don't like it? Leave. If you can't respect what decisions I make on a day to day basis, then please just... leave. I love you all, but it's my life, it's my agency, and it shouldn't much matter to your happiness, because it's not your life.
ANYWAYS! Ha, sorry if that seemed like I had some anger in there. That was completely anger free, but sometimes people react in dumb ways to what others feel.
I hope you're all having a wonderful life, and that you find that one person that makes you smile with everything they say. With their reactions. With their laugh. Their smile. Their eyes. Their voice. You get my point, hopefully, ha. Everything about her just... makes me smile. :D It's the happiest I've been in a long time. It may hurt, day by day, but each passing day is one day closer to us being able to see each other again.
Song-of-the-Day: Realize by Colbie Caillat
I've heard many a version of this song, but every time, it's the same intended feeling. EXCEPT for mine. :D I'm just wondering if she knows just how much I really love her. As I already said, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I haven't had a bad day, and I can't stop smiling.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Jade Vecchio, Joseph Salvo and Katie Salvo
Taylor: Did you like that little package? Ha, I hope so. I actually don't know your favorite candy yet, so I improvised. :D Can you tell who this post is about? I love you. Each day gets easier, knowing that you're waiting too.
Jade: Hey man! I hope you're doing alright! Just know you're an amazing person, and that you've got a whole lot of good in your life. I can't name anything that I could call even slightly negative. I don't know anyone who doesn't like you. I admire your courage, and your willingness to keep trying, even when the note isn't found. Keep at it, brother. I've got your back.
Joseph: Yesterday was a whole lot of fun! Thanks for playing games with me! It had been so long since I'd come to your house and had a good session of gaming with you. And I'm glad to see you're doing well. We miss you here at school. I miss you.
Katie: Hey! I'm glad to see you're healthy, and still beautiful as always. Remember that if you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you! Call me up, message me on Facebook, or just run over if you have to. Know that you're loved by me, and my family. I've got the utmost respect for you. You're really intelligent, and I always love our talks that we have at random intervals. Thanks for always letting me rant on you about the crazy crap going on in my life, and everything. You're amazing, don't ever let anyone tell you different. :D
So thank you all for the love, and support. Ha, and have you noticed the new habit I've got going here?
If so, good eye. I'll be doing this coloration thing starting from today, every day that has a "T" in it. (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday if you had to think)
I didn't realize how true her words were, until just about three weeks ago. Of course... before that I had been putting myself out there all the time. I didn't even realize it, but once you look back at all the things you did and said, you see that's exactly what you were doing. I feel quite a bit ashamed that I didn't notice it earlier, but then again, I keep getting swept up into the constant drama of "who's going out with who" and "who do you like". My answer for the second question has been the same for quite some time now. Although I may have said otherwise a couple times, I kept coming back to the conclusion in my own heart and mind that the one I have feelings for right now is the one that I really do like. I could even say, I love her. Although I've been called other not-so-nice names for saying those three words a time or hundred before.
Yes, I'm sorry to all of you out there who don't think that someone of our age can be in any form of love. Yes, it is true that we won't know what true love really is until we're of an older, more-mature, and more-experienced age. We can still believe though, and that is what I'm doing. Belief doesn't have to come from experience. It can come from what you feel. And I feel that what I feel for her is right. Don't like it? Leave. If you can't respect what decisions I make on a day to day basis, then please just... leave. I love you all, but it's my life, it's my agency, and it shouldn't much matter to your happiness, because it's not your life.
ANYWAYS! Ha, sorry if that seemed like I had some anger in there. That was completely anger free, but sometimes people react in dumb ways to what others feel.
I hope you're all having a wonderful life, and that you find that one person that makes you smile with everything they say. With their reactions. With their laugh. Their smile. Their eyes. Their voice. You get my point, hopefully, ha. Everything about her just... makes me smile. :D It's the happiest I've been in a long time. It may hurt, day by day, but each passing day is one day closer to us being able to see each other again.
Song-of-the-Day: Realize by Colbie Caillat
I've heard many a version of this song, but every time, it's the same intended feeling. EXCEPT for mine. :D I'm just wondering if she knows just how much I really love her. As I already said, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I haven't had a bad day, and I can't stop smiling.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Jade Vecchio, Joseph Salvo and Katie Salvo
Taylor: Did you like that little package? Ha, I hope so. I actually don't know your favorite candy yet, so I improvised. :D Can you tell who this post is about? I love you. Each day gets easier, knowing that you're waiting too.
Jade: Hey man! I hope you're doing alright! Just know you're an amazing person, and that you've got a whole lot of good in your life. I can't name anything that I could call even slightly negative. I don't know anyone who doesn't like you. I admire your courage, and your willingness to keep trying, even when the note isn't found. Keep at it, brother. I've got your back.
Joseph: Yesterday was a whole lot of fun! Thanks for playing games with me! It had been so long since I'd come to your house and had a good session of gaming with you. And I'm glad to see you're doing well. We miss you here at school. I miss you.
Katie: Hey! I'm glad to see you're healthy, and still beautiful as always. Remember that if you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you! Call me up, message me on Facebook, or just run over if you have to. Know that you're loved by me, and my family. I've got the utmost respect for you. You're really intelligent, and I always love our talks that we have at random intervals. Thanks for always letting me rant on you about the crazy crap going on in my life, and everything. You're amazing, don't ever let anyone tell you different. :D
So thank you all for the love, and support. Ha, and have you noticed the new habit I've got going here?
If so, good eye. I'll be doing this coloration thing starting from today, every day that has a "T" in it. (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday if you had to think)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
We Are All Born Superstars
my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned
someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too,
though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I
was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself
questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and
much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization
everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but
myself." -Ralph Ellison
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful last couple of days! I know I sure have! I'm glad to be back on the computer! Apparently, I can still use this thing, I just can't watch gaming videos, or Skype with my gaming buddies too often.
Ha, but today, Sunday, has been so great. Such a wonderful spirit today.
It's always just a wonderful way to completely start over, and feel a whole lot of good in one day and be surrounded by others who are just happy about everything!
So, you guys know how I have this bet going with my friend that I can't "hug or be hugged by a girl until I'm 16"? Well the guy decided today to sick his sister on me! I was freaking out! He cornered me with her, and was pulling my arms off her shoulder. I WAS SO CLOSE TO LOSING. But nope, you don't win that easy, even with cheating!
I tell you, I am not going to lose this bet very easily. It's going to take a lot more than putting your little sister up to it. Even more than bribing the girls at school to do it.
I'm prepared to put every form of fence around myself if I have to! Ha, no, but seriously. If you want a legitimate bet, please don't try to cheat, just to win. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK.
Song-of-the-Day: Born This Way by Lady GagaYou know what I'm tired of? People changing themselves, because they don't like how others view them.
Keep yourself just as you would be naturally, please. God made you in his image, and he loves you, no matter how you look. He loves you unconditionally.
Forever remember that you have real friends out there that love you, or will love you, unconditionally. Even if you haven't met them yet, you need to know that there are people out there like that. People who won't judge you because of what others have told you about them. People that are likened unto Christ, our brother.
Again, please know that I believe and I testify to you all, that we were made in God's image. That we were all brought upon this earth for a purpose. That we all have a purpose throughout this mortal coil. Take every view on life, before you decide what it is to you.
We had a lesson in Seminary last week where we talked about how the world is today. Our teacher gave us all a question, and we were to write down our answer on a sticky note and then stick it up on the board anonymously. The question was what percentage of good to bad is there in the world?
Practically everyone put up a negative answer. (ex. 40/60, 5/95,etc..) As I went up to put mine on the board, I started to question why everyone would put those kinds of answers. Then my friend Emma comes from behind me and puts hers up as well. I put mine in the empty space next to hers, and saw that we had put the same answer, 60/40. We were the only two in the class who thought that there was more good in the world, than bad.
Then our teacher proceeded to tell us that our world, was as we viewed it.
In other words, if you think the world is all bad, you'll always have a bad time. But, on the other hand, if you see a lot of good, then you should have a lot more happiness.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Chelsea Moore, Devon Lares, Rebekah Phillips, Ian Hofmann, Alex Hammond, Naomi Black, The Salvo Family, Miranda Dahl, Brianna Mobley, Dawson Hammond, and Marco Garcia
Taylor: I hope you believe in yourself. That you're truly beautiful. That God loves you, and that you have great friends that are always here to help you learn that more. The simple joy it brings me to see you smile is more than enough to get me through any of the days that I think are hard. I know that we all have a different life, and that some are harder than others, but I know that if you can get through the day, then so can I. I love you Taylor. Thank you being such an inspiration to my poetry, for my happiness, and for my works. You have a wonderful life that God has planned for you.
I hope you enjoy the little gift that I've put together for you. I'm giving it to Autumn to give to you on Tuesday, hopefully. I love you, Taylor. I really mean it.
Autumn: Thank you for being you all the time. For not changing your habitual behavior to please others, and for always being there for me on the bus when I have a bit of a hard start to my day.
Chelsea: Well hello, wife. :3 Ha, we have some great laughs together, you and I. Thanks for being a confidence booster, and thanks for always being just down the street, LITERALLY, when I need a true friend.
Devon: Oh Devon... OH DEVON, OH DEVON. I love how we hardly know each other, but yet we're still great friends. No matter what kind of crap was going on for me, who was there for me to tell my story to? YOU. Who was there for me when I wanted to quick-scope nooblets and release my anger and stress on them? YOU. Who's one of the greatest bosses I've ever met? YOU. You're a great guy, and I hope you know that. For as little of time as we've played together, you've been a great friend to me, and I really appreciate that.
Rebekah: Thank. You. For. Everything. I hope you know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be half the man I am today. I wouldn't be half as clean as I am today. I wouldn't be striving to become a better person each and every day. I still care, and I miss the talks we used to have. I hope we can resume those someday. I wish you and the Daws the best of luck.
Ian: GOOBY PLEASE! Man, even though we've known each other for such a short amount of time, I love how we just tell each other about all the stuff going on. I love how we try to write songs together, but completely fail.
Alex: My bro. I haven't heard from you at all this weekend. It's a bit out of the norm for how close we are. I hope you're doing alright! Call me if you need it, okay? I love you man. No homo.
Naomi: Na-Na! Man, I miss talking to you, and even those hugs that you tell me you love so much. Believe me, when this bet is over, you're getting a serious hug from your little bro over here. I'm like... missing every second of hugs I've ever gotten.
Salvo Family: I hope you know that I love you all, and I'm going to seriously miss you guys when you move! We've had a lot of laughs, a lot of smiles, and a whole load of fun. Thanks for inviting me into your home, and thanks for being my second family. Thank you for your wonderful children, and thank you just about everything.
