"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them." -Ernest Hemingway
The revival is here. I'm so sorry for leaving you all hanging for several months... Things have been very different around here, and I want to let you know about the most recent and biggest breakthrough I've had in several months.
A few nights ago, I had a long encounter with my parents and we talked about everything that I've not told them for several months.
I'm going to recount a few of the topics which we talked about in the two hours of our talk.
My Last Few Weeks of School: I don't know how much I've said in the past about this to any of you, but... I'm an open book about certain things, and the last weeks of school are always the most stressful for many youth. Not only, in my situation, did I have finals and performances, but I also had different family issues going on. I have never before in my life thought to do what I did.
I cut. And not just once. I would sit in the shower, with a pair of scissors and slowly go across my wrist. I never bled too much... just a drop here, or a drop there.
The first person I told, was my girlfriend, Julia. She's the greatest support system I could ever ask for.
Now know now, that I have stopped, and I do not plan on relapsing back to that.
My Past: This is one of the hardest things for me to talk about. But I feel that I will make this out there. If you judge me for it, then I guess too bad.
When I was younger, approximately 6 years younger, I came across a game site that seemed all fun and games until I came across this very strange game... and as a child, I didn't understand what it was. But as a year passed, it became more frequent, and I still didn't understand what it was back then. But as I sit here now and look back at those terrible memories... Now mind you, I'm no perfect person. I don't talk about myself like I'm some... person without sin.
I know that what I did back then wasn't a good thing, and that I needed to learn from it. Nowadays, it's a lot harder to not find that kind of thing by accident.
That thing of which I speak of, is known as pornography.
So many versions of it are out there, and it's put everywhere in disguise. I know that when I was younger I would struggle with it, but... here I am now, not going back to that life.
I know now that we can be forgiven for our wrongs and be made clean before God. My testimony has been strengthened through all of my trials. Especially all of the recent ones.
And it is not our place on this Earth to judge others. So why judge someone for what they once did, or for who they are? There is no right to it. Only God has the right to judge us.
I'm sorry if this kind of thing is sensitive for some of you... I'm sorry if this kind of thing is hard to hear about... but I wanted to let you all know. I feel the support and love from all of you... and I return it all.
Thank you all so much for being here with me, through every step and every trial. You are all such wonderful people. I love you all. <3
In one week, it will have been 4 months.
4 months with the best girlfriend a guy could ask for.
4 months of having been with someone who truly knows the real me.
4 months of trials and learning.
Julia + James
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson
Monday, September 2, 2013
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Last Friday Night
the physical want, and all that I personally think about, I will not,
nor will I ever, risk a great friendship just to satisfy my personal
Friends will always be there, but little relationships don't always last in high school. They tend to last a few days, to a few weeks, to maybe a month, and then they fizzle out because the two partners do not know each other as well as they thought, and conflicts ensue.
You have to work at these things slowly. Become better friends, get to know all the little things they like, and all the things that make them laugh and smile. Work your way into their heart, otherwise you'll just end up as another high school relationship." - James W. Facer
Prom was amazing, prom was by far the best day I've had in a very long time. I couldn't have asked for a better possible date, a better group, or a better day date. I had the most fun I've ever had, and was with one of my greatest friends ever all day. We started off the day with meeting over by the Menan Buttes, and unloading four four-wheelers, one of which was mine, and then loading up our guns for the trip out.
Ha, we brought 3 12 Gauge Shotguns, 3 .22 rifles, and 1 30.06 hunting rifle. I'd not been shooting in so long, that I forgot the power of the 30. Ha, that thing nearly knocked me on my butt.
We had such an amazing day though. And also some spiritually strengthening moments. Before we left the trucks, we had two prayers. One for safety, and one because we were about to eat. We needed both those prayers. Now I'm not talking bad about my friend Hannah, but she'd never been shooting before, and may not have known the rules quite so well at first of where to shoot. So, while we were skeet shooting, we loaded up two clay pigeons. One went straight as it should, while the other went far to the right. Hannah went for both, and just whipped that shotgun and went right after that strange one. She barely missed Mat's head. He turned around a few seconds afterwards and was like, "I felt the air rush past my ear." MAN, OH MAN. So, there went one of the prayers.
The second prayer was used up at the end of the day date, when we were loading up the four-wheelers on the trailer. I believe my finger froze on the throttle, and so I nearly ran over Jarrod when I drove off the trailer.
Either way, we were strengthened physically and spiritually.
On a different note. I broke a little streak I had going for approximately 5 months or more. I just got thinking about whether or not to ask a certain someone out, but couldn't bring myself to do it. My feelings overcame me and I began to feel very depressed and "out of my mind". As I sat on the bus, for the ride home, I began to cry. For how long, I can't remember really, but it was still significant. I hardly ever cry, even if I want to at times. It was actually sort of... a good release. I'm grateful for my friend Autumn for being there with me. She helped me see that little light that I couldn't quite flicker on by myself.
Strengthening moment yet again.
And last but definitely not least to mention. I'm not single anymore. I don't plan on being single again, for a LONG time. Some of you may already know who it is, and some may not. Her name is Julia.
She's adorable, and I love her. Now, please don't judge me based upon me saying that so freely. I know before, I would say it... and I meant it back then, at least to what I knew of what love was for me. It may have been infatuation back then, or it may have been some form of minor love...
I am determined now, more than I have been about anything before, to not lose her again. We spent this past Friday night, the 10th, doing homework together at her house and we played some Super Nintendo games. Not only did we accomplish our homework, we played some games, and drank some Faygo. Faygo is my new favorite soda. :3
Now, I'm betting some of you are wondering how we ended up together. It all started this past Monday, May 6th. We started talking again after so long, and I noticed I started being really happy again. I noticed her being really happy too, and so I started eating lunch with her and our friends more and more.
Eventually, it lead to Thursday, the 9th, when we started Skyping each other. I was home alone, and I was Skyping her for 3 and a half hours. Near the end, I walked out of the room with my headset on, and went outside to vent with her. I always do better with a light breeze blowing in my face. I asked her if maybe she'd be my girlfriend again, and if we could have a second chance. She said yes, without much hesitation. I was so overjoyed that I couldn't say much at all. And then it leads to what I said Friday was. A wonderful little "date" of sorts, I guess.
Shout-Out: My Beautiful Girlfriend, Julia
Thank you so much for saying yes. I could go on for ages what it meant to me, and how happy I was and still am about it all. You're so adorable. :3 I love our nickname and our couple name. I love your quirks, and all those little things about you that make you yourself.
I love being your Erikitty. :3 And you being my Cuddlefish. :3
Here's to a long lasting relationship. I love you.

Thank you all for reading this one for today.
Friends will always be there, but little relationships don't always last in high school. They tend to last a few days, to a few weeks, to maybe a month, and then they fizzle out because the two partners do not know each other as well as they thought, and conflicts ensue.
You have to work at these things slowly. Become better friends, get to know all the little things they like, and all the things that make them laugh and smile. Work your way into their heart, otherwise you'll just end up as another high school relationship." - James W. Facer
Prom was amazing, prom was by far the best day I've had in a very long time. I couldn't have asked for a better possible date, a better group, or a better day date. I had the most fun I've ever had, and was with one of my greatest friends ever all day. We started off the day with meeting over by the Menan Buttes, and unloading four four-wheelers, one of which was mine, and then loading up our guns for the trip out.
Ha, we brought 3 12 Gauge Shotguns, 3 .22 rifles, and 1 30.06 hunting rifle. I'd not been shooting in so long, that I forgot the power of the 30. Ha, that thing nearly knocked me on my butt.
We had such an amazing day though. And also some spiritually strengthening moments. Before we left the trucks, we had two prayers. One for safety, and one because we were about to eat. We needed both those prayers. Now I'm not talking bad about my friend Hannah, but she'd never been shooting before, and may not have known the rules quite so well at first of where to shoot. So, while we were skeet shooting, we loaded up two clay pigeons. One went straight as it should, while the other went far to the right. Hannah went for both, and just whipped that shotgun and went right after that strange one. She barely missed Mat's head. He turned around a few seconds afterwards and was like, "I felt the air rush past my ear." MAN, OH MAN. So, there went one of the prayers.
The second prayer was used up at the end of the day date, when we were loading up the four-wheelers on the trailer. I believe my finger froze on the throttle, and so I nearly ran over Jarrod when I drove off the trailer.
Either way, we were strengthened physically and spiritually.
On a different note. I broke a little streak I had going for approximately 5 months or more. I just got thinking about whether or not to ask a certain someone out, but couldn't bring myself to do it. My feelings overcame me and I began to feel very depressed and "out of my mind". As I sat on the bus, for the ride home, I began to cry. For how long, I can't remember really, but it was still significant. I hardly ever cry, even if I want to at times. It was actually sort of... a good release. I'm grateful for my friend Autumn for being there with me. She helped me see that little light that I couldn't quite flicker on by myself.
Strengthening moment yet again.
And last but definitely not least to mention. I'm not single anymore. I don't plan on being single again, for a LONG time. Some of you may already know who it is, and some may not. Her name is Julia.
She's adorable, and I love her. Now, please don't judge me based upon me saying that so freely. I know before, I would say it... and I meant it back then, at least to what I knew of what love was for me. It may have been infatuation back then, or it may have been some form of minor love...
I am determined now, more than I have been about anything before, to not lose her again. We spent this past Friday night, the 10th, doing homework together at her house and we played some Super Nintendo games. Not only did we accomplish our homework, we played some games, and drank some Faygo. Faygo is my new favorite soda. :3
Now, I'm betting some of you are wondering how we ended up together. It all started this past Monday, May 6th. We started talking again after so long, and I noticed I started being really happy again. I noticed her being really happy too, and so I started eating lunch with her and our friends more and more.
Eventually, it lead to Thursday, the 9th, when we started Skyping each other. I was home alone, and I was Skyping her for 3 and a half hours. Near the end, I walked out of the room with my headset on, and went outside to vent with her. I always do better with a light breeze blowing in my face. I asked her if maybe she'd be my girlfriend again, and if we could have a second chance. She said yes, without much hesitation. I was so overjoyed that I couldn't say much at all. And then it leads to what I said Friday was. A wonderful little "date" of sorts, I guess.
Shout-Out: My Beautiful Girlfriend, Julia
Thank you so much for saying yes. I could go on for ages what it meant to me, and how happy I was and still am about it all. You're so adorable. :3 I love our nickname and our couple name. I love your quirks, and all those little things about you that make you yourself.
I love being your Erikitty. :3 And you being my Cuddlefish. :3
Here's to a long lasting relationship. I love you.

Thank you all for reading this one for today.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Lately, I've Been Losing Sleep
"Never ignore a person who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day, you might wake up from your sleep and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars." -Unknown
Lately, I have been losing sleep, but not regarding my infatuation or my quick fall-ins and fall-outs. It's all about the fact of my friends, and the problems they go through in their lives. I'm so concerned about everyone's well-being lately because I hear about all these health issues and all these financial issues going throughout the country and the area I live in. I wish to help, but know that I am unable to, and that kills me.
What kills me more, is the people who have injuries that cause them to be unable to play the sports they absolutely love. I feel such pain for these people, although I cannot relate directly. I give them all my love and support that they can at least recover some, if not all, of their physical strength.
It is through these trials in our lives that we find our true selves. We find out how we will react, and we find out who our true friends are. We find out that the Lord truly does care about so much more than we thought at first. We grow in ways that we would have never thought possible before. I mention this because I reflect on the post I saw on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and the comments I made on it to help make a friend's mother feel better about herself and her injury.
Some of you may know who I speak of, but I leave her anonymous here, for the sake of privacy.
So, as most of you know by now, I'm going to prom with the the best girl I could've ever asked. Miss Katelyn Jones. :) Sweetest girl, and by far a good friend. :)
I'm nervous about this dance, because it's my first one! But heck, I'm going to try hard and make it memorable if it's the last thing I do! Ha, I'm still a bit unsure of what we're going to do for the day date, but hey, I've got some ideas! :D But yeah, it's a big deal for me and her.
Song-of-the-Day: Counting Stars by OneRepublic
I recently found this song by chance, and absolutely fell in love with it! Ha, I've always loved OneRepublic's music, but this new album sure takes the cake.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Avelina Facer, William Facer, and Katelyn Jones
Abby: Hi mom. :) I just wanted to say I really appreciate you and all your love and help. You're the best mother in the world to me, and I'm so grateful for all your help with everything. I love you so much, and I'm proud to be called your son. :) Prom is going to be wonderful thanks to your help with my wardrobe, and because of all the things you've put together for me. I love you. :)
Bill: Hey dad. :) Thanks for everything, you know? I'm grateful that you give me so much, and that you care for my well-being and education. Thanks for all the cool gadgets, and all the help with different things throughout these years. You're the best dad a guy like me could ask for. I love you. :)
Katelyn: Hi Katelyn. :D Thanks for saying yes and making me one of the happiest guys in this school. You're amazing, and I am truly humbled that you would say yes to me. :) It may be my first school dance, but I'm going to put my heart and soul into making this night memorable for us both. So, just as a truth is, you're beautiful, really sweet, and such a great singer. I miss having you in Troylairs! Portland was a lot of fun, for sure! Ha, but anyways. Thanks, for everything. :)
So, thanks everyone for reading this! I hope you all have a wonderful last day of April, and a wonderful time with your loved ones.
