
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fighting Off The Natural Impulses

Sorry, I really meant to do this on Monday, but let's just say that a lot has happened, and I'm not exactly sure how to say how I feel right now. I'll put it into simple words, I'm at my emotional peak, and going to break soon.
Monday: I got my new schedule for Second Trimester and I have to admit I like it.
1st Hour: Seminary! :D
2nd Hour: Troylairs! :D
3rd Hour: AlgebraII B!
4th Hour: Nutrition and Foods! YUM!
5th Hour: Biology A! (Mrs. Gilbert is SO nice)
(this is the rest of the week below this point)
1st Hour: I have to admit, it's the first class, so I'm usually really tired, BUT since this week I've had "Mr. RHS" I've gotten used to waking up early. Little did I know, I would have Brother Harward as my teacher. I thought we would have the same teachers as before, but nope! Brother Harward is so funny, and he's a lot of fun to have for a teacher.
2nd Hour: Ha, I've always loved to have Burrows in an early class, and this is still relatively early I guess. We haven't warmed up at ALL this week, and it's kind of grating, but understandable seeing as we have our Salt Lake trip this Friday.
3rd Hour: I have to admit again, that I'd never met Mr. Perry until that day. He seems really nice, and his work isn't really that hard for me, thank goodness.
4th Hour: Nutrition and Foods, oh my goodness. I'm learning so much about food, it's ridiculous. Today (Thursday), we made some Quick Mix, which we'll use tomorrow to make cookies, EXCEPT I won't be there, because of Choir.
5th Hour: I got all my supplies and stuff, and I'm actually learning a few things already about Biology that I didn't previously understand.

Song-Of-The-Day: Titanium (ft. Sia) by David Guetta.
You shouted out, but I can't hear a word you say... I'm talking loud, not saying much.
I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet.
You shoot me down, but I get up.
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose.
Fire away, fire away.
Ricochet, you take your aim.
Fire away, fire away.
You shoot me down, but I won't fall.
I am Titanium.
You shoot me down, but I won't fall.
I am Titanium.

Cut me down, but it's you who have further to fall.
Ghost town, haunted love.
Let's just say this is how I feel right now. Just a little bit more sad than usual, I guess. (this is an understatement) Again, I'll repeat what I said earlier, "I'm at my emotional peak, and going to break soon." I'm just really stressed, and really getting worse at handling whatever comes my way.
I made a promise, a little over 7 months ago to Rebekah that I would not get a girlfriend until I was at least 16. I have kept this promise, every day, and I will continue to keep this promise.
I'm extremely happy for her, with her relationship with Dawson. I'm just glad that she can have such a great happiness in her life, and be who she wants to be around him.
As much as I miss her, and miss the love we shared... I'd rather her be happy with someone else, than stuck with not being able to see me, and all that stuff...

Cade Davie: Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy. But you're so awesome, dance with me maybe? Ha, I love how we are in the same group for Mr. RHS. You're REALLY good at dancing, and I think if we have to vote for one another, that I'd vote for you.
Katie Salvo: I really think you're an amazing person, and I appreciate all that you've ever helped me with. Just know that if you ever need a friend, ever need someone to talk to about anything, I can be there for you. You truly are a magnificent, intelligent, beautiful, and all-around great person, Katie. Most people need to realize that you're better than they think.
Rebekah Phillips: You know I love you, and you know that I'm always going to be here to fight for you. You know that no matter what happens, I'm still going to fight the temptations of the world, and strive to be the better person I can be. You are an inspiration to me, and to many. Just know you're still perfect to me, and I believe you always will be.

If you liked this, leave a comment! HAVE A NICE DAY! BLESS YOUR FACE, BLESS YOU! PEACE OFF!

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