Miranda: Hey there! It's been a while! I hope I don't seem too weird to you, you know? I just really care about my friends, and I like checking up on you! You're a great friend, and you've talked to me when I was at some of my lowest moments, and helped bring me back up. I really appreciate it.
Brianna: I really appreciate all your pushing and all your egging me on. I normally don't like doing videos, but... knowing that I have someone out there that keeps telling me to do them, is really nice. Thank you for always supporting me.
Dawson: Hey there, shorty. Ha just kidding. You're a great guy, and I appreciate all you've done for me, and for Bek. You don't even know how much she loves you. You better take care of her, or else I'm going to come give you a noogie or something. I'm not violent, unless people really start to mess with those I care about. Just know that I care about you man. If someone starts messing with you, tell me, and I'll come set them straight, alright?
Marco: HEY! Ha, you're a great friend! We've got our moments. I miss the stuff we used to do man! We need to talk a little more often. You're pretty awesome at the music you make. Keep doing it, because there are those like me who truly love it. Just keep being awesome.
Thank you all so much for being here for me. If some of you found offense to my religious side to this post, I'm sorry, but what I believe is true. I hope you can accept me, with all that I am.
I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful night. Keep it simple, keep it classy, and most of all, keep it you.
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful last couple of days! I know I sure have! I'm glad to be back on the computer! Apparently, I can still use this thing, I just can't watch gaming videos, or Skype with my gaming buddies too often.
Ha, but today, Sunday, has been so great. Such a wonderful spirit today.
It's always just a wonderful way to completely start over, and feel a whole lot of good in one day and be surrounded by others who are just happy about everything!
So, you guys know how I have this bet going with my friend that I can't "hug or be hugged by a girl until I'm 16"? Well the guy decided today to sick his sister on me! I was freaking out! He cornered me with her, and was pulling my arms off her shoulder. I WAS SO CLOSE TO LOSING. But nope, you don't win that easy, even with cheating!
I tell you, I am not going to lose this bet very easily. It's going to take a lot more than putting your little sister up to it. Even more than bribing the girls at school to do it.
I'm prepared to put every form of fence around myself if I have to! Ha, no, but seriously. If you want a legitimate bet, please don't try to cheat, just to win. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK.
Song-of-the-Day: Born This Way by Lady GagaYou know what I'm tired of? People changing themselves, because they don't like how others view them.
Keep yourself just as you would be naturally, please. God made you in his image, and he loves you, no matter how you look. He loves you unconditionally.
Forever remember that you have real friends out there that love you, or will love you, unconditionally. Even if you haven't met them yet, you need to know that there are people out there like that. People who won't judge you because of what others have told you about them. People that are likened unto Christ, our brother.
Again, please know that I believe and I testify to you all, that we were made in God's image. That we were all brought upon this earth for a purpose. That we all have a purpose throughout this mortal coil. Take every view on life, before you decide what it is to you.
We had a lesson in Seminary last week where we talked about how the world is today. Our teacher gave us all a question, and we were to write down our answer on a sticky note and then stick it up on the board anonymously. The question was what percentage of good to bad is there in the world?
Practically everyone put up a negative answer. (ex. 40/60, 5/95,etc..) As I went up to put mine on the board, I started to question why everyone would put those kinds of answers. Then my friend Emma comes from behind me and puts hers up as well. I put mine in the empty space next to hers, and saw that we had put the same answer, 60/40. We were the only two in the class who thought that there was more good in the world, than bad.
Then our teacher proceeded to tell us that our world, was as we viewed it.
In other words, if you think the world is all bad, you'll always have a bad time. But, on the other hand, if you see a lot of good, then you should have a lot more happiness.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Chelsea Moore, Devon Lares, Rebekah Phillips, Ian Hofmann, Alex Hammond, Naomi Black, The Salvo Family, Miranda Dahl, Brianna Mobley, Dawson Hammond, and Marco Garcia
Taylor: I hope you believe in yourself. That you're truly beautiful. That God loves you, and that you have great friends that are always here to help you learn that more. The simple joy it brings me to see you smile is more than enough to get me through any of the days that I think are hard. I know that we all have a different life, and that some are harder than others, but I know that if you can get through the day, then so can I. I love you Taylor. Thank you being such an inspiration to my poetry, for my happiness, and for my works. You have a wonderful life that God has planned for you.
I hope you enjoy the little gift that I've put together for you. I'm giving it to Autumn to give to you on Tuesday, hopefully. I love you, Taylor. I really mean it.
Autumn: Thank you for being you all the time. For not changing your habitual behavior to please others, and for always being there for me on the bus when I have a bit of a hard start to my day.
Chelsea: Well hello, wife. :3 Ha, we have some great laughs together, you and I. Thanks for being a confidence booster, and thanks for always being just down the street, LITERALLY, when I need a true friend.
Devon: Oh Devon... OH DEVON, OH DEVON. I love how we hardly know each other, but yet we're still great friends. No matter what kind of crap was going on for me, who was there for me to tell my story to? YOU. Who was there for me when I wanted to quick-scope nooblets and release my anger and stress on them? YOU. Who's one of the greatest bosses I've ever met? YOU. You're a great guy, and I hope you know that. For as little of time as we've played together, you've been a great friend to me, and I really appreciate that.
Rebekah: Thank. You. For. Everything. I hope you know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be half the man I am today. I wouldn't be half as clean as I am today. I wouldn't be striving to become a better person each and every day. I still care, and I miss the talks we used to have. I hope we can resume those someday. I wish you and the Daws the best of luck.
Ian: GOOBY PLEASE! Man, even though we've known each other for such a short amount of time, I love how we just tell each other about all the stuff going on. I love how we try to write songs together, but completely fail.
Alex: My bro. I haven't heard from you at all this weekend. It's a bit out of the norm for how close we are. I hope you're doing alright! Call me if you need it, okay? I love you man. No homo.
Naomi: Na-Na! Man, I miss talking to you, and even those hugs that you tell me you love so much. Believe me, when this bet is over, you're getting a serious hug from your little bro over here. I'm like... missing every second of hugs I've ever gotten.
Salvo Family: I hope you know that I love you all, and I'm going to seriously miss you guys when you move! We've had a lot of laughs, a lot of smiles, and a whole load of fun. Thanks for inviting me into your home, and thanks for being my second family. Thank you for your wonderful children, and thank you just about everything.
Miranda: Hey there! It's been a while! I hope I don't seem too weird to you, you know? I just really care about my friends, and I like checking up on you! You're a great friend, and you've talked to me when I was at some of my lowest moments, and helped bring me back up. I really appreciate it.
Brianna: I really appreciate all your pushing and all your egging me on. I normally don't like doing videos, but... knowing that I have someone out there that keeps telling me to do them, is really nice. Thank you for always supporting me.
Dawson: Hey there, shorty. Ha just kidding. You're a great guy, and I appreciate all you've done for me, and for Bek. You don't even know how much she loves you. You better take care of her, or else I'm going to come give you a noogie or something. I'm not violent, unless people really start to mess with those I care about. Just know that I care about you man. If someone starts messing with you, tell me, and I'll come set them straight, alright?
Marco: HEY! Ha, you're a great friend! We've got our moments. I miss the stuff we used to do man! We need to talk a little more often. You're pretty awesome at the music you make. Keep doing it, because there are those like me who truly love it. Just keep being awesome.
Thank you all so much for being here for me. If some of you found offense to my religious side to this post, I'm sorry, but what I believe is true. I hope you can accept me, with all that I am.
I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful night. Keep it simple, keep it classy, and most of all, keep it you.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Clever Words Can't Help Me Now
“I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me - I’m going to smile." -Author Unknown

Hello everyone! Welcome to the last blog post I'll be making from a computer for a while. My grades last trimester were not satisfactory to what me and my parents like, so... I'm shutting down all computers in my control, and all video game devices. The only thing that I will probably be keeping, is my iPod, so I can at least TRY to make posts!
Anyways, today was nice! I had the devotional in Seminary, and I felt so bad because I had kind of forgotten it the day before. So, when I was told that I had it, I had this feeling I should talk about Kindness. So, when the time came, I got up there and used a scripture(which I've sadly forgotten at this time), and after that I used the experience where I was at the movie theater a couple of years back. At this time, I did not have an iPod, and all I had was a small rather cheap phone. I was watching the movie, Up, and at the end of the movie, I started feeling for my phone, and could not find it. I seriously checked every pocket and space on me, and couldn't find it. I then proceeded to get on the ground and search for my phone, and before finding my phone, I found an iPod touch. It was still alive, and was locked. I knew that if I had wanted to, I could've reset it to factory settings. A few minutes of searching later, I find my phone as well. Now, I had both items in my possession and was quite happy from this! But as I was walking out of the room, I felt like I should turn the iPod into the office's lost & found. So, I did! The following year, when I was in 8th grade, I got my iPod stolen during my P.E. class. A few days later, it got returned to me. I used this experience to relate to Kindness, because I did one random act of kindness for someone with their iPod, and then I get my iPod back as well because someone else was kind in return to me. And so I give you my testimony, that I know this church is true, and that random acts of kindness will be acted upon you, if you act them upon other people.
Song-of-the-Day: Beautiful Goodbye by Maroon 5
I've come to love this group, over the past few years. I remember when I was a kid, that I used to think the singer for this group was female, but... obviously it's not. SO, I felt dumb when I found that out. But, ha, they've done a lot of really good music throughout my lifetime.
I chose this song in particular because he even says in the song, "Clever words can't help me now.", and because I write poems that are cleverly worded, or I can even have my moments where in person I can speak really cleverly, but... it doesn't help with my situation right now, so that's why I chose this song.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips, Jake Allred, Chelsea Moore, Alex Smith, and Taylor Sorg
Rebekah: Thank you so much for being here for me in this time of need. Thank you for being my new co-admin. And thank you for making me your co-admin as well. You don't know how much I appreciate all of it.
Jake: Jake, I'm going to miss you when you leave, man. I know you'll be in a better place though, and that you'll be pleasing the Lord by serving 2 full years of a mission for him.
Chelsea: I love you, wifey. Ha, you're an amazing friend, and you don't know how much of a confidence booster it was when I saw you say that you'd like for me to be your Valentine this year. It just sucks that I can't be here for that! I'll probably be in Portland at that time, so... yeah.
Alex: You're an excellent friend, thank for always inviting me to stuff with you too. I hope you have an awesome day..
Taylor: I hope you know that I really care about you, and that I'm always going to be here for you. I hope you like the little present I'm arranging for you. I put a lot of thought into it for you.
So thank you all so much for being here for me throughout everything. I love you all.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Use Them As Firewood
"No matter where you go in life, there's always gonna be the one person that wants to bring you down, so stay strong and face your problems, instead of running away." -Author Unknown
Well, welcome back everyone! Happy Wednesday!