Lately, I have been losing sleep, but not regarding my infatuation or my quick fall-ins and fall-outs. It's all about the fact of my friends, and the problems they go through in their lives. I'm so concerned about everyone's well-being lately because I hear about all these health issues and all these financial issues going throughout the country and the area I live in. I wish to help, but know that I am unable to, and that kills me.
What kills me more, is the people who have injuries that cause them to be unable to play the sports they absolutely love. I feel such pain for these people, although I cannot relate directly. I give them all my love and support that they can at least recover some, if not all, of their physical strength.
It is through these trials in our lives that we find our true selves. We find out how we will react, and we find out who our true friends are. We find out that the Lord truly does care about so much more than we thought at first. We grow in ways that we would have never thought possible before. I mention this because I reflect on the post I saw on Facebook a couple of weeks ago, and the comments I made on it to help make a friend's mother feel better about herself and her injury.
Some of you may know who I speak of, but I leave her anonymous here, for the sake of privacy.
So, as most of you know by now, I'm going to prom with the the best girl I could've ever asked. Miss Katelyn Jones. :) Sweetest girl, and by far a good friend. :)
I'm nervous about this dance, because it's my first one! But heck, I'm going to try hard and make it memorable if it's the last thing I do! Ha, I'm still a bit unsure of what we're going to do for the day date, but hey, I've got some ideas! :D But yeah, it's a big deal for me and her.
Song-of-the-Day: Counting Stars by OneRepublic
I recently found this song by chance, and absolutely fell in love with it! Ha, I've always loved OneRepublic's music, but this new album sure takes the cake.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Avelina Facer, William Facer, and Katelyn Jones
Abby: Hi mom. :) I just wanted to say I really appreciate you and all your love and help. You're the best mother in the world to me, and I'm so grateful for all your help with everything. I love you so much, and I'm proud to be called your son. :) Prom is going to be wonderful thanks to your help with my wardrobe, and because of all the things you've put together for me. I love you. :)
Bill: Hey dad. :) Thanks for everything, you know? I'm grateful that you give me so much, and that you care for my well-being and education. Thanks for all the cool gadgets, and all the help with different things throughout these years. You're the best dad a guy like me could ask for. I love you. :)
Katelyn: Hi Katelyn. :D Thanks for saying yes and making me one of the happiest guys in this school. You're amazing, and I am truly humbled that you would say yes to me. :) It may be my first school dance, but I'm going to put my heart and soul into making this night memorable for us both. So, just as a truth is, you're beautiful, really sweet, and such a great singer. I miss having you in Troylairs! Portland was a lot of fun, for sure! Ha, but anyways. Thanks, for everything. :)
So, thanks everyone for reading this! I hope you all have a wonderful last day of April, and a wonderful time with your loved ones.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Letting A New Day Begin
"While I know myself as a creation of God, I am also obligated to realize and remember that everyone else and everything else are also God's creation." -Mary Angelou
So, for about the past week, I've been extra-stressed because of what's coming up soon. I'm 16, it's a dance, and it's boy's choice. I was waiting for the OK to ask my friend, Katelyn, and I finally got the OK on Friday of last week, so I spent the weekend preparing for what I think of as a very important and must-be-memorable thing.
My friend gave me the idea to use a whole Hershey's Kisses® bag and like drop them all on the ground and say something along the lines of, "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to Prom with me?"
It was originally my plan to do it that way, but then when I went to buy the Kisses®, I only found Hugs®. SO, I CHANGED IT AROUND! Ha, I had a little box, filled it with 10 Hugs®, and made a note with it. During lunch, I walked over, and handed it to her, and then walked a very short distance away. The ending line was something along the lines of "If the answer is yes, give me a big hug." I was all nervous, but then she got up and gave me a big hug and said yes. I was SO happy inside, and I still am. It's my first high-school dance, and my first Prom. I'm just so happy! Happiest I have been for a while! I'm so stoked, and nervous about it still.
Either way, we're going to have the most fun we can, and just do what's right! Ha, I know we'll find a good, modest group and just live our standards on a big night of our high school lives.
Song-of-the-Day: I Remember by Deadmau5
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Katelyn Jones
You're just amazing. I've known you for a couple of years now, and I've been able to see you sort of grow as a young, independent, beautiful and strong woman. I can honestly say, that you have a wonderful voice, and that I miss having you in our Choir class. I know I'd sure love to see you join us again for Graduation or something. I sure hope that everything goes right and that I can make Prom a memorable night for you! We need to coordinate our colors and everything very soon so you can pick out your dress and everything! I know this must be so exciting but also stressful for you too, but believe me, I'll help you all that I can.
So, thank you all for taking the time to read this. It means a lot, and I'm sorry I haven't had many posts lately.
So, for about the past week, I've been extra-stressed because of what's coming up soon. I'm 16, it's a dance, and it's boy's choice. I was waiting for the OK to ask my friend, Katelyn, and I finally got the OK on Friday of last week, so I spent the weekend preparing for what I think of as a very important and must-be-memorable thing.
My friend gave me the idea to use a whole Hershey's Kisses® bag and like drop them all on the ground and say something along the lines of, "Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on, will you go to Prom with me?"
It was originally my plan to do it that way, but then when I went to buy the Kisses®, I only found Hugs®. SO, I CHANGED IT AROUND! Ha, I had a little box, filled it with 10 Hugs®, and made a note with it. During lunch, I walked over, and handed it to her, and then walked a very short distance away. The ending line was something along the lines of "If the answer is yes, give me a big hug." I was all nervous, but then she got up and gave me a big hug and said yes. I was SO happy inside, and I still am. It's my first high-school dance, and my first Prom. I'm just so happy! Happiest I have been for a while! I'm so stoked, and nervous about it still.
Either way, we're going to have the most fun we can, and just do what's right! Ha, I know we'll find a good, modest group and just live our standards on a big night of our high school lives.
Song-of-the-Day: I Remember by Deadmau5
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Katelyn Jones
You're just amazing. I've known you for a couple of years now, and I've been able to see you sort of grow as a young, independent, beautiful and strong woman. I can honestly say, that you have a wonderful voice, and that I miss having you in our Choir class. I know I'd sure love to see you join us again for Graduation or something. I sure hope that everything goes right and that I can make Prom a memorable night for you! We need to coordinate our colors and everything very soon so you can pick out your dress and everything! I know this must be so exciting but also stressful for you too, but believe me, I'll help you all that I can.
So, thank you all for taking the time to read this. It means a lot, and I'm sorry I haven't had many posts lately.
"A real gentleman, even if he loses everything he owns, must show no emotion. Money must be so far beneath a gentleman that it is hardly worth troubling about." -Fyodor Dostoevsky
To stand idly by and submit yourself to the stereotypes of modern day society is an act of complete ignorance. Insomuch, that it just makes everyone have a lesser opinion of you and not want to associate themselves with such. Detract yourself from the everyday temptations and keep yourself always worthy for those times in your life that will be most important for your future. If we prepare ourselves now, we will be much farther ahead than the adversary's power than we would be if we succumbed to the modern temptations.
I had to say this because of this new song that became public a little over a week ago, and it's hit over 200 million views on YouTube already. Despite the song's title and how catchy it is, the video exemplifies the exact opposite of being a gentleman. Sure, I like the song, but the actions performed in the video push me away. I don't like people who mistreat women and stuff like that.
I tie this into that Elementary school attitude that some of the teenagers of nowadays carry. It kills me inside, slowly, but surely. The whole, "Oh, if he hits me, it means he likes me." NO, JUST NO. It does NOT mean he likes you, at all. It's a sign of a bad relationship.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, because we had a speaker come over about Teen Dating Abuse. All these bad signs, all these things that are so prevalent in the halls of your average high school. I never really noticed them in great detail before, but ever since that speaker came, it's been killing me to see it all so clearly now. It's one of those things that you just pass off as the "norm" around the school. I want for people to watch what they do, and think about it seriously... Is it a sign of a healthy relationship?
Gentleman by Psy
Raise Your Weapon by Deadmau5
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips
Been a while since I gave you a solemn shout-out, eh? I mean, you're my sister-site, and I haven't really given you a proper thank you for all the back up you've given me over the past two years. You are such a kind and beautiful young spirit. You have so much potential, and I really see you going farther in life than almost anyone I know. I've loved being able to see your testimony grow, and you mature more as a youth these past months. I can say I love you, but maybe with a different sort of meaning, I guess. :) You're an amazing singer, an amazing designer, and a great caretaker. Never let these memories die... because that will always be one thing that will hold our friendship to eternity. We seriously need to get together and hang out with each other sometime, and catch up with what's been going on lately. We haven't talked as often, and I really do need to be the one who starts these conversations, because I really do care about them, but don't show it as much... I have to thank you for making me a brony, and for introducing me to so many wonderful things in this world that I would have never seen before. I remember a few posts ago, you posted a particular picture that I thought was cute, and I just have to reshare it. :) Dashie and Soarin. Or maybe, you and Dawson. You guys fly so high, and it's adorable. <3 Please don't get too stressed about testing and everything else. I'm taking tests too, and with Prom coming up, I'm rather stressed. But today I took my first ISAT, and passed with Advanced scoring. :) I was happy, but I relaxed when I took the test.
Now, I'm not going to go much farther on here, for the sake of not sounding too obsessive or something... I'll leave this with a simple, I love you, sister. Take care, and wish that big lug of a brother of yours a happy mission for me, please?
Thank you all for sticking with me through my darkness and through my light, and through my obsessive parts...
To stand idly by and submit yourself to the stereotypes of modern day society is an act of complete ignorance. Insomuch, that it just makes everyone have a lesser opinion of you and not want to associate themselves with such. Detract yourself from the everyday temptations and keep yourself always worthy for those times in your life that will be most important for your future. If we prepare ourselves now, we will be much farther ahead than the adversary's power than we would be if we succumbed to the modern temptations.
I had to say this because of this new song that became public a little over a week ago, and it's hit over 200 million views on YouTube already. Despite the song's title and how catchy it is, the video exemplifies the exact opposite of being a gentleman. Sure, I like the song, but the actions performed in the video push me away. I don't like people who mistreat women and stuff like that.
I tie this into that Elementary school attitude that some of the teenagers of nowadays carry. It kills me inside, slowly, but surely. The whole, "Oh, if he hits me, it means he likes me." NO, JUST NO. It does NOT mean he likes you, at all. It's a sign of a bad relationship.
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, because we had a speaker come over about Teen Dating Abuse. All these bad signs, all these things that are so prevalent in the halls of your average high school. I never really noticed them in great detail before, but ever since that speaker came, it's been killing me to see it all so clearly now. It's one of those things that you just pass off as the "norm" around the school. I want for people to watch what they do, and think about it seriously... Is it a sign of a healthy relationship?
Gentleman by Psy
Raise Your Weapon by Deadmau5
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips
Been a while since I gave you a solemn shout-out, eh? I mean, you're my sister-site, and I haven't really given you a proper thank you for all the back up you've given me over the past two years. You are such a kind and beautiful young spirit. You have so much potential, and I really see you going farther in life than almost anyone I know. I've loved being able to see your testimony grow, and you mature more as a youth these past months. I can say I love you, but maybe with a different sort of meaning, I guess. :) You're an amazing singer, an amazing designer, and a great caretaker. Never let these memories die... because that will always be one thing that will hold our friendship to eternity. We seriously need to get together and hang out with each other sometime, and catch up with what's been going on lately. We haven't talked as often, and I really do need to be the one who starts these conversations, because I really do care about them, but don't show it as much... I have to thank you for making me a brony, and for introducing me to so many wonderful things in this world that I would have never seen before. I remember a few posts ago, you posted a particular picture that I thought was cute, and I just have to reshare it. :) Dashie and Soarin. Or maybe, you and Dawson. You guys fly so high, and it's adorable. <3 Please don't get too stressed about testing and everything else. I'm taking tests too, and with Prom coming up, I'm rather stressed. But today I took my first ISAT, and passed with Advanced scoring. :) I was happy, but I relaxed when I took the test.
Now, I'm not going to go much farther on here, for the sake of not sounding too obsessive or something... I'll leave this with a simple, I love you, sister. Take care, and wish that big lug of a brother of yours a happy mission for me, please?
Thank you all for sticking with me through my darkness and through my light, and through my obsessive parts...
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Laughs the Loudest
"How do you sleep while the rest of us cry? How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?" -P!nk
Sometimes you just have to put on this smile, this... shell of happiness that just makes everyone believe you're really happy, when in reality, you're not. There will come a time in all of our lives where for a prolonged period of time, you will ride through the lowest and bumpiest part you've ever experienced. I'm not one of the best people to ever explain how life can be, but I can sure give you my two cents of how life has been for me, and for how it will turn out.
First: How Life Can Be
Life can be a ruthless and unforgiving enemy. It sometimes likes to throw obstacles right into our playing field, and make us reroute our energy into trying to maneuver around these obstacles and it can sometimes make us crash ourselves straight into the brick limits of our own minds. We may not think we have any limits to our minds at this time in our lives, but they are there, and they are very prevalent to failure.
Life is God's gift to us, and we are here to be tested. These "curveballs" are just one of his many ways of testing our faith and our strength. If we can move these "walls" that much farther back, we'll become a better person overall. With a stronger mind, a stronger belief, and a stronger resistance to the temptations of the adversary.
