
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Salt Lake Trip

Hello again, everyone. (warning: This will seem a little bit boring, and different today) I apologize now, because we got home at 12:25 and I didn't sleep till like 1:30 A.M..
So yesterday, as the Troylairs, we all went to Salt Lake and sang.
It was a lot of fun, actually. It was my first trip with the Choirs actually. It was an extremely great experience for many of us. We performed 3 times. Once at the Church Office Building, then at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, and then finally at the Assembly Hall. We performed at the Church Office Building, I think around 1:00 or 1:30ish. I wasn't quite sure, because I didn't check the time. It went okay on some songs, but we weren't quite ready it seems.
Our second performance at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building went a lot better, but we were still a bit lacking in our preparedness. I think the only that could've been fixed was our energy. Some of us seemed a bit dead or something.
After that, we had about 4 hours to go and eat, see other groups perform, or just walk around Temple Square. First, I grouped up with my friends Alex, Naomi, Nick, Brian, Amber, and Grant. We headed over to the food court in the new mall, City Creek Mall. Man, that place is HUGE. It's really nice though, and I'm glad the Church decided to build it. It brings so much business to the Salt Lake area. Alex suggested that I go try out this Chinese place that was on the other end of the food court called Chang Chun. So, I did! Little did I know, this place is pretty much like Panda Express. You order either one entree or two and ask for either rice or chow mein noodles. It was actually really good for the price of about 6 dollars. And Alex was so nice! I didn't get a drink with my food, because the price wasn't worth the size of the cup I would've gotten. And he shared his cup with me. He was done with it, and he said I could use it and get a refill. Man, he's just such a nice guy. I mean, sure, we piss each other off sometimes, but we're like brothers. (:
And then I went to this place called Roxberry's, and got a smoothie. It made me laugh because it was called LOL Lime, and it basically consists of Raspberry Juice, Strawberries, Raspberries and Lime Sherbet.
Oh my goodness, it was DELICIOUS and healthy! :D
After that, we all went wandering around the area and decided to go to the Conference Center and get a tour. I've never been in there before, and oh my goodness that place is beautiful. I can't even put into words all the wonderful things we saw. It's just so wonderful, and such a wonderful place to feel the spirit in.
And then we all headed to the Assembly Hall because it was getting about time to start preparing to sing there and end the night. I have to admit our third and final performance was a lot better than our first two.
So, after that, we quickly shuffled out, and headed for the buses which were just around the corner. Ha, we were getting changed and Burrows walks on the bus saying, "You know we can see you guys changing outside, right?" Oh my gosh, I was like, CRAP. Ha, I instantly dropped down low, and then finished changing what I hadn't already. Thank goodness I hadn't changed anything embarrassing. After that, we had to bail out and sit outside for a while, so the girls could change.
After they changed and stuff, I shuffled back on the bus, and had to move my stuff since the bus ride back had a new rule, "No sitting next to someone of the opposite sex." I sat next to Alex on the way back, and Naomi and Amber sat behind us. There was an empty seat about 2 steps up and to the right. After a little while I left Alex with Naomi and went to sit in the empty seat. I picked up my iPod and popped in both ear buds. I didn't really want to be bothered at the time. After a while, I got bored of just Gangnam Style and Dubstep music, so I switched over to the playlist called J+R, because I was in that mood. It eventually got to the song Marry You by Bruno Mars. And then I started scrolling through my pictures and kept coming across pictures I have of Rebekah... and it became too much for me at that time. I slumped over and put my face in the seat and started to cry heavily. At this time, I didn't think anyone would care. Usually when I cry at school, or on school events, no one notices. But apparently my friend Alex saw it, and so told his girlfriend, Naomi to come and comfort me. I'm just sitting there, and all of a sudden I'm getting hugged by her. She was just being a comforting friend, and it really helped. Now I know why Alex decided to ask you out last night.

I just sat there for a little while, blubbering like an idiot... crying. And oh yeah, getting stared at by everyone in front of us who misunderstood it for a while. Thank you so much, Naomi. It really helped, and thank you so much Alex, for getting her over to me.
I just fell asleep after that, and tried not to have another episode. It's the first time that I've ever had one in public where people actually noticed and took action.

Gangnam Style: This song has gone so viral, and it's ridiculous. I had Mr. RHS tonight and this is the song I did for my talent.

Shoutouts-Of-The-Day:Naomi Black: Thank you so much, dear, for being my emotional support during that time of hardship. I really appreciate the help with that. Your like my sister, and I love it. You and Alex deserve one another, you guys are so cute together.
Alexander Hammond: Alex, thank you so much for being another emotional support for me. Your my brother, and you really are genuine when you say you care. Thanks for the drink, thanks for the fun experience, and thank you for everything. I love you, bro.

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