So, as some of you may already know, the Talent Show got postponed. It was originally on Thursday the 17th, BUT due to the snow day we had on Monday, they had to reschedule it to like... the 27th or whatever. I was so stoked for it being on Thursday though! But whatever I guess! At least now my leaders can probably make it this time!
So, I've been sampling it, and trying it out more and more, and I need your guys' opinions, please! Should I, or should I not, sing while I play my medley?
Also, I'm offering lessons on how to play some of the songs on piano that I can play. First lesson is free, and yes, I'm sad to say, I will charge after the first lesson, approximately... $5 per. I hate to say it, but I am kind of desperate for compensation right now. I have less than 3 weeks to raise like $360 dollars for the Portland trip. I'm not going to go around and ask for Sponsorships yet. That's my last resort.
Song-of-the-Day: Words by Train"I'd give anything but I won't give up on you
I'd say anything but not goodbye
I will run with your changes and I'm always on your side
And there's not a word that I've ever heard
That would make me change my mind."Ha, I was just flipping through my albums on my iPod, and I saw the Train album called Save Me, San Francisco. I've always liked this album, and it's been a while since I'd heard it, so I just put on the whole thing! This song came on, and it stuck in my head all day. So... I figured I'd make it my song of the day.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Cassandra Fortenberry, Chelsea Moore, Autumn Jephson, and Taylor Sorg
Cassandra: Alright, darling! Thanks for the confidence boosts about my piano-playing skills. I never thought I was really all that good, but it means a lot that you told me I am in person!
Also, I hope I spelled your last name right! I wasn't quite sure, because I actually have never seen how it was spelled before, so... I guessed by the sound!
Chelsea: Where the fetch were you today, wife? I was all waiting for you when I was getting on my bus. Ha, hand hugs don't count as actual hugs according to the bet holder, so... we can do that in the mean time!
Autumn: You crazy girl, you. Ha, I appreciate how you're always willing to be the in-between messenger for me and Taylor, when I have notes or something. You're a great friend. ALSO, can you please show Taylor my blog? I don't know if she sees it or not.
Taylor: Hello, beautiful. (; It's been a while, and I hope you're doing well. I really appreciate all that you've done for me. I appreciate that you care so much, that you don't want to date anyone until me. I love you, just know that.
So, I hope you all have had a wonderful time! I love you all!
Well, welcome back everyone! Happy Wednesday!
So, as some of you may already know, the Talent Show got postponed. It was originally on Thursday the 17th, BUT due to the snow day we had on Monday, they had to reschedule it to like... the 27th or whatever. I was so stoked for it being on Thursday though! But whatever I guess! At least now my leaders can probably make it this time!
So, I've been sampling it, and trying it out more and more, and I need your guys' opinions, please! Should I, or should I not, sing while I play my medley?
Also, I'm offering lessons on how to play some of the songs on piano that I can play. First lesson is free, and yes, I'm sad to say, I will charge after the first lesson, approximately... $5 per. I hate to say it, but I am kind of desperate for compensation right now. I have less than 3 weeks to raise like $360 dollars for the Portland trip. I'm not going to go around and ask for Sponsorships yet. That's my last resort.
Song-of-the-Day: Words by Train"I'd give anything but I won't give up on you
I'd say anything but not goodbye
I will run with your changes and I'm always on your side
And there's not a word that I've ever heard
That would make me change my mind."Ha, I was just flipping through my albums on my iPod, and I saw the Train album called Save Me, San Francisco. I've always liked this album, and it's been a while since I'd heard it, so I just put on the whole thing! This song came on, and it stuck in my head all day. So... I figured I'd make it my song of the day.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Cassandra Fortenberry, Chelsea Moore, Autumn Jephson, and Taylor Sorg
Cassandra: Alright, darling! Thanks for the confidence boosts about my piano-playing skills. I never thought I was really all that good, but it means a lot that you told me I am in person!
Also, I hope I spelled your last name right! I wasn't quite sure, because I actually have never seen how it was spelled before, so... I guessed by the sound!
Chelsea: Where the fetch were you today, wife? I was all waiting for you when I was getting on my bus. Ha, hand hugs don't count as actual hugs according to the bet holder, so... we can do that in the mean time!
Autumn: You crazy girl, you. Ha, I appreciate how you're always willing to be the in-between messenger for me and Taylor, when I have notes or something. You're a great friend. ALSO, can you please show Taylor my blog? I don't know if she sees it or not.
Taylor: Hello, beautiful. (; It's been a while, and I hope you're doing well. I really appreciate all that you've done for me. I appreciate that you care so much, that you don't want to date anyone until me. I love you, just know that.
So, I hope you all have had a wonderful time! I love you all!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
El Verdadero Amor Perdona
"What's meant to be will always find a way." -Trisha Yearwood
Good day, everyone! How do you all like the new layout? I figured we needed a little change, since we've got an excellent new cover photo (made by my sister-site, Lil' Miss Epic), and a whole load of new readers! Leave your comments in the section below, please, if you have suggestions or just comments.
Anyways, today was pretty interesting! I'll guess I'll revert to the old format, for today.
Seminary: We had MISSIONARY MONDAY today, even though it was Tuesday. It's the new thing we'll do once a week, where he'll partner us up and select [by random] who comes up and teaches a [previously selected] section out of Preach My Gospel. Ha, so I kept saying to my partner Emma, "Watch, it's just our luck, we'll be first pick." AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW? We were first pick! Ha, it was actually really nice, and I didn't get super nervous like I usually do in front of people. We gave the lesson on The Restoration of The Church, and how sometimes other religions like to believe that God the Father isn't a personage with a body of flesh of bone. They like to think he's some intangible being, that has no body, and just floats around. But no, we gave our testimonies about how God actually does have a body, and that we were created in his image. IT WAS NICE!
Troylairs: Oh man, today was hectic! People would just not stop talking. I mean, normally this wouldn't bother me in any other class, but in Troylairs in really does bother me. We are some great people, and we've got great standards usually. We've got the Portland trip in less than a month, and yet... here we are, yapping, and not learning our notes or our entrance times. You know that I love you guys, but seriously, let's get our crap together, please. I'd rather not make buffoons out of ourselves in front of NAfME. This is IMPORTANT.
Some of you may have heard about this already, but for those of you who haven't, here it is.
I took a bet, starting on Sunday. This bet consists of a simple, but difficult, rule.
I must not, and cannot, hug any girls. Up until the day I turn 16.
Ha, I had this idea in my head that this was going to be easy as pie. I WAS SO WRONG. It's beyond hard, at least for someone like me! Ha, I was about hugged by Naomi, Amber, Nicole, and Chelsea. I felt SO bad when Chelsea came to hug me, and I had to hold her at arms length. Inside I was like, "GOSH, NO, KILL ME NOW." Also, she completely made my day. She said she'd want for me to be her valentine, regardless of all the crap we've been through. You know, that just makes me smile inside and out. To know that someone would say that in public, on the internet, and... just to anyone. I would gladly be her valentine, if I didn't have the conflicting problem of not being here when Valentine's Day comes around. I'll be in Portland, probably, at that time. She's awesome, you guys should totally check out her blog too! "This isn't a fairytale. It's just hell in the making" is the title of her blog. It's cleverly put, and I like it.
Song-of-the-Day: El Verdadero Amor Perdona (ft. Prince Royce) by ManaIf you can't understand what the name translates to, here it is, "True Love Forgives". That's BASICALLY the meaning right there, in a nutshell. :D Ha, if you catch my drift, good for you.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moore, Gideon Burrows, Alex Smith
Chelsea: Alrighty righty then! Ha, you're hilarious. It's so ironic, that the first day back from the weekend, and the first day of school where I had the bet, is the day that you decide to start trying to hug me again.
You know that as soon as this bet is over, you're getting a big freaking hug, right? I'm gonna make it epic, if I can. :D Love you, wifey. :D <3
Burrows: You're by far, one of the best teachers I have ever had. I love your class, and I'm eternally grateful to you for helping me improve in singing more properly and learning how to do a lot of things, really.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year with us, and that we can make new memories for this year!
Alex: Bro, bro, broooooooo! Ha, you're actually pretty decent at Minecraft! I find it hilarious how you had me kick killed as soon as I joined, just to trollolol me. It worked, and I laughed. Ha, we should seriously hang out soon!
Anyways, everyone. Thank you all for helping me get out there, and for those of you everyday-readers, thanks for being a real pal! I love you all, now have a fantastic week!
Good day, everyone! How do you all like the new layout? I figured we needed a little change, since we've got an excellent new cover photo (made by my sister-site, Lil' Miss Epic), and a whole load of new readers! Leave your comments in the section below, please, if you have suggestions or just comments.
Anyways, today was pretty interesting! I'll guess I'll revert to the old format, for today.
Seminary: We had MISSIONARY MONDAY today, even though it was Tuesday. It's the new thing we'll do once a week, where he'll partner us up and select [by random] who comes up and teaches a [previously selected] section out of Preach My Gospel. Ha, so I kept saying to my partner Emma, "Watch, it's just our luck, we'll be first pick." AND WHAT DO YOU KNOW? We were first pick! Ha, it was actually really nice, and I didn't get super nervous like I usually do in front of people. We gave the lesson on The Restoration of The Church, and how sometimes other religions like to believe that God the Father isn't a personage with a body of flesh of bone. They like to think he's some intangible being, that has no body, and just floats around. But no, we gave our testimonies about how God actually does have a body, and that we were created in his image. IT WAS NICE!
Troylairs: Oh man, today was hectic! People would just not stop talking. I mean, normally this wouldn't bother me in any other class, but in Troylairs in really does bother me. We are some great people, and we've got great standards usually. We've got the Portland trip in less than a month, and yet... here we are, yapping, and not learning our notes or our entrance times. You know that I love you guys, but seriously, let's get our crap together, please. I'd rather not make buffoons out of ourselves in front of NAfME. This is IMPORTANT.
Some of you may have heard about this already, but for those of you who haven't, here it is.
I took a bet, starting on Sunday. This bet consists of a simple, but difficult, rule.
I must not, and cannot, hug any girls. Up until the day I turn 16.
Ha, I had this idea in my head that this was going to be easy as pie. I WAS SO WRONG. It's beyond hard, at least for someone like me! Ha, I was about hugged by Naomi, Amber, Nicole, and Chelsea. I felt SO bad when Chelsea came to hug me, and I had to hold her at arms length. Inside I was like, "GOSH, NO, KILL ME NOW." Also, she completely made my day. She said she'd want for me to be her valentine, regardless of all the crap we've been through. You know, that just makes me smile inside and out. To know that someone would say that in public, on the internet, and... just to anyone. I would gladly be her valentine, if I didn't have the conflicting problem of not being here when Valentine's Day comes around. I'll be in Portland, probably, at that time. She's awesome, you guys should totally check out her blog too! "This isn't a fairytale. It's just hell in the making" is the title of her blog. It's cleverly put, and I like it.