Second: How Life Has Been For Me
More often lately than I'm used to, things have been going downhill. Sure, I keep whining about this, and sure I'm probably overreacting to how it's all going because everyone deals with things like this, and worse. I may not have the hardest life, but it's the hardest I've ever gone through. A quote I'm unsure of who said it is, "This too shall pass." Everything within the past week has gone much more smoothly. Sure, I've been friend-zoned a lot more, but I've grown used to it. I shall be patient with it, and find that one girl in this accursed town who is faithful and won't drop me like nothing. I'm sick and tired of seeing these people around the school who... cheat on others, who... have those week-long relationships. I've been a part of them, and I'm sick of it. Sorry, I... need to get over that, I guess. It's just hard for me.
Third: How It Will Turn Out
Life, as I've already said, is a test for us. If we can persevere through everything that we have "thrown" at us, then we will earn a righteous place in heaven where we can be closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As we grow through these, we may find ourselves in places we never could have imagined. Believe in yourself, and believe in the strength that Christ will give you. He will bring you through it all, and farther. He loves you, and His father loves you. I give you my testimony of this.
Song-of-the-Day: Sober by P!nk
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Hively, Katelyn Jones, Adrianna Foster, Sean Foster, Marc Alejos, Wyatt Thorson, Troy Amelotte, Val Degtyarev, Kevin Woof, Corey Robinson, Jimmy, Steve, Steven, Mike, Phire, Nate Tested, Liam Joseph, Jake, Jacob, Evan, Cole, Cat, Luke Nguyen, Aaron Koo, and Spencer Clauson
Taylor: My good sir! I'm glad you decided to make your Facebook again, after what you went through. I'm definitely coming on Friday. :) I don't have anything more important right now, nor will I probably find something more important. You, my friend, are important to me. :)
Katelyn: Can I be honest? You're very beautiful, and you have such a great personality. I absolutely love your smile. :) Call me maybe? Ha, you don't have to, unless you want to. I was kind of kidding, because nearly no one calls me anymore. You're so sweet to everyone, and I must admit we've become MUCH better friends over this school year. I remember Portland Trip and everything. It was so much fun! Ha, well... be safe?
Adrianna: Thanks for giving me your opinion on everything I ask about! You're such a great friend to me, and I would love if we could play piano together? (: I think we could do well!
Sean: KARTHUS! xD I think you and are rather closer than we were when I first started HaZe. Ever since the whole Duper thing, I respect you more, and I think you generally respect me a little more.
Marc: Gosh dang it, Marc. Stop nodusing every joke we make. xD Ha, just kidding. I love how your step-mom designs clothes, so you get to see models all the time. At least we have a mutual "respect" for each other, right? :D
Wyatt Thorson: Hello, good sir. Ha, thanks for always complimenting me when I'm down, or when it's just been a crappy day. I appreciate those 7 ores you gave me one time, because I got 16 diamonds out of them! I was like, YEAH! Ha, I don't have much, but I really appreciate your help.
Troy Amelotte: Hey Skater! Ha, glad to see that I've somehow... come back up in your standings since you guys promoted me to officer recently. I'm so glad to be back! It's so much fun, regardless of the annoyances we encounter occasionally.
Val Degtyarev: RUSSIAN!! Я собираюсь оставить вас ваше сообщение на русском языке, потому что я могу, и это весело! Ха, я люблю, как вы помогли мне так много и все мои основные версии. Ты отлично владельца, и я ценю ваше руководство к нам новички.
Kevin Woof: So, Rescue. How do you feel about Woof Town being back in business? I know I'm super excited! :D I get my dope house back, and I get all my enchants back! :D
Corey Robinson: Corey, I may not know you too well, but you've always been nice to me and I really appreciate you. :D
Jimmy: Bubu! Ha, we've had our fair share of laughs here and there, eh? You don't get on too often, what happened good sir? Message me!
Steve: Ah, my good English sir. I bid thee a good day! Ha, how are you? I enjoy our OMGPOP binges every few days. Those are so much fun, I have to admit.
Steven: Now it's on to the newly-not-so-immature Steven. The one who suddenly came out and told us that he was sorry for being so randomly immature to us. I appreciate you, no matter how much you get on my nerves. I appreciate all staff, as long as they don't whine about their jobs being hard.
Mike: I got cake. You jelly, Purp? Hmm, you're not half bad at CoD, good sir. But you are really good at MineCraft and LoL from what I've heard.
Phire: One of the staff that genuinely tries to be nice to me on a consistent basis. I appreciate you Phire and your intelligence.
Nate Tested: Haven't Skyped with you in few weeks man, you doing okay? We don't see on too much either! I miss our karaoke parties! Those were a lot of fun, even if we couldn't see you rack up some points!
Liam Joseph: Well, Daft. You're a really chill guy, and I really appreciate your help with all of us officers. You're appreciated by a good chunk of the staff.
Jake: Jgeil! I don't talk to you as much as I used too, and that sucks! I remember when you and I were both banned on the old server. I miss our sharing of houses and stuff. Let's start talking again?
Jacob: Mr. Drendalf, sir. I love how we both like Lindsey Stirling's music, and how you asked me questions that one day. It totally made me feel better.
Evan: You can sometimes be an annoyance, and you can sometimes be a cool person, but most of all you're staff and I appreciate you. #SOCKS
Cole: Scooby! Ha, Mod+ PvP team, eh? Marc kind of added me in, even if I'm not a mod, but hey! I'M NOT BAD!
Cat: You're so nice to me! Ha, I love how when everyone is being jerks to people, you tend to stand up and be nice to them! :D
Luke Nguyen: Reupho. :D Ha, I remember when you were just a member, and when you built the Sky Temple in Silverwood... I miss that town bro. THEM FEELS.
Aaron Koo: Yoshi! Ha, I love that your name is Yoshi! I wouldn't have actually guessed how nice you are... but you're a very nice person. And I'm glad you're staff!
Spencer Clauson: Aorac, a faithful staff. We don't know each other too well, but hey, let's change that?
Ha, this the most shout-outs I've ever done? Maybe! But these are all different friends, and fellow members of a game I play.
Sometimes you just have to put on this smile, this... shell of happiness that just makes everyone believe you're really happy, when in reality, you're not. There will come a time in all of our lives where for a prolonged period of time, you will ride through the lowest and bumpiest part you've ever experienced. I'm not one of the best people to ever explain how life can be, but I can sure give you my two cents of how life has been for me, and for how it will turn out.
First: How Life Can Be
Life can be a ruthless and unforgiving enemy. It sometimes likes to throw obstacles right into our playing field, and make us reroute our energy into trying to maneuver around these obstacles and it can sometimes make us crash ourselves straight into the brick limits of our own minds. We may not think we have any limits to our minds at this time in our lives, but they are there, and they are very prevalent to failure.
Life is God's gift to us, and we are here to be tested. These "curveballs" are just one of his many ways of testing our faith and our strength. If we can move these "walls" that much farther back, we'll become a better person overall. With a stronger mind, a stronger belief, and a stronger resistance to the temptations of the adversary.
Second: How Life Has Been For Me
More often lately than I'm used to, things have been going downhill. Sure, I keep whining about this, and sure I'm probably overreacting to how it's all going because everyone deals with things like this, and worse. I may not have the hardest life, but it's the hardest I've ever gone through. A quote I'm unsure of who said it is, "This too shall pass." Everything within the past week has gone much more smoothly. Sure, I've been friend-zoned a lot more, but I've grown used to it. I shall be patient with it, and find that one girl in this accursed town who is faithful and won't drop me like nothing. I'm sick and tired of seeing these people around the school who... cheat on others, who... have those week-long relationships. I've been a part of them, and I'm sick of it. Sorry, I... need to get over that, I guess. It's just hard for me.
Third: How It Will Turn Out
Life, as I've already said, is a test for us. If we can persevere through everything that we have "thrown" at us, then we will earn a righteous place in heaven where we can be closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As we grow through these, we may find ourselves in places we never could have imagined. Believe in yourself, and believe in the strength that Christ will give you. He will bring you through it all, and farther. He loves you, and His father loves you. I give you my testimony of this.
Song-of-the-Day: Sober by P!nk
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Hively, Katelyn Jones, Adrianna Foster, Sean Foster, Marc Alejos, Wyatt Thorson, Troy Amelotte, Val Degtyarev, Kevin Woof, Corey Robinson, Jimmy, Steve, Steven, Mike, Phire, Nate Tested, Liam Joseph, Jake, Jacob, Evan, Cole, Cat, Luke Nguyen, Aaron Koo, and Spencer Clauson
Taylor: My good sir! I'm glad you decided to make your Facebook again, after what you went through. I'm definitely coming on Friday. :) I don't have anything more important right now, nor will I probably find something more important. You, my friend, are important to me. :)
Katelyn: Can I be honest? You're very beautiful, and you have such a great personality. I absolutely love your smile. :) Call me maybe? Ha, you don't have to, unless you want to. I was kind of kidding, because nearly no one calls me anymore. You're so sweet to everyone, and I must admit we've become MUCH better friends over this school year. I remember Portland Trip and everything. It was so much fun! Ha, well... be safe?
Adrianna: Thanks for giving me your opinion on everything I ask about! You're such a great friend to me, and I would love if we could play piano together? (: I think we could do well!
Sean: KARTHUS! xD I think you and are rather closer than we were when I first started HaZe. Ever since the whole Duper thing, I respect you more, and I think you generally respect me a little more.
Marc: Gosh dang it, Marc. Stop nodusing every joke we make. xD Ha, just kidding. I love how your step-mom designs clothes, so you get to see models all the time. At least we have a mutual "respect" for each other, right? :D
Wyatt Thorson: Hello, good sir. Ha, thanks for always complimenting me when I'm down, or when it's just been a crappy day. I appreciate those 7 ores you gave me one time, because I got 16 diamonds out of them! I was like, YEAH! Ha, I don't have much, but I really appreciate your help.
Troy Amelotte: Hey Skater! Ha, glad to see that I've somehow... come back up in your standings since you guys promoted me to officer recently. I'm so glad to be back! It's so much fun, regardless of the annoyances we encounter occasionally.
Val Degtyarev: RUSSIAN!! Я собираюсь оставить вас ваше сообщение на русском языке, потому что я могу, и это весело! Ха, я люблю, как вы помогли мне так много и все мои основные версии. Ты отлично владельца, и я ценю ваше руководство к нам новички.
Kevin Woof: So, Rescue. How do you feel about Woof Town being back in business? I know I'm super excited! :D I get my dope house back, and I get all my enchants back! :D
Corey Robinson: Corey, I may not know you too well, but you've always been nice to me and I really appreciate you. :D
Jimmy: Bubu! Ha, we've had our fair share of laughs here and there, eh? You don't get on too often, what happened good sir? Message me!
Steve: Ah, my good English sir. I bid thee a good day! Ha, how are you? I enjoy our OMGPOP binges every few days. Those are so much fun, I have to admit.
Steven: Now it's on to the newly-not-so-immature Steven. The one who suddenly came out and told us that he was sorry for being so randomly immature to us. I appreciate you, no matter how much you get on my nerves. I appreciate all staff, as long as they don't whine about their jobs being hard.
Mike: I got cake. You jelly, Purp? Hmm, you're not half bad at CoD, good sir. But you are really good at MineCraft and LoL from what I've heard.
Phire: One of the staff that genuinely tries to be nice to me on a consistent basis. I appreciate you Phire and your intelligence.
Nate Tested: Haven't Skyped with you in few weeks man, you doing okay? We don't see on too much either! I miss our karaoke parties! Those were a lot of fun, even if we couldn't see you rack up some points!
Liam Joseph: Well, Daft. You're a really chill guy, and I really appreciate your help with all of us officers. You're appreciated by a good chunk of the staff.
Jake: Jgeil! I don't talk to you as much as I used too, and that sucks! I remember when you and I were both banned on the old server. I miss our sharing of houses and stuff. Let's start talking again?
Jacob: Mr. Drendalf, sir. I love how we both like Lindsey Stirling's music, and how you asked me questions that one day. It totally made me feel better.
Evan: You can sometimes be an annoyance, and you can sometimes be a cool person, but most of all you're staff and I appreciate you. #SOCKS
Cole: Scooby! Ha, Mod+ PvP team, eh? Marc kind of added me in, even if I'm not a mod, but hey! I'M NOT BAD!
Cat: You're so nice to me! Ha, I love how when everyone is being jerks to people, you tend to stand up and be nice to them! :D
Luke Nguyen: Reupho. :D Ha, I remember when you were just a member, and when you built the Sky Temple in Silverwood... I miss that town bro. THEM FEELS.
Aaron Koo: Yoshi! Ha, I love that your name is Yoshi! I wouldn't have actually guessed how nice you are... but you're a very nice person. And I'm glad you're staff!
Spencer Clauson: Aorac, a faithful staff. We don't know each other too well, but hey, let's change that?
Ha, this the most shout-outs I've ever done? Maybe! But these are all different friends, and fellow members of a game I play.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
In The Rough
"Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends? -Abraham Lincoln
Fear not, my friends, for the darkest clouds are beginning to subside, and the bright sunshine is coming back to what I once thought was a barren wasteland.
The eternal smile has begun to creep back upon my face every minute, of every day, of every week. I suppose it's for a multitude of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is my wonderful friends and all that they do for me! :D After the whole... "friend-zoning" occurrence... I'm still a bit hesitant to even try and contemplate a functioning relationship with someone nice and faithful.
