Friends will always be there, but little relationships don't always last in high school. They tend to last a few days, to a few weeks, to maybe a month, and then they fizzle out because the two partners do not know each other as well as they thought, and conflicts ensue.
You have to work at these things slowly. Become better friends, get to know all the little things they like, and all the things that make them laugh and smile. Work your way into their heart, otherwise you'll just end up as another high school relationship." - James W. Facer
Prom was amazing, prom was by far the best day I've had in a very long time. I couldn't have asked for a better possible date, a better group, or a better day date. I had the most fun I've ever had, and was with one of my greatest friends ever all day. We started off the day with meeting over by the Menan Buttes, and unloading four four-wheelers, one of which was mine, and then loading up our guns for the trip out.
Ha, we brought 3 12 Gauge Shotguns, 3 .22 rifles, and 1 30.06 hunting rifle. I'd not been shooting in so long, that I forgot the power of the 30. Ha, that thing nearly knocked me on my butt.
We had such an amazing day though. And also some spiritually strengthening moments. Before we left the trucks, we had two prayers. One for safety, and one because we were about to eat. We needed both those prayers. Now I'm not talking bad about my friend Hannah, but she'd never been shooting before, and may not have known the rules quite so well at first of where to shoot. So, while we were skeet shooting, we loaded up two clay pigeons. One went straight as it should, while the other went far to the right. Hannah went for both, and just whipped that shotgun and went right after that strange one. She barely missed Mat's head. He turned around a few seconds afterwards and was like, "I felt the air rush past my ear." MAN, OH MAN. So, there went one of the prayers.
The second prayer was used up at the end of the day date, when we were loading up the four-wheelers on the trailer. I believe my finger froze on the throttle, and so I nearly ran over Jarrod when I drove off the trailer.
Either way, we were strengthened physically and spiritually.
On a different note. I broke a little streak I had going for approximately 5 months or more. I just got thinking about whether or not to ask a certain someone out, but couldn't bring myself to do it. My feelings overcame me and I began to feel very depressed and "out of my mind". As I sat on the bus, for the ride home, I began to cry. For how long, I can't remember really, but it was still significant. I hardly ever cry, even if I want to at times. It was actually sort of... a good release. I'm grateful for my friend Autumn for being there with me. She helped me see that little light that I couldn't quite flicker on by myself.
Strengthening moment yet again.
And last but definitely not least to mention. I'm not single anymore. I don't plan on being single again, for a LONG time. Some of you may already know who it is, and some may not. Her name is Julia.
She's adorable, and I love her. Now, please don't judge me based upon me saying that so freely. I know before, I would say it... and I meant it back then, at least to what I knew of what love was for me. It may have been infatuation back then, or it may have been some form of minor love...
I am determined now, more than I have been about anything before, to not lose her again. We spent this past Friday night, the 10th, doing homework together at her house and we played some Super Nintendo games. Not only did we accomplish our homework, we played some games, and drank some Faygo. Faygo is my new favorite soda. :3
Now, I'm betting some of you are wondering how we ended up together. It all started this past Monday, May 6th. We started talking again after so long, and I noticed I started being really happy again. I noticed her being really happy too, and so I started eating lunch with her and our friends more and more.
Eventually, it lead to Thursday, the 9th, when we started Skyping each other. I was home alone, and I was Skyping her for 3 and a half hours. Near the end, I walked out of the room with my headset on, and went outside to vent with her. I always do better with a light breeze blowing in my face. I asked her if maybe she'd be my girlfriend again, and if we could have a second chance. She said yes, without much hesitation. I was so overjoyed that I couldn't say much at all. And then it leads to what I said Friday was. A wonderful little "date" of sorts, I guess.
Shout-Out: My Beautiful Girlfriend, Julia
Thank you so much for saying yes. I could go on for ages what it meant to me, and how happy I was and still am about it all. You're so adorable. :3 I love our nickname and our couple name. I love your quirks, and all those little things about you that make you yourself.
I love being your Erikitty. :3 And you being my Cuddlefish. :3
Here's to a long lasting relationship. I love you.

Thank you all for reading this one for today.
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