Song-of-the-Day: El Verdadero Amor Perdona (ft. Prince Royce) by ManaIf you can't understand what the name translates to, here it is, "True Love Forgives". That's BASICALLY the meaning right there, in a nutshell. :D Ha, if you catch my drift, good for you.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moore, Gideon Burrows, Alex Smith
Chelsea: Alrighty righty then! Ha, you're hilarious. It's so ironic, that the first day back from the weekend, and the first day of school where I had the bet, is the day that you decide to start trying to hug me again.
You know that as soon as this bet is over, you're getting a big freaking hug, right? I'm gonna make it epic, if I can. :D Love you, wifey. :D <3
Burrows: You're by far, one of the best teachers I have ever had. I love your class, and I'm eternally grateful to you for helping me improve in singing more properly and learning how to do a lot of things, really.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the year with us, and that we can make new memories for this year!
Alex: Bro, bro, broooooooo! Ha, you're actually pretty decent at Minecraft! I find it hilarious how you had me kick killed as soon as I joined, just to trollolol me. It worked, and I laughed. Ha, we should seriously hang out soon!
Anyways, everyone. Thank you all for helping me get out there, and for those of you everyday-readers, thanks for being a real pal! I love you all, now have a fantastic week!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Remember Who You Are

"Normal isn't something we should aspire to, it's something to get away from." -Jodie Foster
Welcome back everyone! Thank you all for your wonderful testimonies, for all your love, and for all your usual kindness unto me and my family.
Today has been awesome for me, that's for sure. EVERY day has been awesome, thanks to all my friends, family, and associates! It's all because of you wonderful people that I've learned to look at the bright side in everything, no matter how dark it may seem at first approach.
Hey, did anyone notice the recently added cover photo above the title? That little beauty was done by my great friend, Rebekah Phillips. She's got great talent, and she did this relatively quickly, compared to what I could do in even longer time. I could MAYBE do this same thing, but it would've taken me like... 3 hours to complete, it took her like 10 minutes. SHE'S AWESOME, okay? Ha, just believe me on this one.
Song-of-the-Day: Unbreakable Heart by Three Days GraceI feel so inclined to use this song for today, because I found out a couple of days ago that Adam Gontier, lead singer of the group, has decided to resign from the group. He has his personal reasons, and I can respect that. I can trust that the group will have a hard time trying to find anyone even close to as amazing as Adam was with them. Adam is an amazing guy, and I know he'll continue to ride life on the highway, and not on the back roads. He's cleaned up himself, and is doing so much better with his life. I am very proud of him, and I'm going to miss his musical genius.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips, Katie Salvo, Joseph Salvo, Sheila Salvo, and Frank Salvo
Rebekah: Thank you so much for this great cover photo, and great opening photo. It means so much to me, that even after all the hell we've walked through in life, we're still good friends, and that we still remain somewhat the same person. I still care about your life, and what people do/say to you. Just know that I'm still here for you to message about things going on.
Katie: I saw your blog, dear. I really appreciate that! You've got to tell me when I can come over, seriously. We've got to have some face to face talk soon! And by the way, I'm completely willing to come and tutor you in math, if you'd like? I understand that asking for one is scary, but hey, what are best friends for?
Ha, I love you, Katie. :D
Joey: Man, I miss seeing you at school already. It's just not the same without you there, to talk to everyday.
But hey, if it's better for your health, mentally or physically, then it's better. I've got to come over and game with you, and show you guys some stuff, so you can have more memories of me when you're gone. I'm going to miss you guys so much.
Sheila: Thanks for always being like another mother to me! You're amazing and I'm going to miss all of the times we had, and all the talks we had. Keep these two wonderful children of yours in line, please? Ha, you know I love you guys.
Frank: Thanks Frank, for being a great guy. For being so comical, and making great points whenever we would talk about stuff. I'm going to miss hearing your guys' voices! Thanks for being great company, and for allowing me into your home so much.
Well, thank you all for continuing on reading this daily drivel! I appreciate all support.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I've Got My Ticket For The Long Way 'Round!
“It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are
doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.” -Dale Carnegie
Welcome back everyone! Again, I appreciate the comments that were left on the poem I shared yesterday! If you were somehow unable to see it, the post is still up, and always available for viewing.
So, how was everyone's Saturday? I sure hope it was awesome! I know that thanks to some of the best "siblings" ever, I had a wonderful Saturday!
Okay, so first I was just sitting here playing RAGE online, and then I get a call from Naomi! She asked me if I wanted to go see a movie! I had to ask my mom, of course, because I still appreciate her permission to go do things with friends. Anyways, so I said yes, that I would love to. So, we arranged to go meet at her house, and then get Alex and go. BUT, we never heard back from Brian, and so... we just stayed at Naomi's house forever! Ha, first we cooked dinner with the rest of her family, and then we blessed and ate the food. (OBVIOUSLY!) Then we just sat and watched funny YouTube videos, and munched on sausages. After that, we noticed it was kind of late, and then decided we could watch a movie downstairs! So we grabbed the computer, the projector, a sheet, and some sick speakers, and went to set it up! Ha, it took us like half-an-hour to set it all up, but man, IT WAS WORTH IT!
So, after questioning what movie to watch for like 10 minutes, they finally just elected me to choose an "appropriate" movie that we could all laugh at. So, after some deliberation, I picked Video Game High School! (directed and created by Freddie Wong) I figured, we're all some sort of gamer, and so... it would be enjoyable! Ha, we actually had a lot of fun, even though half the time we weren't really watching, just listening to it and talking about stuff.
Anyways, so that was my night tonight, but it was AWESOME for me! Ha, I love my "siblings"!
Song-of-the-Day: Cups by Anna Kendrick
For those of you who have seen Pitch Perfect, this song makes sense. But for those of you who haven't, I STRONGLY suggest seeing it as soon as possible.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moon, Randi Hepworth, Rebekah Phillips, and Naomi Black
Chelsea: Hey you! Ha, we don't talk much anymore, and I kind of miss talking to you! You're an amazing person, and a great singer! Ha, you're very clever, and very smart as well! I saw what you did to Josh to reply to his asking you to the dance. Nice job with that!
Randi: Ha, I miss you in Troylairs! I miss you playing piano, and I miss the talks we used to have whenever I had an issue, or whenever I was going through a depressing phase. Just know that I return the availability, and that you can talk to me as well.
Rebekah: Is it strange that I still get those tingles, those pains, those... feelings whenever something is wrong? Ever since last year, I've been more in tune to that. And now I feel it with everything. As soon as I got home, I had this like... ache in my side, and so I wanted to talk to you I guess. I'm glad I did!
Naomi: Love you, sis. I hope you're doing wonderful! Know you can always talk to me if you're having a rough day, alright! Thanks for the wonderful night, and for all the good tidings and love for me.
So, thank you all for reading. Please leave a comment, if you have any suggestions, or feelings.
I love you all, and so to end off tonight, my name is James Facer.
Welcome back everyone! Again, I appreciate the comments that were left on the poem I shared yesterday! If you were somehow unable to see it, the post is still up, and always available for viewing.
So, how was everyone's Saturday? I sure hope it was awesome! I know that thanks to some of the best "siblings" ever, I had a wonderful Saturday!
Okay, so first I was just sitting here playing RAGE online, and then I get a call from Naomi! She asked me if I wanted to go see a movie! I had to ask my mom, of course, because I still appreciate her permission to go do things with friends. Anyways, so I said yes, that I would love to. So, we arranged to go meet at her house, and then get Alex and go. BUT, we never heard back from Brian, and so... we just stayed at Naomi's house forever! Ha, first we cooked dinner with the rest of her family, and then we blessed and ate the food. (OBVIOUSLY!) Then we just sat and watched funny YouTube videos, and munched on sausages. After that, we noticed it was kind of late, and then decided we could watch a movie downstairs! So we grabbed the computer, the projector, a sheet, and some sick speakers, and went to set it up! Ha, it took us like half-an-hour to set it all up, but man, IT WAS WORTH IT!
So, after questioning what movie to watch for like 10 minutes, they finally just elected me to choose an "appropriate" movie that we could all laugh at. So, after some deliberation, I picked Video Game High School! (directed and created by Freddie Wong) I figured, we're all some sort of gamer, and so... it would be enjoyable! Ha, we actually had a lot of fun, even though half the time we weren't really watching, just listening to it and talking about stuff.
Anyways, so that was my night tonight, but it was AWESOME for me! Ha, I love my "siblings"!
Song-of-the-Day: Cups by Anna Kendrick
For those of you who have seen Pitch Perfect, this song makes sense. But for those of you who haven't, I STRONGLY suggest seeing it as soon as possible.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moon, Randi Hepworth, Rebekah Phillips, and Naomi Black
Chelsea: Hey you! Ha, we don't talk much anymore, and I kind of miss talking to you! You're an amazing person, and a great singer! Ha, you're very clever, and very smart as well! I saw what you did to Josh to reply to his asking you to the dance. Nice job with that!
Randi: Ha, I miss you in Troylairs! I miss you playing piano, and I miss the talks we used to have whenever I had an issue, or whenever I was going through a depressing phase. Just know that I return the availability, and that you can talk to me as well.
Rebekah: Is it strange that I still get those tingles, those pains, those... feelings whenever something is wrong? Ever since last year, I've been more in tune to that. And now I feel it with everything. As soon as I got home, I had this like... ache in my side, and so I wanted to talk to you I guess. I'm glad I did!
Naomi: Love you, sis. I hope you're doing wonderful! Know you can always talk to me if you're having a rough day, alright! Thanks for the wonderful night, and for all the good tidings and love for me.
So, thank you all for reading. Please leave a comment, if you have any suggestions, or feelings.
I love you all, and so to end off tonight, my name is James Facer.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Where There Is A Flame
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." -Audrey Hepburn
Well, welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week, and I have to really say thank you to everyone. Even if I didn't see you in person, I could feel all the love and support from you great people.
I appreciate all the feedback, all the constructive criticism, and all the smiles and hugs you've all given me.
I've not been this happy and ecstatic for a really long time.
I wrote another poem today. I got bored with my remaining time in my last class, because we had a test, and I got done early. So, I had excess paper lying on my desk, and though that I would start drawing. But I got this sudden flow of feelings going through my brain, and so I just let my mind guide my hand. And so I came up with only a couple of stanzas, but I really like the intended meaning that I had behind what I came up with.
So, here it is.
Well, welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful week, and I have to really say thank you to everyone. Even if I didn't see you in person, I could feel all the love and support from you great people.
I appreciate all the feedback, all the constructive criticism, and all the smiles and hugs you've all given me.
I've not been this happy and ecstatic for a really long time.