I owe a big thanks to one couple, and one member of said couple in particular. Thank you to Rebekah Phillips and Dawson Hammond. :D Happy 6 months and 11 days! May your relationship last a very long time, if not forever! <3
I find myself thinking... day by day... that maybe I should just forget about life for a little while and concentrate on what is truly most important. My priesthood, and its power.
Sure, I do like my share of wordly items, namely my music and Lindsey Stirling. :3
Haha, I don't know what it is about her and her music! It's just so... pleasant to my ears! I have so many friends who absolutely love her music, and I was so bummed when I couldn't make it to her concert last Friday! I checked like... a week and a half in advance, and she was already sold out! But hey, I spent the whole day with my mom, so that's better, right? :D
I didn't do any of the traditional Easter festivities this year, because I feel too... out of place now. I mean, sure, it still looks fun, but those types of festivities are meant for the younger ones, not for the newly ordained priest! xD Besides... I celebrated my Easter today by blessing the sacrament for the first time, and by going to the Spanish branch and watching a good friend of mine give his first talk in Spanish in over... 20 years, in fact.
I'm just so much happier than I could ever imagine myself being after the whole thing that happened earlier this month. (: But it's all through the power of the Gospel. This is true, and I believe it. (:
I won't shove my religion down your throat, but I will tell you how much I love it. It's not my position to judge anyone because of what they do, or what they believe in.
"And now my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgement which ye judge ye shall also be judged." Moroni 7: 18
I tell everyone, even though it may seem hard to believe, that I do not judge anyone differently than I judge myself. I don't know your story, I don't know your living situation, I don't know everything about you, therefore I am in no position to wrongfully judge you based upon what I see now. I have seen many people whom I did not know were very righteous based upon how they act at school or in general, but then I see them do selfless acts of service and I find myself feeling very dumb for judging them unjustly.
"We do have a lot in common, the same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different... well, who knows?" -Meowth
You and I aren't so different, you know? We both have hair, however long or short it is. We both have feelings, emotions, spirits... We're all human beings, and no one deserves to be treated differently.
"No matter how much you think you know a person, you never know what they do behind closed doors. You never know if they cry themselves to sleep or if they cut themselves to feel." -Unknown
Lately, I've been seeing a lot of people posting these "equal rights" pictures on Facebook. They depict an equals sign, with three couples in them showing the "homosexual" and the "heterosexual" sides of society. Personally, whatever someone decides is their orientation, that's their choice, and I shouldn't have a say in whether it's wrong or right. I see all these people picketing on the streets about "Being gay is wrong" or "God meant for a man and a woman to be together". Sure, say what you want everyone, but always remember that you are judging that particular group of people, and pushing them away from feeling accepted in society. You can't force someone to change who they are inside! It's up to them to change it, over time!
"A friend is one who loves you as you are, understands where you've been, accepts who you've become and still invites you to grow." -Unknown
Those that are true friends will show themselves over the course of many trials and many changes. My ring of true friends seems to slowly grow each year. I mean, there are those friends that I'd thought I'd lost forever due to my retarded choices and the stupid things I've said... but they stay with me, never wavering, and never judging... I love them even more because of that. I'm going to deeply miss Katie, Joey, and their family when they move to Oregon in the following months. They've grown to be some of my best friends ever, and they've always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I've been there for them through heck and back.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss
To be honest... I haven't cried since... December-ish, when we went on the Salt Lake City trip for Troylairs. I don't remember if I've shared the full story of that here, but... as I said, it's the last time I cried. It was pretty intense, and completely... unexpected. BUT WHATEVER, I smile now because I realize why I cried and what really came out of that experience.
"Butterflies don't know the color of their wings, but human eyes know how beautiful it is. Likewise, you don't know how good you are, but others can see that you're special." -Unknown
For those of you out there who feel like you don't quite meet the so-called "requirements" of society's love, don't ever feel like you're not good enough, please! There will come a time, where you will be above the society that we currently have, and when you will find that special somebody that will show you that you are truly a beautiful person on the inside and outside. (: I know that I used to feel very unloved by society, but then a few years back, I realized that society doesn't matter. It's how Heavenly Father views you, and he loves all of his children equally, no matter what. He gave his Son, Jesus Christ, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. That is the biggest gift we could ever behold in our lives, and it shows how much he truly loves us. For Jesus died on the cross, that man might live. I say these things, because I know them to be true, and I give you my solemn testimony, in his holy name, amen.
Dead Island Riptide Literal by Tobuscus
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up) by Fall Out Boy
She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) ft. Sia by David GuettaPersonally, Tobuscus has always been a source of uplifting comedy, but only throughout the past... year and a half. I only found out about him because of Rebekah. (: I remember I was overly obsessed with everything of his at first, but now I just watch his comedic stuff from time to time. He's just... hilarious, with his personal parodies.
DUDE, when I heard the Fall Out Boy song on the radio, I couldn't believe it was them! I kind of freaked out! I've always been a fan of their music! But man, they came back, and they came back STRONG! Ha, I've already seen so many remixes, it's insane, but they're all good ones!
Now, this song isn't even that new, but I just BARELY heard it the other day, and I love it! :D I have to learn how to play this on the piano, or I might explode. :3 Ha, I love David Guetta's DJ skills!
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Jesus Christ and Jesús Cristo
It's Easter Sunday, and I've been taking far too long to recognize the one and only Begotten Son of our Heavenly Father in my life and on my blog. I love you, more than I can ever show. You are the best example of how I should live my life. I know we are taught to live like you did, and to keep your commandments. I know that your Atonement is infinite and that all you taught us on this Earth is true. I know you live, and I know you love all of us equally. I'm eternally grateful to you. I love you!!
Well everyone, I hope you've all had a wonderful past couple of weeks, and a wonderful Easter Sunday! Have a wonderful rest of your day, and keep doing what you know to be right!
Love you all! Thanks for helping me get through a rough patch in my life!
Fear not, my friends, for the darkest clouds are beginning to subside, and the bright sunshine is coming back to what I once thought was a barren wasteland.
The eternal smile has begun to creep back upon my face every minute, of every day, of every week. I suppose it's for a multitude of reasons. One of the biggest reasons is my wonderful friends and all that they do for me! :D After the whole... "friend-zoning" occurrence... I'm still a bit hesitant to even try and contemplate a functioning relationship with someone nice and faithful.
I owe a big thanks to one couple, and one member of said couple in particular. Thank you to Rebekah Phillips and Dawson Hammond. :D Happy 6 months and 11 days! May your relationship last a very long time, if not forever! <3
I find myself thinking... day by day... that maybe I should just forget about life for a little while and concentrate on what is truly most important. My priesthood, and its power.
Sure, I do like my share of wordly items, namely my music and Lindsey Stirling. :3
Haha, I don't know what it is about her and her music! It's just so... pleasant to my ears! I have so many friends who absolutely love her music, and I was so bummed when I couldn't make it to her concert last Friday! I checked like... a week and a half in advance, and she was already sold out! But hey, I spent the whole day with my mom, so that's better, right? :D
I didn't do any of the traditional Easter festivities this year, because I feel too... out of place now. I mean, sure, it still looks fun, but those types of festivities are meant for the younger ones, not for the newly ordained priest! xD Besides... I celebrated my Easter today by blessing the sacrament for the first time, and by going to the Spanish branch and watching a good friend of mine give his first talk in Spanish in over... 20 years, in fact.
I'm just so much happier than I could ever imagine myself being after the whole thing that happened earlier this month. (: But it's all through the power of the Gospel. This is true, and I believe it. (:
I won't shove my religion down your throat, but I will tell you how much I love it. It's not my position to judge anyone because of what they do, or what they believe in.
"And now my brethren, seeing that ye know the light by which ye may judge, which light is the light of Christ, see that ye do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgement which ye judge ye shall also be judged." Moroni 7: 18
I tell everyone, even though it may seem hard to believe, that I do not judge anyone differently than I judge myself. I don't know your story, I don't know your living situation, I don't know everything about you, therefore I am in no position to wrongfully judge you based upon what I see now. I have seen many people whom I did not know were very righteous based upon how they act at school or in general, but then I see them do selfless acts of service and I find myself feeling very dumb for judging them unjustly.
"We do have a lot in common, the same earth, the same air, the same sky. Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different... well, who knows?" -Meowth
You and I aren't so different, you know? We both have hair, however long or short it is. We both have feelings, emotions, spirits... We're all human beings, and no one deserves to be treated differently.
"No matter how much you think you know a person, you never know what they do behind closed doors. You never know if they cry themselves to sleep or if they cut themselves to feel." -Unknown
Lately, I've been seeing a lot of people posting these "equal rights" pictures on Facebook. They depict an equals sign, with three couples in them showing the "homosexual" and the "heterosexual" sides of society. Personally, whatever someone decides is their orientation, that's their choice, and I shouldn't have a say in whether it's wrong or right. I see all these people picketing on the streets about "Being gay is wrong" or "God meant for a man and a woman to be together". Sure, say what you want everyone, but always remember that you are judging that particular group of people, and pushing them away from feeling accepted in society. You can't force someone to change who they are inside! It's up to them to change it, over time!
"A friend is one who loves you as you are, understands where you've been, accepts who you've become and still invites you to grow." -Unknown
Those that are true friends will show themselves over the course of many trials and many changes. My ring of true friends seems to slowly grow each year. I mean, there are those friends that I'd thought I'd lost forever due to my retarded choices and the stupid things I've said... but they stay with me, never wavering, and never judging... I love them even more because of that. I'm going to deeply miss Katie, Joey, and their family when they move to Oregon in the following months. They've grown to be some of my best friends ever, and they've always been there for me, through thick and thin, and I've been there for them through heck and back.
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss
To be honest... I haven't cried since... December-ish, when we went on the Salt Lake City trip for Troylairs. I don't remember if I've shared the full story of that here, but... as I said, it's the last time I cried. It was pretty intense, and completely... unexpected. BUT WHATEVER, I smile now because I realize why I cried and what really came out of that experience.
"Butterflies don't know the color of their wings, but human eyes know how beautiful it is. Likewise, you don't know how good you are, but others can see that you're special." -Unknown
For those of you out there who feel like you don't quite meet the so-called "requirements" of society's love, don't ever feel like you're not good enough, please! There will come a time, where you will be above the society that we currently have, and when you will find that special somebody that will show you that you are truly a beautiful person on the inside and outside. (: I know that I used to feel very unloved by society, but then a few years back, I realized that society doesn't matter. It's how Heavenly Father views you, and he loves all of his children equally, no matter what. He gave his Son, Jesus Christ, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. That is the biggest gift we could ever behold in our lives, and it shows how much he truly loves us. For Jesus died on the cross, that man might live. I say these things, because I know them to be true, and I give you my solemn testimony, in his holy name, amen.
Dead Island Riptide Literal by Tobuscus
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light 'Em Up) by Fall Out Boy
She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) ft. Sia by David GuettaPersonally, Tobuscus has always been a source of uplifting comedy, but only throughout the past... year and a half. I only found out about him because of Rebekah. (: I remember I was overly obsessed with everything of his at first, but now I just watch his comedic stuff from time to time. He's just... hilarious, with his personal parodies.
DUDE, when I heard the Fall Out Boy song on the radio, I couldn't believe it was them! I kind of freaked out! I've always been a fan of their music! But man, they came back, and they came back STRONG! Ha, I've already seen so many remixes, it's insane, but they're all good ones!
Now, this song isn't even that new, but I just BARELY heard it the other day, and I love it! :D I have to learn how to play this on the piano, or I might explode. :3 Ha, I love David Guetta's DJ skills!
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Jesus Christ and Jesús Cristo
It's Easter Sunday, and I've been taking far too long to recognize the one and only Begotten Son of our Heavenly Father in my life and on my blog. I love you, more than I can ever show. You are the best example of how I should live my life. I know we are taught to live like you did, and to keep your commandments. I know that your Atonement is infinite and that all you taught us on this Earth is true. I know you live, and I know you love all of us equally. I'm eternally grateful to you. I love you!!
Well everyone, I hope you've all had a wonderful past couple of weeks, and a wonderful Easter Sunday! Have a wonderful rest of your day, and keep doing what you know to be right!
Love you all! Thanks for helping me get through a rough patch in my life!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Gotta Get Up
"Sometimes you just have to be saved by your friends, and only your friends. Sometimes they are the only ones who are truly there for you, or the only ones you feel like you can talk to about anything. Maybe they are just those that will truly be there with you throughout all the doldrums of life, and throughout all the hellfire that we are put through in this mortal existence. Friends are the best, and there's no doubt about it." -James W. Facer
Here I sit, nearly two weeks since my last post, not even close to better. As some of you may know, these past couple weeks have been an absolute killer on my emotions, my self-esteem, and my usual attitude. I'm going to just flat out say it now... I GOT FRIEND ZONED.
And do you have any idea what that feels like? I guess I'm just taking it differently than I probably should. Everything has just gone wrong these past couple of weeks... other than the whole being friend zoned by someone I deeply care about...
For one thing, I dropped my iPod for the first time in 4 years, and cracked the screen pretty bad. And now here we sit, about two weeks since it happened, and it's only gotten worse. I tried having my dad repair it, because he's done iPod screens before, and they always turned out perfectly fine. WELL, he apparently may have cut a cable or burned something when he was lifting the screen off, and therefore my iPod is a little bit... in limbo, so to speak.
