
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Get On My Level and Lift

Sorry for the long pause again, this week was finals week and I was stressing over the finals I had to take.

Monday: I went with my great friend Jade to the Stop N' Go here in town and got the generic version of a Hostess Fruit Pie.It was actually pretty good, and not that expensive either. After we got back, we reminisced about how we miss Kai, who now lives in Utah, and how we wish we could still jam out with the guy. Had a bit of a breakdown, in the middle of 4th and 5th hour, and yet no one even noticed it. I'm amazed that no one noticed the shivering guy in the middle of class. But whatever, I can deal with that. I have Rebekah, and that's 1 out of 3 people I'll ever need in my life.
I also started playing Call of Duty: MW3 with my friend Gonzalo and he's really 'nice' to me when I start owning noobs with him, ha. These kids just need to get on my level, and lift.

Tuesday: Nothing different from Monday. I had another breakdown in the middle of 4th and 5th hour, but this time actually a couple of people saw it. They asked me if I was okay, and I said I wasn't.
Here's how the conversation went:
S: James, are you okay?
Me: No, I'm not, why?
S: I can tell, you're like shuddering and stuff.
M: Oh was I now? Umm, sorry, just a lot of things on my mind.
S: Well, do you want to talk about them?
M: Well, the only thing I feel at liberty to discuss, is this pain I feel everyday.
S: What's this pain?
M: Well, see, I'm in love with this girl, Rebekah Phillips, she's in the Junior High.
S: Oh, so it's a girl problem. I can understand that.
M: See, I really do love her, and... I miss her everyday.
B: James, how many times do I have to tell you that love doesn't exist at this age.
M: Bri, I've told you before, it can, and it does. Not once since our break-up have I deviated from loving her.
B: Well, I can see your point there. But how can you say it's love?
M: I know it is, because no one can make me as happy as she does.
B: What is it about her that you just can't let go?
S: Bri, maybe we shouldn't pester him so much.
B: No, I need to know this, otherwise I can't believe in him being in love.
M: Bri, to me, she's perfect and I can't stop thinking about her everyday. It's why I wear this necklace, because she said I could give it back to her when we get back together. It's my way of being able to be close to the girl I love the most without actually being with her.
B: That's so sweet, and I can actually say she's a lucky girl.
S: Wow James, I didn't know the story behind that washer on your necklace before.
Yeah, we're a crazy bunch and I love 'em. These guys know they can talk to me whenever they have a hard day or whatever. (:

Wednesday: Finals!!! Oh man, I had to get up early today and go to Mr. RHS sign-ups. I'm stoked and nervous about this, because I don't know what to do for my supposed talent. It's supposed to be a little funny, I guess? I'm thinking dance Gangnam Style or maybe I'll just play my new strange medley of It Will Rain, Someone Like You, and Secrets. Ha, I don't know. I have to be to practice every day next week, and I'm nervous.

Thursday: Don't have to be at school! :D I still came a little later so I could turn in the stuff for my Fundraiser.
Took me like... half an hour to get to there, but yeah. Ha, I four-wheeled to the school too, and I was scared about running out of gas! I got to the High School alright, and I got to sit next to Randi H! She's so amazing, and I got to show her my new 'medley' of sorts. It still needs a little work, but it's getting better. I'm leaning more towards using that instead of dancing for Mr. RHS.

Friday: No school for anyone in Rigby today. (: OH MAN, today was good!! Stayed home, played some CoD with Gonzalo, Cubzy, and Devon. Ha, we can be some righteous idiots sometimes. Just sitting there, telling the immature children who yell at us, to "Get on my level, kid." and "Do you even lift?". Ha, that's the reason I've started saying those phrases. Just making people rage all day.

Saturday: Ha, nothing much different, besides talking to Destaney on the phone about life and stuff, and me having a man to man talk with my dad about his dislike for Rebekah. I'm seriously done with the side comments that they think I don't notice. I do notice them, and it makes me feel sad/mad/empty inside. They can't support the thought of her, sometimes. I'm just done, so I'm planning to talk with both of them tomorrow, when we're all together at home.

Sunday: Lessons today were about Humility and Becoming Humble. I thought they were great, and they really brought me up! It's great to have Testimony meeting after such a long week of finals and stress.
I'm looking forward to The Walking Dead tonight at 7. It's one of my favorite shows, mainly for the story and for the zombies. I don't know what it is about zombies, but they get me all energized and sitting on the edge of my seat. I'll be having that talk soon with my parents. Oh man, I'm nervous, but I'm doing it. I have to do it, otherwise Rebekah will stay uncomfortable and I'm not having that if I can help it.
I love her, and I'm doing this mainly for her well-being, and also to stand up to my parents for myself. I'm tired of it all, and they need to know that she's a great person, and that I don't have this 'puppy love', as my dad calls it. I'm actually in love with her, and I'm going to stay faithful to that standard as long as I need to.

Song of the Day: The Fighter - Feat. Ryan Tedder (of One Republic) by Gym Class Heroes. For some reason, I kept hitting the replay button. I'm not sure how to explain it, but I really like this song.

Shout-Outs of the Day:
Rebekah Phillips: I love you, beautiful. I hope you're having a wonderful day, and I'm going to record the talk I have with my parents so you can actually hear what we say word-for-word. I'll try to get their verbal apologies, okay? Just know that I will always love you, and that you can always talk to me. I'm not just some guy who's leading you on. I truly do want everything for you, and you mean the world to me. "Where you go, I go. What you see, I see."
Angel Johnson: Ha, you're like one of my girl-best friends. I can always call you and talk to you about stuff, and I'm grateful for that. I'm looking forward to the 29th! STAKE DANCE! WOOO. Ha, anyways. Miss seeing you, and so does Des! Talk to her more often. (:


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