I wrote another poem today. I got bored with my remaining time in my last class, because we had a test, and I got done early. So, I had excess paper lying on my desk, and though that I would start drawing. But I got this sudden flow of feelings going through my brain, and so I just let my mind guide my hand. And so I came up with only a couple of stanzas, but I really like the intended meaning that I had behind what I came up with.
So, here it is.
" 'Tis the morning sun,
So calm and bright,
That even those who sit alone,
May feel all is right.
For even this light,
All alone in space,
Shines brightly despite,
To light up your face. "
So calm and bright,
That even those who sit alone,
May feel all is right.
For even this light,
All alone in space,
Shines brightly despite,
To light up your face. "
I've decided that I'm going to title this "Love". It just seems appropriate for what I was feeling when I started writing this. So yeah! Leave me some more feedback, please? I've been on a roll with writing poetic stuff lately, for some reason.
Ha, I also hand-drew a symmetrical heart (pretty hard to do, at least for me), and wrote that in there. I was thinking, I'll maybe put together a little gift box of some kind, and somehow pass it along to Taylor, if I could. I think she would like it. :D Ha, anyways...
Song-of-the-Day: Try by P!nkWhenever this song comes on the radio, I just have to continue to sing the title words. Sing them, repeatedly, even if the song is already over. I don't give up that easy on some things, and I just keep trying. I've been taking a lot of stuff in lately, and if I don't try, then I just get overwhelmed with life.
My message to all of you is to never give up on things that you love. Never stop trying. Never stop giving your all. Never stop being who you really are, because if you don't be yourself, then you're not even trying your best at life.
Song-of-the-Day: Try by P!nkWhenever this song comes on the radio, I just have to continue to sing the title words. Sing them, repeatedly, even if the song is already over. I don't give up that easy on some things, and I just keep trying. I've been taking a lot of stuff in lately, and if I don't try, then I just get overwhelmed with life.
My message to all of you is to never give up on things that you love. Never stop trying. Never stop giving your all. Never stop being who you really are, because if you don't be yourself, then you're not even trying your best at life.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Rebekah Phillips, Lindsey Stirling, and Emily Reyes
Taylor: You know you make me happy. I'm telling you! Don't wait for me, because it makes you unhappy. And if you're unhappy, then so am I. I can't stand seeing you sad anymore. I love you, darling. Don't ever doubt that, okay?
Rebekah: Hey there. :D Ha, you know you're one of my biggest inspirations for how I sing, and for how I act, right? You're amazing, just saying. You and Daws are seriously one of the cutest couples I've ever seen.
Lindsey: Yes, I know that you don't even read my blog, but... I'm hoping that somehow you might get a hint of it somewhere. I love your music, and I love all the versions of songs you do. You're by far one of my favorite artists ever, and I'm seriously planning on attending your concert when you come to Salt Lake City on the 29th of March. Anyways, stay you, and keep doing what you love.
Emily: I miss you so much, sister. I know you won't see this for over a year, but just know that I love you, and that you're an amazing person to look up to. I send you this feeling of my love, through the Spirit which I hold, and hope that you feel these feelings.
So, thank you all for reading this again. I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Taylor: You know you make me happy. I'm telling you! Don't wait for me, because it makes you unhappy. And if you're unhappy, then so am I. I can't stand seeing you sad anymore. I love you, darling. Don't ever doubt that, okay?
Rebekah: Hey there. :D Ha, you know you're one of my biggest inspirations for how I sing, and for how I act, right? You're amazing, just saying. You and Daws are seriously one of the cutest couples I've ever seen.
Lindsey: Yes, I know that you don't even read my blog, but... I'm hoping that somehow you might get a hint of it somewhere. I love your music, and I love all the versions of songs you do. You're by far one of my favorite artists ever, and I'm seriously planning on attending your concert when you come to Salt Lake City on the 29th of March. Anyways, stay you, and keep doing what you love.
Emily: I miss you so much, sister. I know you won't see this for over a year, but just know that I love you, and that you're an amazing person to look up to. I send you this feeling of my love, through the Spirit which I hold, and hope that you feel these feelings.
So, thank you all for reading this again. I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
It All Makes Sense To Me
“I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out
of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at
my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” -Marilyn Monroe

Welcome back everyone! Ha, I'm sorry if these past few days I've seemed depressed or something or other. Just know that I'm back to my exceptionally good moods, at least for now.
Anyways, I hope you've all had a wonderful day today! I know my day has sure turned from being an average day, to exceptional, OBVIOUSLY.
One of the best things that happened today, is that I learned how to make pizza from scratch! :D We made it in my 4th Hour, which is Nutrition and Foods. Ha, we put WAY too much cheese on there, and after trying everyone's pizza, I still think ours turned out best. BUT only because of Alex! He's like a magician when it comes to cooking stuff!
Anyways! Ha, I cleared up some rumors made by some FRESHMAN. Agh, as much as I love some of them, I simply dislike a whole load of them, and likewise their feelings are back to me.
And I find it funny, because some of them rely on me for things like relationship advice, or even a crying shoulder. And yet, they back stab me when they get the chance to?
ANYWAYS! Ha, I bet some of you are questioning where I was going with the whole freshman topic. Let's just say... My mind set has been changed slightly, again. Shall I list a few things?
1. Autumn and I are strictly friends, but close ones at that.
2. Taylor and I are talking, and I think she likes me more than I currently realize.
3. I made the Talent Show, and people are really getting excited for that!?
4. I'm loved by my family, my friends, and my "siblings."Ha, yeah. Not trying to brag or anything, but I've got some of the best "siblings" a guy like me could wish for! I mean, as little of time that I've known Alex and Naomi, I've grown extremely close to them. They always go out of their way, just to include me in their plans. I've learned to sing more astutely because of the time we've spent singing with each other.
Song-of-the-Day: Little Things by One Direction"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this mind it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things."
Take everything in, when you think of how you view someone. Do not simply take the first impression and forever put that as your paradigm for how that person is going to be. People change, people make mistakes, but as humans, we learn from our mistakes.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Jade Vecchio, Autumn Jephson, and Rebekah Phillips
Taylor: You know I was never mad at anyone but myself, right? I hope so... I'm glad we cleared things up again, and that we're back to how we were. <3 Don't forget.
Jade: Ha, you're actually doing very well with learning to Secrets! I admire your realism. You don't fake who you are around school. You're a true friend.
Autumn: Hey, there's nothing awkward between us, right? Ha, you and I are too good of friends. I haven't changed my mind on that entirely, but we don't want to ruin our friendship, so just friends. (: Okay?
Rebekah: Hey! We've started talking again! :D Ha, nice to see we don't dislike one another or anything. Glad to see that we can still be friends after all the stuff we've been through. You and Dawson are so adorable! I'm glad that he makes you the happiest you've ever been!
Anyways, my friends, that is all I have for today! Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I love you all!

Welcome back everyone! Ha, I'm sorry if these past few days I've seemed depressed or something or other. Just know that I'm back to my exceptionally good moods, at least for now.
Anyways, I hope you've all had a wonderful day today! I know my day has sure turned from being an average day, to exceptional, OBVIOUSLY.
One of the best things that happened today, is that I learned how to make pizza from scratch! :D We made it in my 4th Hour, which is Nutrition and Foods. Ha, we put WAY too much cheese on there, and after trying everyone's pizza, I still think ours turned out best. BUT only because of Alex! He's like a magician when it comes to cooking stuff!
Anyways! Ha, I cleared up some rumors made by some FRESHMAN. Agh, as much as I love some of them, I simply dislike a whole load of them, and likewise their feelings are back to me.
And I find it funny, because some of them rely on me for things like relationship advice, or even a crying shoulder. And yet, they back stab me when they get the chance to?
ANYWAYS! Ha, I bet some of you are questioning where I was going with the whole freshman topic. Let's just say... My mind set has been changed slightly, again. Shall I list a few things?
1. Autumn and I are strictly friends, but close ones at that.
2. Taylor and I are talking, and I think she likes me more than I currently realize.
3. I made the Talent Show, and people are really getting excited for that!?
4. I'm loved by my family, my friends, and my "siblings."Ha, yeah. Not trying to brag or anything, but I've got some of the best "siblings" a guy like me could wish for! I mean, as little of time that I've known Alex and Naomi, I've grown extremely close to them. They always go out of their way, just to include me in their plans. I've learned to sing more astutely because of the time we've spent singing with each other.
Song-of-the-Day: Little Things by One Direction"Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this mind it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things."
Take everything in, when you think of how you view someone. Do not simply take the first impression and forever put that as your paradigm for how that person is going to be. People change, people make mistakes, but as humans, we learn from our mistakes.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Jade Vecchio, Autumn Jephson, and Rebekah Phillips
Taylor: You know I was never mad at anyone but myself, right? I hope so... I'm glad we cleared things up again, and that we're back to how we were. <3 Don't forget.
Jade: Ha, you're actually doing very well with learning to Secrets! I admire your realism. You don't fake who you are around school. You're a true friend.
Autumn: Hey, there's nothing awkward between us, right? Ha, you and I are too good of friends. I haven't changed my mind on that entirely, but we don't want to ruin our friendship, so just friends. (: Okay?
Rebekah: Hey! We've started talking again! :D Ha, nice to see we don't dislike one another or anything. Glad to see that we can still be friends after all the stuff we've been through. You and Dawson are so adorable! I'm glad that he makes you the happiest you've ever been!
Anyways, my friends, that is all I have for today! Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. I love you all!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
And I Slowly Go Insane
"A prince is not one who has a palace and much fortune, but he who respects you, protects you and loves you like nobody else." -Author Unknown
"For a knight may be a strong, and proud fellow, but underneath all that armor there still lies a man. No matter how small the man, if we put on the armor of God and walk in his name, he will protect us and help us get through all of our trials." -James W. Facer
Anyways, welcome back everyone! Thank you all for the in-live feedback that you gave me today! I appreciate it all, and especially you all taking the time to tell me in person!
Alright, down to business, as usual, I suppose!
Now, I've got a question for you all, and please answer it with honesty!
Am I a player, or do I seem like one? If yes, why? Please leave your comments below. I appreciate all answers, positive or negative. I just want an honest opinion, because I've been called a player before, and I honestly don't know if I am or not.
Song-of-the-Day: Right Here Waiting by Richard MarxDo I have to explain this? Just listen to the song, and you'll probably understand the feeling. If you don't, then please leave me a comment about that as well.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Autumn Jephson, Devon Lares, Ian Hoffman
Autumn: Ha, you are some kind of crazy special, you know that right? I'm so glad that we're a lot better friends nowadays. You've never hurt me, yet. You always sit by me, if I'm alone on the bus, and you don't know how much that means to me. Anyways, you're amazing, and you are so humble when it comes to talking about yourself and stuff like that!
Devon: You're an amazing boss to me. Whenever I'm stressed, you come and play a few rounds of CoD with me to calm me down. YOU. ARE. GREAT!