In other news, I got my finger jammed this past week. And to add insult to my injury, it's on my writing hand. And we just started the trimester, so there's a lot of writing and note-taking to be done, and it's sort of hard to do that with my screwed up finger.
There's four things that I can name right now that seem to release any of this stress from my shoulders and make me feel a lot better about myself.
1. Kneeling down and praying every now and again: I've found it hard to take the time out my life and pray to my Father above. *sigh* I need to do it regardless if I'm having a bad day, or anything.
2. Talking to my friends, Rebekah in particular: Now I know some of you guys keep getting confused as to who I really like, and who I used to like. As to with how I feel for Rebekah right now... I'm sort of confused, mixed, and unsure right now. She's the only one that I'm still able to talk to, and relate to with a lot of things. I mean... we're practically brother and sister, with all of our similarities and our memories and times together...
I love talking to people, and she's just one of those people that truly understands me, and I'm one of those people that tries to truly understand her as best as I can.
3. Minecraft: For some reason, when I start playing this, my OCD turns on, my ADHD completely shuts down, and I concentrate on nearly nothing but this. It's the creativity, the infinity, and the lack of complexity. I can just sit there and pretend, in my mind, that I was really in the game and doing this stuff in real life. Sure, that sounds nerdy, but hey, that's part of me. If you don't like it, too bad.
4. Reading: I just love reading interesting fiction books, and getting lost in the story for hours. Especially when the author puts in great imagery, so I can imagine that I was there for real.
Now, this past Tuesday, or March 12th in simple words, I auditioned for Chamber Singers/Troylairs for the next school year! I was a bit nervous, despite the support from my "brother and sister" being there with me. Alex and Naomi are seriously some of the best supporters for me whenever I need to make decisions about singing. So, the audition seemed to go okay. I always love how Burrows skips sight singing for me, because he knows that I can do it. :D I guess that was one plus for this week.
Oh, and on the following day, March 13th, I went to my good friend Jacob Allred's house to party with him for the last time in two years. He's leaving on his mission soon, and we all wanted to spend one party with him and just have a great time. There was one game in particular that I've never even heard of before, but I dominated at it, and it was a lot of fun! "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT !!!1" is how it's stylized. It's a top view-down shoot-em-up game where you just point and click with up to four players. It's such a trippy game, and I would suggest it if you have a small group of friends that you want to have a little competition with.
Gotta Get Up by Harry Nilsson
Opera 2 by Vitas
C'Mon by Ke$ha
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips
Can I just say you're the best friend ever, and you've never back stabbed me. I'm glad we're still friends, and I see us being friends forever, and always being close in some manner.
Well, I'm sorry I was gone for nearly two weeks guys. I'll try not to let it happen again anytime soon! Love you all!
And do you have any idea what that feels like? I guess I'm just taking it differently than I probably should. Everything has just gone wrong these past couple of weeks... other than the whole being friend zoned by someone I deeply care about...
For one thing, I dropped my iPod for the first time in 4 years, and cracked the screen pretty bad. And now here we sit, about two weeks since it happened, and it's only gotten worse. I tried having my dad repair it, because he's done iPod screens before, and they always turned out perfectly fine. WELL, he apparently may have cut a cable or burned something when he was lifting the screen off, and therefore my iPod is a little bit... in limbo, so to speak.
In other news, I got my finger jammed this past week. And to add insult to my injury, it's on my writing hand. And we just started the trimester, so there's a lot of writing and note-taking to be done, and it's sort of hard to do that with my screwed up finger.
There's four things that I can name right now that seem to release any of this stress from my shoulders and make me feel a lot better about myself.
1. Kneeling down and praying every now and again: I've found it hard to take the time out my life and pray to my Father above. *sigh* I need to do it regardless if I'm having a bad day, or anything.
2. Talking to my friends, Rebekah in particular: Now I know some of you guys keep getting confused as to who I really like, and who I used to like. As to with how I feel for Rebekah right now... I'm sort of confused, mixed, and unsure right now. She's the only one that I'm still able to talk to, and relate to with a lot of things. I mean... we're practically brother and sister, with all of our similarities and our memories and times together...
I love talking to people, and she's just one of those people that truly understands me, and I'm one of those people that tries to truly understand her as best as I can.
3. Minecraft: For some reason, when I start playing this, my OCD turns on, my ADHD completely shuts down, and I concentrate on nearly nothing but this. It's the creativity, the infinity, and the lack of complexity. I can just sit there and pretend, in my mind, that I was really in the game and doing this stuff in real life. Sure, that sounds nerdy, but hey, that's part of me. If you don't like it, too bad.
4. Reading: I just love reading interesting fiction books, and getting lost in the story for hours. Especially when the author puts in great imagery, so I can imagine that I was there for real.
Now, this past Tuesday, or March 12th in simple words, I auditioned for Chamber Singers/Troylairs for the next school year! I was a bit nervous, despite the support from my "brother and sister" being there with me. Alex and Naomi are seriously some of the best supporters for me whenever I need to make decisions about singing. So, the audition seemed to go okay. I always love how Burrows skips sight singing for me, because he knows that I can do it. :D I guess that was one plus for this week.
Oh, and on the following day, March 13th, I went to my good friend Jacob Allred's house to party with him for the last time in two years. He's leaving on his mission soon, and we all wanted to spend one party with him and just have a great time. There was one game in particular that I've never even heard of before, but I dominated at it, and it was a lot of fun! "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MBIES 1N IT !!!1" is how it's stylized. It's a top view-down shoot-em-up game where you just point and click with up to four players. It's such a trippy game, and I would suggest it if you have a small group of friends that you want to have a little competition with.
Gotta Get Up by Harry Nilsson
Opera 2 by Vitas
C'Mon by Ke$ha
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips
Can I just say you're the best friend ever, and you've never back stabbed me. I'm glad we're still friends, and I see us being friends forever, and always being close in some manner.
Well, I'm sorry I was gone for nearly two weeks guys. I'll try not to let it happen again anytime soon! Love you all!
Friday, February 22, 2013
The Beast Inside
"Everyone sees who I appear to be but only a few know the real me. You only see what I choose to show. There's so much behind my smile you just don't know." -Unknown
To stay silent, one must first find solace in their current settings. One must be content with all that is being thrown at them, and never change for the worse because of it. Life isn't about becoming a worse person because of the trials that we go through. I believe it's all the opposite of that. I believe that we must become a better person in every way possible, regardless of how serious a trial it is.
I have seen people lose loved ones, due to accidents, and they completely accept it and understand that they are safe from the world's harsh nature.
People wonder why I am a silent person sometimes. It's not because I'm depressed, or because I'm mad at anyone. It's because I need my time to think and accept how everything in my life is going. When all these trials continue to be thrown in my face, what do I do? I shut my mouth, kneel down, and begin to pray now. I may not have always had the best of habits towards when I prayed, but now I'm changing that. I've begun to pray every morning and night, regardless of how much time I have left. Now all I have to do is restart my scripture study habit, and I'll be much more content and find more solace in whatever trials I come through. It is through Christ that I have found my ways through the darkest parts of my life. It is through the angels of heaven that I cannot see, but feel around me, that I have been saved from dark places/people everyday. No longer do I associate with certain people, because I never felt light when I was associating with them, but I appreciate their company nevertheless. They have helped me learn the better ways of life.
I say all of this now, because I am extremely grateful to have all the wonderful people in my life, regardless of me knowing you well or not, you have all influenced my life for the better part. Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much the little things in life can influence those around you.
Song-of-the-Day: Demons by Imagine DragonsI recently found this song, and I absolutely love it. SO MUCH SO, that I want to do it for my comfort zone in Troylairs. (: I think I could do it okay. I've become more confident in my abilities to sing ever since Portland. Thanks to Mr. Peter, and Mr. Burrows, and EVERYONE on that trip! I sing more proudly, and much easier because of it. (: I love choir so much.
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Everyone In My Ever-Growing Audience!
All: I'm not going to individualize the shout-out today. It's well deserved to everyone one of you, and I'm extremely thankful to have everyone of you here with me every day of my life. Thank you for all the love and support shown through your words, actions, and impressions. You all mean the world to me. Some, of course, more than others, due to the natural man inside of me.
I can never say enough thanks to all of you.
I have a hard time saying this, but... I feel like you all would maybe want to know. At one time, a couple years back, I was suicidal. I never cut myself, or took pills, or did any of that stuff that typically happens nowadays. I was just extremely depressed, and didn't want to socialize with anyone, due to my shyness to admit my true feelings about anything. I would always have a power-tool, or some kind of weapon at hand, because I'm a knife-enthusiast and a small-arms fanatic. I may not own many, but I have enough to cause damage to anything in my way.
Thanks to my friends, and my family, and those that I've come to love now, I am alive and very well. I mean... imagine all the differences there would be if I hadn't met you all. I mean... I'm not saying I'm a big importance in your lives, but I know I've made an impact and even saved a few lives because of some of the things I've expressed over the past two years.
So, thank you all for taking this little time out of your day to read this! I love you all!
To stay silent, one must first find solace in their current settings. One must be content with all that is being thrown at them, and never change for the worse because of it. Life isn't about becoming a worse person because of the trials that we go through. I believe it's all the opposite of that. I believe that we must become a better person in every way possible, regardless of how serious a trial it is.
I have seen people lose loved ones, due to accidents, and they completely accept it and understand that they are safe from the world's harsh nature.
People wonder why I am a silent person sometimes. It's not because I'm depressed, or because I'm mad at anyone. It's because I need my time to think and accept how everything in my life is going. When all these trials continue to be thrown in my face, what do I do? I shut my mouth, kneel down, and begin to pray now. I may not have always had the best of habits towards when I prayed, but now I'm changing that. I've begun to pray every morning and night, regardless of how much time I have left. Now all I have to do is restart my scripture study habit, and I'll be much more content and find more solace in whatever trials I come through. It is through Christ that I have found my ways through the darkest parts of my life. It is through the angels of heaven that I cannot see, but feel around me, that I have been saved from dark places/people everyday. No longer do I associate with certain people, because I never felt light when I was associating with them, but I appreciate their company nevertheless. They have helped me learn the better ways of life.
I say all of this now, because I am extremely grateful to have all the wonderful people in my life, regardless of me knowing you well or not, you have all influenced my life for the better part. Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much the little things in life can influence those around you.
Song-of-the-Day: Demons by Imagine DragonsI recently found this song, and I absolutely love it. SO MUCH SO, that I want to do it for my comfort zone in Troylairs. (: I think I could do it okay. I've become more confident in my abilities to sing ever since Portland. Thanks to Mr. Peter, and Mr. Burrows, and EVERYONE on that trip! I sing more proudly, and much easier because of it. (: I love choir so much.
Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Everyone In My Ever-Growing Audience!
All: I'm not going to individualize the shout-out today. It's well deserved to everyone one of you, and I'm extremely thankful to have everyone of you here with me every day of my life. Thank you for all the love and support shown through your words, actions, and impressions. You all mean the world to me. Some, of course, more than others, due to the natural man inside of me.
I can never say enough thanks to all of you.
I have a hard time saying this, but... I feel like you all would maybe want to know. At one time, a couple years back, I was suicidal. I never cut myself, or took pills, or did any of that stuff that typically happens nowadays. I was just extremely depressed, and didn't want to socialize with anyone, due to my shyness to admit my true feelings about anything. I would always have a power-tool, or some kind of weapon at hand, because I'm a knife-enthusiast and a small-arms fanatic. I may not own many, but I have enough to cause damage to anything in my way.
Thanks to my friends, and my family, and those that I've come to love now, I am alive and very well. I mean... imagine all the differences there would be if I hadn't met you all. I mean... I'm not saying I'm a big importance in your lives, but I know I've made an impact and even saved a few lives because of some of the things I've expressed over the past two years.
So, thank you all for taking this little time out of your day to read this! I love you all!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Win Where I Have Lost
"Don't do as I have done. Win where I have lost. Have where I have none. Don't let your demons drive. They'll just steer you wrong." -Adam Gontier (Three Days Grace)
Welcome back everyone! How was your first couple of days of February? I hope they were wonderful!
And hey, what day is it? SATURDAY?! You know what that means, right? It means colorization today! Ha, so today has been rather bland, so to speak. I was doing homework, for once, and then I actually ran out of homework.
So, I was sitting home alone, with nothing to do but wander the internet aimlessly. I decided that I'd use the website Omegle for the second time ever, and then I also decided to use the video option too! Little did I know, that I would come across a group of teenage girls. And little did I expect one of them to call me a "puppy".
AND AGAIN, little did I expect to talk with her for two hours, and then add her on Facebook and Skype. And so apparently my new nickname is Chocolate Chip (:
Ha, it was actually a lot of fun, and she completely made my day! She said I was THE NICEST person she's ever met on Omegle. I was totally surprised, but then I realized it's because of the habits I've formed. For instance: My lack of swearing, my turning around every time she got up, and my constant compliments to her.
And then I realize now, that I'm naturally nice to people, even if I don't know them. I don't really judge people, if I can help it, because I don't know people's story, and I don't expect people to tell me their stories straight off the bat.
Song-of-the-Day: Time That Remains by Three Days Grace
"Don't do as I have done
Win where I have lost
Have where I have none
Don't let your demons drive
They'll just steer you wrong
You won't get out alive
'Cause you can't unlive the pain
You can't rewind to yesterday
You might never find your place
In the time that remains
So if tomorrow never comes
From living fast and dying young
I hope the best is yet to come
In the time that remains for you.