Ian: Alright, my crazy friend. I hope you're doing well! I miss our talks while we game! Fix your headset, bro! Ha, I'm so glad that Devon gave you another chance to try out, and that he let you in the clan! You're a great addition to the FapTic Clan Family. You've improved a lot over the past month, and I'm proud of some of your kills that you get!
So, yeah, this may have been a shorter one than usual, but sometimes "short, but to the point" can be better than "long, and boring".
"For a knight may be a strong, and proud fellow, but underneath all that armor there still lies a man. No matter how small the man, if we put on the armor of God and walk in his name, he will protect us and help us get through all of our trials." -James W. Facer
Anyways, welcome back everyone! Thank you all for the in-live feedback that you gave me today! I appreciate it all, and especially you all taking the time to tell me in person!
Alright, down to business, as usual, I suppose!
Now, I've got a question for you all, and please answer it with honesty!
Am I a player, or do I seem like one? If yes, why? Please leave your comments below. I appreciate all answers, positive or negative. I just want an honest opinion, because I've been called a player before, and I honestly don't know if I am or not.
Song-of-the-Day: Right Here Waiting by Richard MarxDo I have to explain this? Just listen to the song, and you'll probably understand the feeling. If you don't, then please leave me a comment about that as well.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Autumn Jephson, Devon Lares, Ian Hoffman
Autumn: Ha, you are some kind of crazy special, you know that right? I'm so glad that we're a lot better friends nowadays. You've never hurt me, yet. You always sit by me, if I'm alone on the bus, and you don't know how much that means to me. Anyways, you're amazing, and you are so humble when it comes to talking about yourself and stuff like that!
Devon: You're an amazing boss to me. Whenever I'm stressed, you come and play a few rounds of CoD with me to calm me down. YOU. ARE. GREAT!
Ian: Alright, my crazy friend. I hope you're doing well! I miss our talks while we game! Fix your headset, bro! Ha, I'm so glad that Devon gave you another chance to try out, and that he let you in the clan! You're a great addition to the FapTic Clan Family. You've improved a lot over the past month, and I'm proud of some of your kills that you get!
So, yeah, this may have been a shorter one than usual, but sometimes "short, but to the point" can be better than "long, and boring".
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
I Feel Better
"Why won't someone take a couple seconds just to tell me that I'm not just another face, or that if I were to die today that someone would care. Why can, they only say mean things. I know that I'm fat and ugly, and I don't need you to remind me. Just make me feel special. Make me feel loved." -Samantha Winkler
Well, welcome back everyone! How was your first Monday of the New Year? Ha, my Monday was pretty awesome! Getting to see my Choir "family" is always a fun time! Singing is my passion, and I'm glad to say that thanks to being in Choir over these past three years, I've improved a lot.
Now I'm not saying I'm perfect or anything, but I've gotten pretty good at some things in it. I'm still the same in my courage though! I don't know what it is about singing in front of people, like as a soloist, that I can't do without having a mini-seizure.
Anyways! Please don't think that just from the quote above, that I am in a depressed mood, or that I feel unloved. I feel plenty loved by all of my friends, family, and those that I meet every day! It's just... *sigh* I'm done.
I am completely done with being used. With being mistreated because I'm "too nice". I. AM. DONE.
Good, now that I've got that off my chest, we can get back to business!
So, as some of you may know, I gave my handwritten poem to my best friend Autumn, to give to Taylor. Little did I know, that my no-longer-friend Zack, had asked out Taylor! So, I had asked Autumn this morning to give me all the details of how Taylor reacted when she read the poem, when she got on the bus for the ride home.
As soon as I went to sit next to Autumn, I noticed she didn't look anywhere near as happy as she had the previous two days. I didn't ask her how Taylor reacted, but instead sat there, and got bugged by the kids sitting behind us. Autumn basically... started crying.
Do you have ANY idea how much seeing a girl cry just hurts your soul? I mean, I wasn't the cause of it, but I still felt terrible about it. She faced the window, and I didn't want to do anything weird... so, all I remember doing was patting her shoulder comfortingly, and telling her that I'm always there for her. After saying that... she sort of laid her head on my shoulder for a little while. I... kind of liked that.
After a little while longer, she told me all about Zack asking out Taylor, Taylor saying yes, and how I have permission to kick Zack's a**.
Again, me feeling like such an idiot... feeling used for a minute there... and just done with some people, I made a choice. I like Autumn, I TOLD her I liked her before today, I know she's single, and I thought to myself, "Autumn is a great person... she's a lot more mature than most girls even MY age... maybe... No, she wouldn't... she doesn't even like me that way... or maybe... I don't know... She's way out of my league though... JUST GET IT OVER WITH!" Yeah, that thought went through my head repeatedly.
I finally decided, after about half an hour of sitting there without saying much, that I would ask Autumn if she would be my girlfriend. So, I eventually grew the courage and said something along the lines of, "Autumn... Autumn... Autumn. *she finally noticed me saying her name* Hey, I know this might seem awkward because of the whole thing with Taylor and Zack right now but... *sigh* Would you be... my girlfriend?"
I expected to get completely shut down because of the current circumstances, but... to my amazement, I didn't get shut down. Autumn replayed after a few seconds of thinking with a "Maybe".
I was COMPLETELY taken aback by it at first, but... I just smiled and was like, "Alright.".
So yeah! Today went from complete crap mood, to actually very happy!* (*as of the time this was posted)
Song-of-the-Day: I Feel Better by GotyeThe song title just says it all, doesn't it?
"There was a time I was down, down
I didn't know what to do
I was just stumbling around, around
Thinking things could not improve
I couldn't look on the bright side
Of anything at all
That's when you gave me a call
Now I feel better, better, better than before
I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more
And there were times I was sure, so sure
I couldn't turn it around
I couldn't care any more
About the good things I found
That's when you gave me a reason
To make me smile again
I only have to see you and then
I feel better, better, better than before
I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more."Just... look at those, and understand the meaning behind each line.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Autumn Jephson, Alex Hammond, and Naomi Black
Autumn: Yes, I know... I'm a goof, and I probably seem really weird after letting you read that poem, and then letting you deliver it... and then asking you out?! Yeah... but hey, I'm just happy to have an amazing friend like you that I can cry with, and not feel dumb about it. You're great, thanks for being there for me on the bus, and hey! Any time you need someone, give me a call, or something!
Alex: Thanks, bro! You and Na-Na are amazing! Y'all invited me to go with you to the Concert thing tonight, and we had one heck of a time! IT. WAS. AWESOME! Just thanks for being one of the best brothers I could have ever wished for!
Naomi: Ha, you are just hilarious, Naomi! Believe me, I don't think anything different of you because of what we say! What gets said in the car, stays in the car, trust me! Ha, you're hilarious, adorable, and just awesome. Thanks for being one of the best sisters I could have ever asked for!
Well, that concludes it for tonight! Thank you everyone for reading this drivel again! I appreciate you all, and love you all!
Well, welcome back everyone! How was your first Monday of the New Year? Ha, my Monday was pretty awesome! Getting to see my Choir "family" is always a fun time! Singing is my passion, and I'm glad to say that thanks to being in Choir over these past three years, I've improved a lot.
Now I'm not saying I'm perfect or anything, but I've gotten pretty good at some things in it. I'm still the same in my courage though! I don't know what it is about singing in front of people, like as a soloist, that I can't do without having a mini-seizure.
Anyways! Please don't think that just from the quote above, that I am in a depressed mood, or that I feel unloved. I feel plenty loved by all of my friends, family, and those that I meet every day! It's just... *sigh* I'm done.
I am completely done with being used. With being mistreated because I'm "too nice". I. AM. DONE.
Good, now that I've got that off my chest, we can get back to business!
So, as some of you may know, I gave my handwritten poem to my best friend Autumn, to give to Taylor. Little did I know, that my no-longer-friend Zack, had asked out Taylor! So, I had asked Autumn this morning to give me all the details of how Taylor reacted when she read the poem, when she got on the bus for the ride home.
As soon as I went to sit next to Autumn, I noticed she didn't look anywhere near as happy as she had the previous two days. I didn't ask her how Taylor reacted, but instead sat there, and got bugged by the kids sitting behind us. Autumn basically... started crying.
Do you have ANY idea how much seeing a girl cry just hurts your soul? I mean, I wasn't the cause of it, but I still felt terrible about it. She faced the window, and I didn't want to do anything weird... so, all I remember doing was patting her shoulder comfortingly, and telling her that I'm always there for her. After saying that... she sort of laid her head on my shoulder for a little while. I... kind of liked that.
After a little while longer, she told me all about Zack asking out Taylor, Taylor saying yes, and how I have permission to kick Zack's a**.
Again, me feeling like such an idiot... feeling used for a minute there... and just done with some people, I made a choice. I like Autumn, I TOLD her I liked her before today, I know she's single, and I thought to myself, "Autumn is a great person... she's a lot more mature than most girls even MY age... maybe... No, she wouldn't... she doesn't even like me that way... or maybe... I don't know... She's way out of my league though... JUST GET IT OVER WITH!" Yeah, that thought went through my head repeatedly.
I finally decided, after about half an hour of sitting there without saying much, that I would ask Autumn if she would be my girlfriend. So, I eventually grew the courage and said something along the lines of, "Autumn... Autumn... Autumn. *she finally noticed me saying her name* Hey, I know this might seem awkward because of the whole thing with Taylor and Zack right now but... *sigh* Would you be... my girlfriend?"
I expected to get completely shut down because of the current circumstances, but... to my amazement, I didn't get shut down. Autumn replayed after a few seconds of thinking with a "Maybe".
I was COMPLETELY taken aback by it at first, but... I just smiled and was like, "Alright.".
So yeah! Today went from complete crap mood, to actually very happy!* (*as of the time this was posted)
Song-of-the-Day: I Feel Better by GotyeThe song title just says it all, doesn't it?
"There was a time I was down, down
I didn't know what to do
I was just stumbling around, around
Thinking things could not improve
I couldn't look on the bright side
Of anything at all
That's when you gave me a call
Now I feel better, better, better than before
I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more
And there were times I was sure, so sure
I couldn't turn it around
I couldn't care any more
About the good things I found
That's when you gave me a reason
To make me smile again
I only have to see you and then
I feel better, better, better than before
I feel better, better, better, now I'm not down any more."Just... look at those, and understand the meaning behind each line.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Autumn Jephson, Alex Hammond, and Naomi Black
Autumn: Yes, I know... I'm a goof, and I probably seem really weird after letting you read that poem, and then letting you deliver it... and then asking you out?! Yeah... but hey, I'm just happy to have an amazing friend like you that I can cry with, and not feel dumb about it. You're great, thanks for being there for me on the bus, and hey! Any time you need someone, give me a call, or something!
Alex: Thanks, bro! You and Na-Na are amazing! Y'all invited me to go with you to the Concert thing tonight, and we had one heck of a time! IT. WAS. AWESOME! Just thanks for being one of the best brothers I could have ever wished for!
Naomi: Ha, you are just hilarious, Naomi! Believe me, I don't think anything different of you because of what we say! What gets said in the car, stays in the car, trust me! Ha, you're hilarious, adorable, and just awesome. Thanks for being one of the best sisters I could have ever asked for!
Well, that concludes it for tonight! Thank you everyone for reading this drivel again! I appreciate you all, and love you all!
Monday, January 7, 2013
I'm Waking Up, To Ash and Dust
Alright, welcome back everyone! Thanks for all the good luck wishes on making the talent show or not! The results of who made it, and who did not, are still unknown to the public. Me and my friend Cassandra are so anxious to know! We both auditioned on the same day, so we both know each other's talent!
For those of you who don't know, I played my personal medley of Talking to the Moon, Someone Like You, and Secrets. Three well known songs, and a little twist to how they're originally played.
Oh, some of you may already know, but late Sunday night, I had this feeling that I should write poetry for someone special in my life. It's only the second original poem that I've ever written, but I got a lot of positive feedback for the first one, and so... I felt like I should share with you all what I wrote this time.
For your information, before I share this, it's dedicated to Taylor Sorg, the girl I really like, and have liked for quite a long time now. Me and her go pretty far back, and we've got our fair share of cute stories, or stuff that's happened between us. There's not been anything inappropriate, or of unworthiness. No kissing, no hand-holding, nothing intimate. JUST SO YOU KNOW.
From the first time we
ever met,
My heart and mind have been set
Every time I see you I cant explain
the fever boiling through my brain
My palms get sweaty my heart is racing
I can feel my blood running through my veins
My heart and mind have been set
Every time I see you I cant explain
the fever boiling through my brain
My palms get sweaty my heart is racing
I can feel my blood running through my veins
I hear my heart pounding in my ears,
More and more, each day these years,
Each night, as I lay my
head to rest,
I dream of nothing, but wishing you the best
I dream of nothing, but wishing you the best
Here's to love,
Here's to honesty
Here's to honor,
Here's to integrity
Here's to honesty
Here's to honor,
Here's to integrity
Here's to you,
The best of them all
The greatest
The greatest honesty
The greatest honesty
The biggest heart,
The biggest compassion
The most humble,
The most beautiful
The most beautiful
To Taylor Sorg,
My flame burns bright for thee.
My flame burns bright for thee.
May our flames burn
and our hearts be as
-James W. Facer
So, yeah! Leave me some feedback, please?
Song-of-the-Day: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
Song-of-the-Day: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons
I originally confused this song with another song by a completely different artist. The other song was Feel It In My Bones by Tiesto. I only heard the chorus of this song, when my friend Jade Vecchio sang it during one of our lunch jam sessions. After he told me that I had the wrong song, he gave me all the info for this one.
The chorus goes something along the lines of:
"I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age, welcome to the new age, to the new age.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm, Radioactive, radioactive"I'm not direct quoting these lyrics, but doing it from memory. Anyways... it's just a really good song, in my eyes.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Alexander Hammond, and Naomi Black.
Taylor: You're amazing. Thanks for always being so considerate, and for checking up randomly. For some reason, every time you check up on me, I would be having a bad day or something would have gone wrong that day. It's almost like you can tell when I'm having a bad day, just like I do the same for you sometimes.
Autumn: Ha, you were REALLY happy today. I was glad to see you so ecstatic! I have NEVER seen you that energetic at one time. Anyways, thanks for always being there for me for me to talk to about my problems.
Alex: Hey bro. I'm glad to see you're having a good attitude at school, despite the circumstances of what you have. Love you bro, just know you can talk to me whenever you need to, or whenever you want to.
I'm so glad we're much better friends now.
Naomi: Alright, you're just amazing you know? You keep such a positive attitude, and you tell me all the time to "Smile!!" Ha, I just have to smile every time you tell me that. Thanks for being an amazing friend, and thanks for always being there when I have an emotional breakdown.
Well, thank you again for staying caught up with my day to day life! I love you all, and I appreciate the support! AS ALWAYS, HAVE NICE DAY!
The chorus goes something along the lines of:
"I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my systems blow
Welcome to the new age, to the new age, welcome to the new age, to the new age.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm, Radioactive, radioactive"I'm not direct quoting these lyrics, but doing it from memory. Anyways... it's just a really good song, in my eyes.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Alexander Hammond, and Naomi Black.
Taylor: You're amazing. Thanks for always being so considerate, and for checking up randomly. For some reason, every time you check up on me, I would be having a bad day or something would have gone wrong that day. It's almost like you can tell when I'm having a bad day, just like I do the same for you sometimes.
Autumn: Ha, you were REALLY happy today. I was glad to see you so ecstatic! I have NEVER seen you that energetic at one time. Anyways, thanks for always being there for me for me to talk to about my problems.
Alex: Hey bro. I'm glad to see you're having a good attitude at school, despite the circumstances of what you have. Love you bro, just know you can talk to me whenever you need to, or whenever you want to.
I'm so glad we're much better friends now.
Naomi: Alright, you're just amazing you know? You keep such a positive attitude, and you tell me all the time to "Smile!!" Ha, I just have to smile every time you tell me that. Thanks for being an amazing friend, and thanks for always being there when I have an emotional breakdown.
Well, thank you again for staying caught up with my day to day life! I love you all, and I appreciate the support! AS ALWAYS, HAVE NICE DAY!
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Dreaming... Of Falling
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Drawn by my brother, Alex. |
Thank you everyone. For all the help, for all the love, for all the support, for EVERYTHING. You have no idea how much it can mean to someone, when you take even 10 seconds out of your life just to tell them you love them, just to give them a hug, just to even say hello. You let that person know that you actually care enough to acknowledge their existence, that you actually want to talk to them, or that you actually see them and not just walk past them.
Tonight was the best night I've had in a very long time. It was also the first day I've spent entirely with my friends. And not just any friends, at that. My best friends, my "siblings", and some of the best people I know. They're part of the few exceptions to this community I live in, that I can actually call my brothers and sisters, and that I'm proud to do so. I may have only met them last year, but during these past 123 days (yes I counted), I've grown closer to them, than I ever thought possible.
Today started out as per usual. I woke up, I got ready for the day. But then my mom invited me to go with her and my friend Derek to Los Albertos, a flavorful Mexican restaurant where you can get these freaking huge burritos. After eating there, my mom started towards Derek's house. After dropping him off, I kept feeling like I should call Alex and/or Naomi, and see if they wanted to hang out today. So, I pulled out my phone, and called up Alex. First try he didn't answer, but then I tried again and this time he answered. He told me to call Naomi and see what she wanted to do because they were going to head into town and shop for some Jr. Miss stuff, since she's part of that this year! She says it would be okay if I joined them for the day! I was all excited, and so I had my mom drop me off at her house. We went and picked up Alex, and then headed off to town. (sorry if I'm just dragging on. I'm just telling you, event by event, what happened today) First we went to Famous Footwear, then Target, and then Kohl's. While we were at Kohl's, Alex showed me how to wear beanies in a specific manner that looks kind of cool, and still keeps your head warm. After we were done there, Naomi was so nice as to treat us to Chick-Fil-A! It's the first time I've ever gone to that place too! It's a lot better than I expected, and not as expensive as my first thought would have been!
After eating there, we still had some time left until her parents said she said to be at the theater. We went and looked at stuff at Shoe Carnival, and then we went to David's Bridal, which is exactly as it sounds. It's a wedding dress store, along with normal dresses and tuxedos for the gentlemen who might come in. After a few minutes in there, it was approximately the time to be at the theater. So, we headed out, and drove there quickly. Edwards Theater is actually really nice! Each individual theater room is warmer than the halls and foyer, which it's usually the other way around! We saw "The Hobbit" in 3D! Holy crap, that movie was amazing. The only thing that kills me, is that it leaves you hanging! Personal Rating: 9.13The night was amazing, but WAIT, IT GETS BETTER. On the way home, Alex started telling us about all the stuff in his life, and such... This stuff just hurts my soul, you know? I'm not at liberty to tell you any of the stuff that happened that involves him. It's his personal business, and I'm not going to be the one who breaks the friendship pact that all best-friends/brothers have. "Never share someone else's personal business with other people." I'm not sharing it, so I'm keeping that pact.
Song-of-the-Day: Airplanes, Part II [Feat Eminem & Hayley Williams of Paramore] by B.o.B"Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now
(Oh oh oh oh)
Of falling (mmm mmm mmm mmm)
Dreaming (oh oh oh oh)
Of falling
(Ya) Ya let's pretend like it's '98 (98)
Like I'm eating lunch off of Styrofoam trays (ya)
Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A (A-town)
Hoping for a record deal to ignore my pain (yeah)
Now let's pretend like I'm on a stage (stage)
And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (woo)
And everybody know my name (Bob)
And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sing (oh)
Oh yeah and I just dropped my new album
On the first week I did Five-Hundred Thousand (yes)
Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall (okay)
And then a world tour just to top it all off (ah)
And let's pretend like they called me the greatest (yap)
Selling out arenas with big a** stages (ow)
And everybody loved me and no one ever hated (mmhm)
Let's try to use imagination
Okay let's pretend like this never happened (never)
Like I never had dreams of being a rapper (rapper)
Like I didn't write raps up in all of my classes (classes)
Like I never used to run away into the blackness (now)
Now let's pretend like it was all good (good)
Like I didn't live staring in a notebook (notebook)
Like I did the things that I probably knew I should (should)
But I ain't have neighbours that's why they call it hood (yeah)
Now let's pretend like I ain't got a name (nah)
Before they ever call me BOB aka Bobby Ray (Ray)
I'm talking back before the mix-tapes (laugh at)
Before the videos and the deals and the fame (yeah)
Before the ever once (oh oh) compared me to Andre
Before I ever got on myspace (yeah)
Before they ever noticed my face (yeah)
So let's just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes
And it seems like yesterday (day) it was just a dream
But those days are gone (gone) they're just memories
(Oh oh)
And it seems like yesterday (day) it was just a dream
But those days are gone (gone)
Alright let's pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen
Let's pretend things would have been no different
Pretend he procrastinated, had no motivation
Pretend he just made excuses that were so paper thin they could blow away with the wind
Marshall, you're never gonna make it makes no sense to play the game there ain't no way that you'll win
Pretend he just stayed outside all day and played with his friends
Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend
And it wasn't time to move and schools weren't changing again
He wasn't socially awkward and just strange as a kid
He had a father and his mother wasn't crazy as s***
And he never dreamed he could rip stadiums and just lazy as s***
F*** a talent show in a gymnasium, b****, you won't amount to s*** quit daydreaming kid
You need to get your cranium checked you thinking like an alien and just ain't realistic
Now pretend they ain't just make him angry with this s***
And there was no one he could even aim when he's pissed it
And his alarm went off to wake him but he didn't make it to the Rap Olympics
Slept through his plane and he missed it
He's gon' have a hard time explaining to Hailie and Lainie these food stamps and this WIC s***
Cause he never risked s*** he hoped and he wished it but it didn't fall in his lap so he ain't even here
He pretends that
Airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now wish right now wish right now."