Don't get me wrong
The mistakes I made along the way
Made me who I am today
The time is gonna come
You will wake up and realize
Just how fast your life goes by
'Cause you can't unlive the pain
You can't rewind to yesterday
You might never find your place
In the time that remains
So if tomorrow never comes
From living fast and dying young
I hope the best is yet to come
In the time that remains for you."I really like this song, especially because of where he says "Don't get me wrong, the mistakes I made along the way, made me who I am today."
People judge others too freely based upon their past, and aren't willing to overlook it, and move on with their lives. I mean, seriously? People learn from mistakes! If they did it, and they regret it, then they learned their lesson. Leave them alone for that, and stop bringing it up. It really doesn't help my opinion of you, if you bring up stupid stuff I did when I was younger. As children, we try things out, because we're curious! It's part of our time to learn, so don't keep your paradigm for us in a negative state based upon our past acts. People change, and move on.
Don't dwell on the past, because it just makes you a negative person, if you dwell for too long.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Klara Spence, Shawn Phillips, Taylor Bird, Taylor Sorg, Taylor Hively, Jordan Maron, Chelsea Moore, Jori Ball, Jarrod Cook, Jason Kunde, Jacob Allred, Joshua Lowder, Kolton Barnes, Dante Hogue, and Ben Bingham
Klara: Hey Perrywinkle. (; Thanks for popping up, literally, on my screen, and then making this lonely day such a funny and great day! You're really nice, and I'm glad that we met!
Shawn: Ha, I miss our "Mickey Mouse" noises in class. We used to make everyone look at us, like what the heck. Let's start again, please?
Taylor B.: Thanks for always helping me with those higher notes that I have problems with. I look at you when I sing sometimes, because you have better habits, and you don't have to scatter breathe as much as all of us.
Taylor S.: I miss you so fetching much, Taylor. I'm so glad I could make your day, when I told you the poem again.
It saddens me that you didn't get the written form though. I had it all specially written out and stuff, so it was like really nice! I love you, Taylor! Please know that!
Taylor H.: Take care of mah wife, okay? Ha, just kidding... but seriously. She's my wife, and I'm just saying, if you hurt her, I'll hurt your face. OR WILL I? I'm not violent, usually. So, I suppose it depends on the day. Ha, you know I'm kidding, right bro?
Jordan: Dude! I love your videos! Keep doing your best, and I know you'll keep doing well with everything! I'm sad that they took down Minecraft Style all those times! It was such an awesome video!
Chelsea: Wifeeeee! Ha, I already miss our Zumba, and it's only been two days! We need to go together more often! Ha, we have so many jokes, it's getting ridiculous. OH, AND OMEGLE, REALLY?
Jori: Ha, just thought I'd let you know that you and Jarrod are seriously one of the cutest couples I've ever seen, and I hope you guys stay together for a good long while.
Jarrod: I'm proud of you, mister. Keep doing well with all that you do! I miss you being in our ward, but I know that whatever ward you're in, there will be a spirit there.
Jason: Thank you for being the best leader I've ever had. I'm so disappointed that I can't make the Snowmobile trip this year, but I know you guys will have a great time! Give your brother my best, please?
Jacob: We need to hang out soon, sir. I'm going to miss you when you're gone, but again, I know you'll be pleasing the Lord, and have the spirit with you wherever you go.
Josh: It sucks that you're grounded from coming to mutual for awhile! We've missed you, and I miss your spirit in the lessons. You always offer great comments, and great stories to help back up the topic we have.
Kolton: You're not winning this bet, sir. I promise you that whatever you do, it's not happening. I. AM. WINNING. And you're going to lose your bet, when I flip the roles back on you.
Dante: I'm so proud of how you're doing. I'm so glad the missionaries came to you and that you took the lessons. You have one of the greatest spirits I've ever felt before.
Ben: Hello ellimist. I miss having camp-outs with you! You're always fun to talk to, and I love how we have quite a bit in common.
So, I hope you all enjoyed this "T" day post! Have a wonderful night!
Welcome back everyone! How was your first couple of days of February? I hope they were wonderful!
And hey, what day is it? SATURDAY?! You know what that means, right? It means colorization today! Ha, so today has been rather bland, so to speak. I was doing homework, for once, and then I actually ran out of homework.
So, I was sitting home alone, with nothing to do but wander the internet aimlessly. I decided that I'd use the website Omegle for the second time ever, and then I also decided to use the video option too! Little did I know, that I would come across a group of teenage girls. And little did I expect one of them to call me a "puppy".
AND AGAIN, little did I expect to talk with her for two hours, and then add her on Facebook and Skype. And so apparently my new nickname is Chocolate Chip (:
Ha, it was actually a lot of fun, and she completely made my day! She said I was THE NICEST person she's ever met on Omegle. I was totally surprised, but then I realized it's because of the habits I've formed. For instance: My lack of swearing, my turning around every time she got up, and my constant compliments to her.
And then I realize now, that I'm naturally nice to people, even if I don't know them. I don't really judge people, if I can help it, because I don't know people's story, and I don't expect people to tell me their stories straight off the bat.
Song-of-the-Day: Time That Remains by Three Days Grace
"Don't do as I have done
Win where I have lost
Have where I have none
Don't let your demons drive
They'll just steer you wrong
You won't get out alive
'Cause you can't unlive the pain
You can't rewind to yesterday
You might never find your place
In the time that remains
So if tomorrow never comes
From living fast and dying young
I hope the best is yet to come
In the time that remains for you.
Don't get me wrong
The mistakes I made along the way
Made me who I am today
The time is gonna come
You will wake up and realize
Just how fast your life goes by
'Cause you can't unlive the pain
You can't rewind to yesterday
You might never find your place
In the time that remains
So if tomorrow never comes
From living fast and dying young
I hope the best is yet to come
In the time that remains for you."I really like this song, especially because of where he says "Don't get me wrong, the mistakes I made along the way, made me who I am today."
People judge others too freely based upon their past, and aren't willing to overlook it, and move on with their lives. I mean, seriously? People learn from mistakes! If they did it, and they regret it, then they learned their lesson. Leave them alone for that, and stop bringing it up. It really doesn't help my opinion of you, if you bring up stupid stuff I did when I was younger. As children, we try things out, because we're curious! It's part of our time to learn, so don't keep your paradigm for us in a negative state based upon our past acts. People change, and move on.
Don't dwell on the past, because it just makes you a negative person, if you dwell for too long.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Klara Spence, Shawn Phillips, Taylor Bird, Taylor Sorg, Taylor Hively, Jordan Maron, Chelsea Moore, Jori Ball, Jarrod Cook, Jason Kunde, Jacob Allred, Joshua Lowder, Kolton Barnes, Dante Hogue, and Ben Bingham
Klara: Hey Perrywinkle. (; Thanks for popping up, literally, on my screen, and then making this lonely day such a funny and great day! You're really nice, and I'm glad that we met!
Shawn: Ha, I miss our "Mickey Mouse" noises in class. We used to make everyone look at us, like what the heck. Let's start again, please?
Taylor B.: Thanks for always helping me with those higher notes that I have problems with. I look at you when I sing sometimes, because you have better habits, and you don't have to scatter breathe as much as all of us.
Taylor S.: I miss you so fetching much, Taylor. I'm so glad I could make your day, when I told you the poem again.
It saddens me that you didn't get the written form though. I had it all specially written out and stuff, so it was like really nice! I love you, Taylor! Please know that!
Taylor H.: Take care of mah wife, okay? Ha, just kidding... but seriously. She's my wife, and I'm just saying, if you hurt her, I'll hurt your face. OR WILL I? I'm not violent, usually. So, I suppose it depends on the day. Ha, you know I'm kidding, right bro?
Jordan: Dude! I love your videos! Keep doing your best, and I know you'll keep doing well with everything! I'm sad that they took down Minecraft Style all those times! It was such an awesome video!
Chelsea: Wifeeeee! Ha, I already miss our Zumba, and it's only been two days! We need to go together more often! Ha, we have so many jokes, it's getting ridiculous. OH, AND OMEGLE, REALLY?
Jori: Ha, just thought I'd let you know that you and Jarrod are seriously one of the cutest couples I've ever seen, and I hope you guys stay together for a good long while.
Jarrod: I'm proud of you, mister. Keep doing well with all that you do! I miss you being in our ward, but I know that whatever ward you're in, there will be a spirit there.
Jason: Thank you for being the best leader I've ever had. I'm so disappointed that I can't make the Snowmobile trip this year, but I know you guys will have a great time! Give your brother my best, please?
Jacob: We need to hang out soon, sir. I'm going to miss you when you're gone, but again, I know you'll be pleasing the Lord, and have the spirit with you wherever you go.
Josh: It sucks that you're grounded from coming to mutual for awhile! We've missed you, and I miss your spirit in the lessons. You always offer great comments, and great stories to help back up the topic we have.
Kolton: You're not winning this bet, sir. I promise you that whatever you do, it's not happening. I. AM. WINNING. And you're going to lose your bet, when I flip the roles back on you.
Dante: I'm so proud of how you're doing. I'm so glad the missionaries came to you and that you took the lessons. You have one of the greatest spirits I've ever felt before.
Ben: Hello ellimist. I miss having camp-outs with you! You're always fun to talk to, and I love how we have quite a bit in common.
So, I hope you all enjoyed this "T" day post! Have a wonderful night!
In My Mind, Worlds Collide
"Something inside me is gone, but still I keep going on. In my mind, oceans divide. I don't know where I belong. But still I keep holding on and on." -Adam Gontier (Three Days Grace)
Three Days Grace, for many years now has been one of those bands that I've listened to every song they have published more than once. They've only released four albums in the past 9 years, and after their most recent one, they have had an announcement that hurt my heart.
Adam Gontier, the lead singer and writer of the group, is resigning his position as head of the band. He's decided it's time for him to move on with his life, and give Three Days Grace a goodbye.
He had a good long run, and I completely support his decision to do what he wants. I'm going to miss his musical talent, and his great inspiration. He's a great guy, and I'm proud of him for cleaning up his life, and becoming a better person overall. Adam, you will be missed!
Now, at first listen to this song, I thought it might be just talking about secluding yourself from everyone else in the world, and doing whatever you wanted while being "anonymous".
But, after much thought and analyzing, I come to the conclusion that it's completely different.
I perceive it to be about not caring what others think about you, or whether or not they know who the real you is. Find those people who you can be yourself with, and do whatever you want with them, and shout to the world that you don't care. Be anonymous, be random, be your true self. Your true friends will love you for it, and will grow closer to you every day.
This is how I am, most of the time. I don't change myself to please everyone around me. I don't act depressed to get attention, I don't pity myself. I'm always appearing happy, even if inside I'm in ruins, just so no one pities me. Pity can be good, but pity can be bad too. People will grow to believe you're just some melodramatic, depressing person who's always going on about what's wrong in life. Now, don't take me wrong about that, please. Because that's just the truth, at least with my experience. People used to call me depressed because of how I acted, so I don't go about telling everyone that I'm sad about what I don't have.
I go around and be happy with what I have been graciously given. I'm eternally grateful for all the experiences I've had.
Song-of-the-Day: Anonymous by Three Days Grace
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Eric Hoadley, Chelsea Moore, Jori Ball, Elaine Ritchie
Eric: Thanks for the CD, man! And actually, not to act unappreciative, but there is supposed to be 13 songs originally. I still really like the one you gave me. :D I just have to fix the missing two.
Chelsea: Hi, wife. :D Zumba on Thursday was some crazy stuff, eh? Sorry you weren't feeling too good, but I'm glad you finally got to see me Zumba in person. :D Love you, wife.
Jori: Yeah, thanks for making me feel bad, and for ALMOST successfully getting a hug on me. I told you, I. AM. WATCHING. I am not losing this bet by any means possible. And you are GOOD at making me feel bad, I have to admit. xD
Elaine: Thanks for telling me all those stories last night when we came to drop off your tickets. You're an amazing lady, and thank you for always being so respectful to me and my family. We love you, and I love you.
Alright everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful day, and that you've all enjoyed this!
Three Days Grace, for many years now has been one of those bands that I've listened to every song they have published more than once. They've only released four albums in the past 9 years, and after their most recent one, they have had an announcement that hurt my heart.
Adam Gontier, the lead singer and writer of the group, is resigning his position as head of the band. He's decided it's time for him to move on with his life, and give Three Days Grace a goodbye.
He had a good long run, and I completely support his decision to do what he wants. I'm going to miss his musical talent, and his great inspiration. He's a great guy, and I'm proud of him for cleaning up his life, and becoming a better person overall. Adam, you will be missed!
Now, at first listen to this song, I thought it might be just talking about secluding yourself from everyone else in the world, and doing whatever you wanted while being "anonymous".
But, after much thought and analyzing, I come to the conclusion that it's completely different.
I perceive it to be about not caring what others think about you, or whether or not they know who the real you is. Find those people who you can be yourself with, and do whatever you want with them, and shout to the world that you don't care. Be anonymous, be random, be your true self. Your true friends will love you for it, and will grow closer to you every day.