It almost seems strange to me, that I would use this song. Some people, like me, look at this song and be optimistic about it's meaning. My interpretation is looking up in the world, and finding those little things that we think of as wonders in today's technology, and making wishes on them.
As the song says, "Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?". Airplanes fly above us everyday, and most of the time we don't notice them. Sometimes they're too far up for us to know they're planes, and we think they're shooting stars. I personally love to look outside during the clear summer nights, and just stare at the planes and satellites flying across the sky, and think of wishes I have had, and would like to come true.
All I have to say to you guys is, never stop dreaming, never stop wishing on the little things. You never know when a simple utterance of the word can help it come true. You never know who might be listening to you secretly. You have to realize that your Father in Heaven is always there, and that he loves you very much, and will grant you blessings, in different ways, shapes, and forms.
Shout-Out(s)-of-the-Day: Alex Hammond, Naomi Black, Miranda Dahl, and Taylor Sorg
Alex: You're my brother, man. I know you may not read these very often, or at all, but when you come across this, just know that I love you. You're an amazing person, and I'm sorry for all the things that you have to go through. You need to know that me and Naomi, and Naomi more than me, love you and care about you so much. Don't ever hesitate to call me, if you need someone to talk to. Don't ever hesitate to talk to me in person, if you need a pick-me-up. I love you, man.
Naomi: It broke my heart last night when you were driving me home. You're such a strong person, and I admire that you stayed strong up until you dropped off Alex. You too, never hesitate to call me or talk to me in any way, if you need someone. I'm always here for you as well, and I don't to abandon you guys when you need it most. Especially with all that's going on right now, you guys need all the emotional support that you can get. I love you guys so much, and I'm so grateful to have met you both. Never forget that. I still haven't forgotten what you did for me on the bus during the Salt Lake City trip. I never will forget that, because that was the best thing that anyone's ever done for me when I was crying.
Randa: OH WHERE TO BEGIN. We've only just become better friends, but we've learned so much about one another. And I know can confide in you when I have a bit of a downer day. So many conversations that we have, and so many things that only you know about me. xD Ha, I think I've told you a lot more than I first intended to. But honestly, I don't care anymore what I tell most people. If they judge me for it, that's their problem, not mine. If we grow closer as friends because of it, then more power to us.
I'm always so hesitant with what I tell you sometimes, because I don't want to tell you something bad when it was meant to be good. Ha, you're an amazing person! JUST KNOW IT.
Taylor: Hello, beautiful. C; <3 I hope you've had an amazing first week of the new year. I'm going to give Autumn a little "surprise" for you, as soon as I can. I hope you like it.
You should definitely text me or something! Been kind of quiet for a while. Ha, I love you, Taylor!
Have a wonderful rest of your school year! Live it to the fullest, and enjoy the time while you can!
So, thank you all again for reading this blog post. I'd ask that for those of you do talk to Alex or Naomi, please DO NOT ask them what it is I'm talking about. They don't want people to really know the details. I only know because I'm like their sibling, and because I was in the car.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Make Up Your Mind
"When you cannot make up your mind which of two courses of action you should take, choose the bolder one." -Author Unknown
Welcome back everyone! Thank you all for the holiday wishes and the happy new years. I deeply appreciate the little time you all took out of your life to tell me personally.
Anyways, my holidays were absolutely wonderful, thanks to all of you and my small family.
For Christmas I got a whole lot of clothing, a couple of games, and some DARK chocolate. Oh how I love dark chocolate! Especially the Brookside brand. They put fruit in the chocolate, so it adds those flavors in. c: I LOVE IT. Ha, the clothing I got was really nice stuff too! American Eagle, and Aeropostale stuff! I LOVE IT! Ha, the games are some interesting games. It's Heavy Rain: Director's Cut and RAGE. Heavy Rain: Oh my goodness, this game. It's SO sad. I won't ruin it for you gamers out there, but it's a must get if you are a PS3 fan! PS3 Exclusive, but worth it, if you can handle sadness.
RAGE: I find it funny that it's supposed to be in FULL CAPS. There's nothing about rage in there really, at least not that I can tell. It's a good story, and good game play. Not too much blood, but a little bit of language here and there when only the enemies start shooting at you. That's the only time I've noticed swearing.
My New Years was just wonderful. C: I got to spend the whole day with my mom! We went to the theater and I finally got to see Wreck-It Ralph after all this time! IT'S. SIMPLY. AMAZING. Wonderful animation, good use of video-game characters, and good storyline. Touching in some parts, and funny in quite a few parts. Personal Rating: 8.95 Now, don't get me wrong about the rating. I try not to always rate things at 10s because that's just saying it's the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. No, it's not really. It's just REALLY good and I'd recommend it to anyone. I got to try out the new Taco Bell Loaded Grillers. There's three of them, and I liked all but one. Maybe because I've never been a fan of Buffalo sauce. I especially liked the Nacho Crunch burrito, I think it's called. Loaded with slightly-spicy chips, and meat. IT'S DELICIOUS.
Anyways, my holidays were absolutely wonderful, thanks to all of you and my small family.
For Christmas I got a whole lot of clothing, a couple of games, and some DARK chocolate. Oh how I love dark chocolate! Especially the Brookside brand. They put fruit in the chocolate, so it adds those flavors in. c: I LOVE IT. Ha, the clothing I got was really nice stuff too! American Eagle, and Aeropostale stuff! I LOVE IT! Ha, the games are some interesting games. It's Heavy Rain: Director's Cut and RAGE. Heavy Rain: Oh my goodness, this game. It's SO sad. I won't ruin it for you gamers out there, but it's a must get if you are a PS3 fan! PS3 Exclusive, but worth it, if you can handle sadness.
RAGE: I find it funny that it's supposed to be in FULL CAPS. There's nothing about rage in there really, at least not that I can tell. It's a good story, and good game play. Not too much blood, but a little bit of language here and there when only the enemies start shooting at you. That's the only time I've noticed swearing.
My New Years was just wonderful. C: I got to spend the whole day with my mom! We went to the theater and I finally got to see Wreck-It Ralph after all this time! IT'S. SIMPLY. AMAZING. Wonderful animation, good use of video-game characters, and good storyline. Touching in some parts, and funny in quite a few parts. Personal Rating: 8.95 Now, don't get me wrong about the rating. I try not to always rate things at 10s because that's just saying it's the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. No, it's not really. It's just REALLY good and I'd recommend it to anyone. I got to try out the new Taco Bell Loaded Grillers. There's three of them, and I liked all but one. Maybe because I've never been a fan of Buffalo sauce. I especially liked the Nacho Crunch burrito, I think it's called. Loaded with slightly-spicy chips, and meat. IT'S DELICIOUS.
Song-of-the-Day: Razor by The Foo Fighters "Wake up, it's time
We need to find a better place to hide
Make up your mind
I need to know, I need to know tonight.
Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine
Patience my dear
We could spend a lifetime waiting here
Maybe this time
I hope I get the chance to say goodbye
Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine
Day after day
Cutting away
Day after day
But anyway
Wake up it's time
We need to find a better place to hide
Make up your mind
I need to know I need to know tonight
Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine."
Ha, I just felt like I should share those lyrics. That's the entire song, actually. Sure, it sounds weird because of the continuous reference to a razor blade. It would SEEM that it's all about cutting, but no, it's about time alone with yourself, and what you could do. He may say cutting away in the song, but I really don't think he actually cut.
Shout-Out(s)-of-the-Day: Joseph Salvo, Taylor Sorg, and Katie Salvo.
Joe: Hey man, I didn't see you at school today! You doing okay? Well, just know that you're one of my best friends ever, and you and I have been through a lot together. I can talk to you about anything really. You're an amazing person. Love you, bro, in a heterosexual way.
Taylor: Hey there. Ha, I know we talk quite a bit now, but it's still been way too long since we've seen each other. I'm glad to have you in my life. I feel like you really care, and that you really want a relationship. Not just some sort of void filler, or some sort of substitution. I believe you may really like me, more than I currently know. But maybe I'm just hopeful. Love you! C;
Katie: You're one heck of an intelligent young lady. I love our late night talks, and our talks about the most random of things. We both understand things that don't always make sense to the standard person in society. You're very pretty, you're very unique, and you're amazing. Don't settle for anything less than a sincere guy who you can actually tell wants the relationship. You. Are. AWESOME. Love you!
So, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and a wonderful rest of the night!
Have a wonderful time with your family while it lasts, because these are the times you'll wish you had when you're older. AS ALWAYS, HAVE NICE DAY!
We need to find a better place to hide
Make up your mind
I need to know, I need to know tonight.
Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine
Patience my dear
We could spend a lifetime waiting here
Maybe this time
I hope I get the chance to say goodbye
Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine
Day after day
Cutting away
Day after day
But anyway
Wake up it's time
We need to find a better place to hide
Make up your mind
I need to know I need to know tonight
Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine."
Ha, I just felt like I should share those lyrics. That's the entire song, actually. Sure, it sounds weird because of the continuous reference to a razor blade. It would SEEM that it's all about cutting, but no, it's about time alone with yourself, and what you could do. He may say cutting away in the song, but I really don't think he actually cut.
Shout-Out(s)-of-the-Day: Joseph Salvo, Taylor Sorg, and Katie Salvo.
Joe: Hey man, I didn't see you at school today! You doing okay? Well, just know that you're one of my best friends ever, and you and I have been through a lot together. I can talk to you about anything really. You're an amazing person. Love you, bro, in a heterosexual way.
Taylor: Hey there. Ha, I know we talk quite a bit now, but it's still been way too long since we've seen each other. I'm glad to have you in my life. I feel like you really care, and that you really want a relationship. Not just some sort of void filler, or some sort of substitution. I believe you may really like me, more than I currently know. But maybe I'm just hopeful. Love you! C;
Katie: You're one heck of an intelligent young lady. I love our late night talks, and our talks about the most random of things. We both understand things that don't always make sense to the standard person in society. You're very pretty, you're very unique, and you're amazing. Don't settle for anything less than a sincere guy who you can actually tell wants the relationship. You. Are. AWESOME. Love you!
So, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and a wonderful rest of the night!
Have a wonderful time with your family while it lasts, because these are the times you'll wish you had when you're older. AS ALWAYS, HAVE NICE DAY!
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