This is how I am, most of the time. I don't change myself to please everyone around me. I don't act depressed to get attention, I don't pity myself. I'm always appearing happy, even if inside I'm in ruins, just so no one pities me. Pity can be good, but pity can be bad too. People will grow to believe you're just some melodramatic, depressing person who's always going on about what's wrong in life. Now, don't take me wrong about that, please. Because that's just the truth, at least with my experience. People used to call me depressed because of how I acted, so I don't go about telling everyone that I'm sad about what I don't have.
I go around and be happy with what I have been graciously given. I'm eternally grateful for all the experiences I've had.
Song-of-the-Day: Anonymous by Three Days Grace
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Eric Hoadley, Chelsea Moore, Jori Ball, Elaine Ritchie
Eric: Thanks for the CD, man! And actually, not to act unappreciative, but there is supposed to be 13 songs originally. I still really like the one you gave me. :D I just have to fix the missing two.
Chelsea: Hi, wife. :D Zumba on Thursday was some crazy stuff, eh? Sorry you weren't feeling too good, but I'm glad you finally got to see me Zumba in person. :D Love you, wife.
Jori: Yeah, thanks for making me feel bad, and for ALMOST successfully getting a hug on me. I told you, I. AM. WATCHING. I am not losing this bet by any means possible. And you are GOOD at making me feel bad, I have to admit. xD
Elaine: Thanks for telling me all those stories last night when we came to drop off your tickets. You're an amazing lady, and thank you for always being so respectful to me and my family. We love you, and I love you.
Alright everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful day, and that you've all enjoyed this!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Come Morning Light
"No matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are, and rip it into pieces and they won't even watch where the pieces land. But through the breakdown, you'll learn that you're strong, and no matter how hard they destroy you, that you can conquer anything." -Anonymous
So, how's everyone doing? Sorry it's been like literally a WEEK since I've posted. You know how it is when you're completely over-stressing about silly stuff. Eh, I'm just, DONE, with all the stuff that's been going through my head lately.
Ha, I'm not going to rant on about all of the stuff, because I'll just give off the wrong tone somehow.
I'm just glad to be done with it all, and not having to deal with it anymore.
Now, who knows what song that the title lyrics come out of?
It's from Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. Civil Wars. From the Hunger Games Soundtrack.
NOW NORMALLY, I'm not a big T-Swift fan, but... I had a bit of a downer day a couple of days ago, and I was looking for "Sad Dubstep". I found this playlist, and this was the second song. I REALLY liked the version I found there, and so I started listening more and more, and kind of fell in love with this song.
It's called the Bustre Bootleg Version. I suggest looking it up, if you like the original song already.
ALSO, there's a free download for it, which I love! So now I have it on my iPod!
So, today we had the talent show, and I actually wasn't so stressed about that while we waited. The only thing that killed me about how that turned out, was that the microphone was giving me feedback, so it made that really annoying sound, and you couldn't hear the piano. If I could be hurt by compliments, I would've been dead about half an hour after the performance. I swear, I'm almost tired of hearing the words, "You did good" or "Good job!". As much as I appreciate the congratulations, it actually can get repetitive! I love you all, and it completely made my day, but... cool it down a couple notches, please?
Alright, again with this. Got a question, or five, you want to ask me? You guys can ask me any question[so long as it doesn't cross my comfort zone], and I'll answer them all truthfully. That's another reason why I was postponing the blog for so long! I asked the question on my Facebook, and I got ONE question.
From my loving wife, Chelsea, too! :D Ha, she always comments on my stuff, and I find it funny. She's awesome, and she's always been there when it came to me crying and stuff... Ha, I appreciate her question, and I'll save it for that specific blog post. It'll be my favorite question to answer, too!
Song-of-the-Day: Safe & Sound (Bustre Bootleg) by Taylor Swift ft. Civil WarsSeriously, I'll even put a link to the video for this song. Just take a listen, if you want, and I bet you'll enjoy the "chillstep".
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moore, Cassandra Fortenberry, Alex Hammond/Naomi Black
Chelsea: Oh, wife! How are you? I've had this bad feeling on my right side practically all day, and it's not going away. (yes, that seems weird, but that's how I tell something is wrong) You doing okay? Come over and talk to me if you have to, okay? Love you. (notice whenever I color yours, I get as close to TEAL as I can!)
Cassandra: You did SO good at the Talent Show today, and thanks for always being willing to talk to me about the stuff going on! You're amazing!
Alex/Naomi: Hey, you two! I miss all the times when we would hang-out! We need to get back into that habit soon! I miss my brother and sister dearly! Ha, I love you two. Thanks for the Gem State help and stuff. You guys are amazing.
Alright guys! Sorry if today's post seemed a bit too much. I've just got to get back into the routine, and it should be normal again! :D
So, how's everyone doing? Sorry it's been like literally a WEEK since I've posted. You know how it is when you're completely over-stressing about silly stuff. Eh, I'm just, DONE, with all the stuff that's been going through my head lately.
Ha, I'm not going to rant on about all of the stuff, because I'll just give off the wrong tone somehow.
I'm just glad to be done with it all, and not having to deal with it anymore.
Now, who knows what song that the title lyrics come out of?
It's from Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. Civil Wars. From the Hunger Games Soundtrack.
NOW NORMALLY, I'm not a big T-Swift fan, but... I had a bit of a downer day a couple of days ago, and I was looking for "Sad Dubstep". I found this playlist, and this was the second song. I REALLY liked the version I found there, and so I started listening more and more, and kind of fell in love with this song.
It's called the Bustre Bootleg Version. I suggest looking it up, if you like the original song already.
ALSO, there's a free download for it, which I love! So now I have it on my iPod!
So, today we had the talent show, and I actually wasn't so stressed about that while we waited. The only thing that killed me about how that turned out, was that the microphone was giving me feedback, so it made that really annoying sound, and you couldn't hear the piano. If I could be hurt by compliments, I would've been dead about half an hour after the performance. I swear, I'm almost tired of hearing the words, "You did good" or "Good job!". As much as I appreciate the congratulations, it actually can get repetitive! I love you all, and it completely made my day, but... cool it down a couple notches, please?
Alright, again with this. Got a question, or five, you want to ask me? You guys can ask me any question[so long as it doesn't cross my comfort zone], and I'll answer them all truthfully. That's another reason why I was postponing the blog for so long! I asked the question on my Facebook, and I got ONE question.
From my loving wife, Chelsea, too! :D Ha, she always comments on my stuff, and I find it funny. She's awesome, and she's always been there when it came to me crying and stuff... Ha, I appreciate her question, and I'll save it for that specific blog post. It'll be my favorite question to answer, too!
Song-of-the-Day: Safe & Sound (Bustre Bootleg) by Taylor Swift ft. Civil WarsSeriously, I'll even put a link to the video for this song. Just take a listen, if you want, and I bet you'll enjoy the "chillstep".
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moore, Cassandra Fortenberry, Alex Hammond/Naomi Black
Chelsea: Oh, wife! How are you? I've had this bad feeling on my right side practically all day, and it's not going away. (yes, that seems weird, but that's how I tell something is wrong) You doing okay? Come over and talk to me if you have to, okay? Love you. (notice whenever I color yours, I get as close to TEAL as I can!)
Cassandra: You did SO good at the Talent Show today, and thanks for always being willing to talk to me about the stuff going on! You're amazing!
Alex/Naomi: Hey, you two! I miss all the times when we would hang-out! We need to get back into that habit soon! I miss my brother and sister dearly! Ha, I love you two. Thanks for the Gem State help and stuff. You guys are amazing.
Alright guys! Sorry if today's post seemed a bit too much. I've just got to get back into the routine, and it should be normal again! :D
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Take Time To Realize That I Am On Your Side
"Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea what so ever." -Unknown Author
As my sister/best-friend Naomi keeps on telling me, "Don't put yourself out there. Let them tell you they like you. Let them be the first to make a move."
I didn't realize how true her words were, until just about three weeks ago. Of course... before that I had been putting myself out there all the time. I didn't even realize it, but once you look back at all the things you did and said, you see that's exactly what you were doing. I feel quite a bit ashamed that I didn't notice it earlier, but then again, I keep getting swept up into the constant drama of "who's going out with who" and "who do you like". My answer for the second question has been the same for quite some time now. Although I may have said otherwise a couple times, I kept coming back to the conclusion in my own heart and mind that the one I have feelings for right now is the one that I really do like. I could even say, I love her. Although I've been called other not-so-nice names for saying those three words a time or hundred before.
Yes, I'm sorry to all of you out there who don't think that someone of our age can be in any form of love. Yes, it is true that we won't know what true love really is until we're of an older, more-mature, and more-experienced age. We can still believe though, and that is what I'm doing. Belief doesn't have to come from experience. It can come from what you feel. And I feel that what I feel for her is right. Don't like it? Leave. If you can't respect what decisions I make on a day to day basis, then please just... leave. I love you all, but it's my life, it's my agency, and it shouldn't much matter to your happiness, because it's not your life.
ANYWAYS! Ha, sorry if that seemed like I had some anger in there. That was completely anger free, but sometimes people react in dumb ways to what others feel.
I hope you're all having a wonderful life, and that you find that one person that makes you smile with everything they say. With their reactions. With their laugh. Their smile. Their eyes. Their voice. You get my point, hopefully, ha. Everything about her just... makes me smile. :D It's the happiest I've been in a long time. It may hurt, day by day, but each passing day is one day closer to us being able to see each other again.
Song-of-the-Day: Realize by Colbie Caillat
I've heard many a version of this song, but every time, it's the same intended feeling. EXCEPT for mine. :D I'm just wondering if she knows just how much I really love her. As I already said, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I haven't had a bad day, and I can't stop smiling.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Jade Vecchio, Joseph Salvo and Katie Salvo
Taylor: Did you like that little package? Ha, I hope so. I actually don't know your favorite candy yet, so I improvised. :D Can you tell who this post is about? I love you. Each day gets easier, knowing that you're waiting too.
Jade: Hey man! I hope you're doing alright! Just know you're an amazing person, and that you've got a whole lot of good in your life. I can't name anything that I could call even slightly negative. I don't know anyone who doesn't like you. I admire your courage, and your willingness to keep trying, even when the note isn't found. Keep at it, brother. I've got your back.
Joseph: Yesterday was a whole lot of fun! Thanks for playing games with me! It had been so long since I'd come to your house and had a good session of gaming with you. And I'm glad to see you're doing well. We miss you here at school. I miss you.
Katie: Hey! I'm glad to see you're healthy, and still beautiful as always. Remember that if you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you! Call me up, message me on Facebook, or just run over if you have to. Know that you're loved by me, and my family. I've got the utmost respect for you. You're really intelligent, and I always love our talks that we have at random intervals. Thanks for always letting me rant on you about the crazy crap going on in my life, and everything. You're amazing, don't ever let anyone tell you different. :D
So thank you all for the love, and support. Ha, and have you noticed the new habit I've got going here?
If so, good eye. I'll be doing this coloration thing starting from today, every day that has a "T" in it. (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday if you had to think)
I didn't realize how true her words were, until just about three weeks ago. Of course... before that I had been putting myself out there all the time. I didn't even realize it, but once you look back at all the things you did and said, you see that's exactly what you were doing. I feel quite a bit ashamed that I didn't notice it earlier, but then again, I keep getting swept up into the constant drama of "who's going out with who" and "who do you like". My answer for the second question has been the same for quite some time now. Although I may have said otherwise a couple times, I kept coming back to the conclusion in my own heart and mind that the one I have feelings for right now is the one that I really do like. I could even say, I love her. Although I've been called other not-so-nice names for saying those three words a time or hundred before.
Yes, I'm sorry to all of you out there who don't think that someone of our age can be in any form of love. Yes, it is true that we won't know what true love really is until we're of an older, more-mature, and more-experienced age. We can still believe though, and that is what I'm doing. Belief doesn't have to come from experience. It can come from what you feel. And I feel that what I feel for her is right. Don't like it? Leave. If you can't respect what decisions I make on a day to day basis, then please just... leave. I love you all, but it's my life, it's my agency, and it shouldn't much matter to your happiness, because it's not your life.
ANYWAYS! Ha, sorry if that seemed like I had some anger in there. That was completely anger free, but sometimes people react in dumb ways to what others feel.
I hope you're all having a wonderful life, and that you find that one person that makes you smile with everything they say. With their reactions. With their laugh. Their smile. Their eyes. Their voice. You get my point, hopefully, ha. Everything about her just... makes me smile. :D It's the happiest I've been in a long time. It may hurt, day by day, but each passing day is one day closer to us being able to see each other again.
Song-of-the-Day: Realize by Colbie Caillat
I've heard many a version of this song, but every time, it's the same intended feeling. EXCEPT for mine. :D I'm just wondering if she knows just how much I really love her. As I already said, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time. I haven't had a bad day, and I can't stop smiling.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Jade Vecchio, Joseph Salvo and Katie Salvo
Taylor: Did you like that little package? Ha, I hope so. I actually don't know your favorite candy yet, so I improvised. :D Can you tell who this post is about? I love you. Each day gets easier, knowing that you're waiting too.
Jade: Hey man! I hope you're doing alright! Just know you're an amazing person, and that you've got a whole lot of good in your life. I can't name anything that I could call even slightly negative. I don't know anyone who doesn't like you. I admire your courage, and your willingness to keep trying, even when the note isn't found. Keep at it, brother. I've got your back.
Joseph: Yesterday was a whole lot of fun! Thanks for playing games with me! It had been so long since I'd come to your house and had a good session of gaming with you. And I'm glad to see you're doing well. We miss you here at school. I miss you.
Katie: Hey! I'm glad to see you're healthy, and still beautiful as always. Remember that if you ever need help with anything, I'm here for you! Call me up, message me on Facebook, or just run over if you have to. Know that you're loved by me, and my family. I've got the utmost respect for you. You're really intelligent, and I always love our talks that we have at random intervals. Thanks for always letting me rant on you about the crazy crap going on in my life, and everything. You're amazing, don't ever let anyone tell you different. :D
So thank you all for the love, and support. Ha, and have you noticed the new habit I've got going here?
If so, good eye. I'll be doing this coloration thing starting from today, every day that has a "T" in it. (Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday if you had to think)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
We Are All Born Superstars
my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned
someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too,
though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I
was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself
questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and
much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization
everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but
myself." -Ralph Ellison
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful last couple of days! I know I sure have! I'm glad to be back on the computer! Apparently, I can still use this thing, I just can't watch gaming videos, or Skype with my gaming buddies too often.
Ha, but today, Sunday, has been so great. Such a wonderful spirit today.
It's always just a wonderful way to completely start over, and feel a whole lot of good in one day and be surrounded by others who are just happy about everything!
So, you guys know how I have this bet going with my friend that I can't "hug or be hugged by a girl until I'm 16"? Well the guy decided today to sick his sister on me! I was freaking out! He cornered me with her, and was pulling my arms off her shoulder. I WAS SO CLOSE TO LOSING. But nope, you don't win that easy, even with cheating!
I tell you, I am not going to lose this bet very easily. It's going to take a lot more than putting your little sister up to it. Even more than bribing the girls at school to do it.
I'm prepared to put every form of fence around myself if I have to! Ha, no, but seriously. If you want a legitimate bet, please don't try to cheat, just to win. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK.
Song-of-the-Day: Born This Way by Lady GagaYou know what I'm tired of? People changing themselves, because they don't like how others view them.
Keep yourself just as you would be naturally, please. God made you in his image, and he loves you, no matter how you look. He loves you unconditionally.
Forever remember that you have real friends out there that love you, or will love you, unconditionally. Even if you haven't met them yet, you need to know that there are people out there like that. People who won't judge you because of what others have told you about them. People that are likened unto Christ, our brother.
Again, please know that I believe and I testify to you all, that we were made in God's image. That we were all brought upon this earth for a purpose. That we all have a purpose throughout this mortal coil. Take every view on life, before you decide what it is to you.
We had a lesson in Seminary last week where we talked about how the world is today. Our teacher gave us all a question, and we were to write down our answer on a sticky note and then stick it up on the board anonymously. The question was what percentage of good to bad is there in the world?
Practically everyone put up a negative answer. (ex. 40/60, 5/95,etc..) As I went up to put mine on the board, I started to question why everyone would put those kinds of answers. Then my friend Emma comes from behind me and puts hers up as well. I put mine in the empty space next to hers, and saw that we had put the same answer, 60/40. We were the only two in the class who thought that there was more good in the world, than bad.
Then our teacher proceeded to tell us that our world, was as we viewed it.
In other words, if you think the world is all bad, you'll always have a bad time. But, on the other hand, if you see a lot of good, then you should have a lot more happiness.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Chelsea Moore, Devon Lares, Rebekah Phillips, Ian Hofmann, Alex Hammond, Naomi Black, The Salvo Family, Miranda Dahl, Brianna Mobley, Dawson Hammond, and Marco Garcia
Taylor: I hope you believe in yourself. That you're truly beautiful. That God loves you, and that you have great friends that are always here to help you learn that more. The simple joy it brings me to see you smile is more than enough to get me through any of the days that I think are hard. I know that we all have a different life, and that some are harder than others, but I know that if you can get through the day, then so can I. I love you Taylor. Thank you being such an inspiration to my poetry, for my happiness, and for my works. You have a wonderful life that God has planned for you.
I hope you enjoy the little gift that I've put together for you. I'm giving it to Autumn to give to you on Tuesday, hopefully. I love you, Taylor. I really mean it.
Autumn: Thank you for being you all the time. For not changing your habitual behavior to please others, and for always being there for me on the bus when I have a bit of a hard start to my day.
Chelsea: Well hello, wife. :3 Ha, we have some great laughs together, you and I. Thanks for being a confidence booster, and thanks for always being just down the street, LITERALLY, when I need a true friend.
Devon: Oh Devon... OH DEVON, OH DEVON. I love how we hardly know each other, but yet we're still great friends. No matter what kind of crap was going on for me, who was there for me to tell my story to? YOU. Who was there for me when I wanted to quick-scope nooblets and release my anger and stress on them? YOU. Who's one of the greatest bosses I've ever met? YOU. You're a great guy, and I hope you know that. For as little of time as we've played together, you've been a great friend to me, and I really appreciate that.
Rebekah: Thank. You. For. Everything. I hope you know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be half the man I am today. I wouldn't be half as clean as I am today. I wouldn't be striving to become a better person each and every day. I still care, and I miss the talks we used to have. I hope we can resume those someday. I wish you and the Daws the best of luck.
Ian: GOOBY PLEASE! Man, even though we've known each other for such a short amount of time, I love how we just tell each other about all the stuff going on. I love how we try to write songs together, but completely fail.
Alex: My bro. I haven't heard from you at all this weekend. It's a bit out of the norm for how close we are. I hope you're doing alright! Call me if you need it, okay? I love you man. No homo.
Naomi: Na-Na! Man, I miss talking to you, and even those hugs that you tell me you love so much. Believe me, when this bet is over, you're getting a serious hug from your little bro over here. I'm like... missing every second of hugs I've ever gotten.
Salvo Family: I hope you know that I love you all, and I'm going to seriously miss you guys when you move! We've had a lot of laughs, a lot of smiles, and a whole load of fun. Thanks for inviting me into your home, and thanks for being my second family. Thank you for your wonderful children, and thank you just about everything.
Miranda: Hey there! It's been a while! I hope I don't seem too weird to you, you know? I just really care about my friends, and I like checking up on you! You're a great friend, and you've talked to me when I was at some of my lowest moments, and helped bring me back up. I really appreciate it.
Brianna: I really appreciate all your pushing and all your egging me on. I normally don't like doing videos, but... knowing that I have someone out there that keeps telling me to do them, is really nice. Thank you for always supporting me.
Dawson: Hey there, shorty. Ha just kidding. You're a great guy, and I appreciate all you've done for me, and for Bek. You don't even know how much she loves you. You better take care of her, or else I'm going to come give you a noogie or something. I'm not violent, unless people really start to mess with those I care about. Just know that I care about you man. If someone starts messing with you, tell me, and I'll come set them straight, alright?
Marco: HEY! Ha, you're a great friend! We've got our moments. I miss the stuff we used to do man! We need to talk a little more often. You're pretty awesome at the music you make. Keep doing it, because there are those like me who truly love it. Just keep being awesome.
Thank you all so much for being here for me. If some of you found offense to my religious side to this post, I'm sorry, but what I believe is true. I hope you can accept me, with all that I am.
I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful night. Keep it simple, keep it classy, and most of all, keep it you.
Good afternoon, everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful last couple of days! I know I sure have! I'm glad to be back on the computer! Apparently, I can still use this thing, I just can't watch gaming videos, or Skype with my gaming buddies too often.
Ha, but today, Sunday, has been so great. Such a wonderful spirit today.
It's always just a wonderful way to completely start over, and feel a whole lot of good in one day and be surrounded by others who are just happy about everything!
So, you guys know how I have this bet going with my friend that I can't "hug or be hugged by a girl until I'm 16"? Well the guy decided today to sick his sister on me! I was freaking out! He cornered me with her, and was pulling my arms off her shoulder. I WAS SO CLOSE TO LOSING. But nope, you don't win that easy, even with cheating!
I tell you, I am not going to lose this bet very easily. It's going to take a lot more than putting your little sister up to it. Even more than bribing the girls at school to do it.
I'm prepared to put every form of fence around myself if I have to! Ha, no, but seriously. If you want a legitimate bet, please don't try to cheat, just to win. BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK.
Song-of-the-Day: Born This Way by Lady GagaYou know what I'm tired of? People changing themselves, because they don't like how others view them.
Keep yourself just as you would be naturally, please. God made you in his image, and he loves you, no matter how you look. He loves you unconditionally.
Forever remember that you have real friends out there that love you, or will love you, unconditionally. Even if you haven't met them yet, you need to know that there are people out there like that. People who won't judge you because of what others have told you about them. People that are likened unto Christ, our brother.
Again, please know that I believe and I testify to you all, that we were made in God's image. That we were all brought upon this earth for a purpose. That we all have a purpose throughout this mortal coil. Take every view on life, before you decide what it is to you.
We had a lesson in Seminary last week where we talked about how the world is today. Our teacher gave us all a question, and we were to write down our answer on a sticky note and then stick it up on the board anonymously. The question was what percentage of good to bad is there in the world?
Practically everyone put up a negative answer. (ex. 40/60, 5/95,etc..) As I went up to put mine on the board, I started to question why everyone would put those kinds of answers. Then my friend Emma comes from behind me and puts hers up as well. I put mine in the empty space next to hers, and saw that we had put the same answer, 60/40. We were the only two in the class who thought that there was more good in the world, than bad.
Then our teacher proceeded to tell us that our world, was as we viewed it.
In other words, if you think the world is all bad, you'll always have a bad time. But, on the other hand, if you see a lot of good, then you should have a lot more happiness.
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Taylor Sorg, Autumn Jephson, Chelsea Moore, Devon Lares, Rebekah Phillips, Ian Hofmann, Alex Hammond, Naomi Black, The Salvo Family, Miranda Dahl, Brianna Mobley, Dawson Hammond, and Marco Garcia
Taylor: I hope you believe in yourself. That you're truly beautiful. That God loves you, and that you have great friends that are always here to help you learn that more. The simple joy it brings me to see you smile is more than enough to get me through any of the days that I think are hard. I know that we all have a different life, and that some are harder than others, but I know that if you can get through the day, then so can I. I love you Taylor. Thank you being such an inspiration to my poetry, for my happiness, and for my works. You have a wonderful life that God has planned for you.
I hope you enjoy the little gift that I've put together for you. I'm giving it to Autumn to give to you on Tuesday, hopefully. I love you, Taylor. I really mean it.
Autumn: Thank you for being you all the time. For not changing your habitual behavior to please others, and for always being there for me on the bus when I have a bit of a hard start to my day.
Chelsea: Well hello, wife. :3 Ha, we have some great laughs together, you and I. Thanks for being a confidence booster, and thanks for always being just down the street, LITERALLY, when I need a true friend.
Devon: Oh Devon... OH DEVON, OH DEVON. I love how we hardly know each other, but yet we're still great friends. No matter what kind of crap was going on for me, who was there for me to tell my story to? YOU. Who was there for me when I wanted to quick-scope nooblets and release my anger and stress on them? YOU. Who's one of the greatest bosses I've ever met? YOU. You're a great guy, and I hope you know that. For as little of time as we've played together, you've been a great friend to me, and I really appreciate that.
Rebekah: Thank. You. For. Everything. I hope you know that if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be half the man I am today. I wouldn't be half as clean as I am today. I wouldn't be striving to become a better person each and every day. I still care, and I miss the talks we used to have. I hope we can resume those someday. I wish you and the Daws the best of luck.
Ian: GOOBY PLEASE! Man, even though we've known each other for such a short amount of time, I love how we just tell each other about all the stuff going on. I love how we try to write songs together, but completely fail.
Alex: My bro. I haven't heard from you at all this weekend. It's a bit out of the norm for how close we are. I hope you're doing alright! Call me if you need it, okay? I love you man. No homo.
Naomi: Na-Na! Man, I miss talking to you, and even those hugs that you tell me you love so much. Believe me, when this bet is over, you're getting a serious hug from your little bro over here. I'm like... missing every second of hugs I've ever gotten.
Salvo Family: I hope you know that I love you all, and I'm going to seriously miss you guys when you move! We've had a lot of laughs, a lot of smiles, and a whole load of fun. Thanks for inviting me into your home, and thanks for being my second family. Thank you for your wonderful children, and thank you just about everything.
Miranda: Hey there! It's been a while! I hope I don't seem too weird to you, you know? I just really care about my friends, and I like checking up on you! You're a great friend, and you've talked to me when I was at some of my lowest moments, and helped bring me back up. I really appreciate it.
Brianna: I really appreciate all your pushing and all your egging me on. I normally don't like doing videos, but... knowing that I have someone out there that keeps telling me to do them, is really nice. Thank you for always supporting me.
Dawson: Hey there, shorty. Ha just kidding. You're a great guy, and I appreciate all you've done for me, and for Bek. You don't even know how much she loves you. You better take care of her, or else I'm going to come give you a noogie or something. I'm not violent, unless people really start to mess with those I care about. Just know that I care about you man. If someone starts messing with you, tell me, and I'll come set them straight, alright?
Marco: HEY! Ha, you're a great friend! We've got our moments. I miss the stuff we used to do man! We need to talk a little more often. You're pretty awesome at the music you make. Keep doing it, because there are those like me who truly love it. Just keep being awesome.
Thank you all so much for being here for me. If some of you found offense to my religious side to this post, I'm sorry, but what I believe is true. I hope you can accept me, with all that I am.
I love you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful night. Keep it simple, keep it classy, and most of all, keep it you.
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