
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Saturday, February 2, 2013

In My Mind, Worlds Collide

"Something inside me is gone, but still I keep going on. In my mind, oceans divide. I don't know where I belong. But still I keep holding on and on." -Adam Gontier (Three Days Grace)

Three Days Grace, for many years now has been one of those bands that I've listened to every song they have published more than once. They've only released four albums in the past 9 years, and after their most recent one, they have had an announcement that hurt my heart.
Adam Gontier, the lead singer and writer of the group, is resigning his position as head of the band. He's decided it's time for him to move on with his life, and give Three Days Grace a goodbye.
He had a good long run, and I completely support his decision to do what he wants. I'm going to miss his musical talent, and his great inspiration. He's a great guy, and I'm proud of him for cleaning up his life, and becoming a better person overall. Adam, you will be missed!

Now, at first listen to this song, I thought it might be just talking about secluding yourself from everyone else in the world, and doing whatever you wanted while being "anonymous".
But, after much thought and analyzing, I come to the conclusion that it's completely different.
I perceive it to be about not caring what others think about you, or whether or not they know who the real you is. Find those people who you can be yourself with, and do whatever you want with them, and shout to the world that you don't care. Be anonymous, be random, be your true self. Your true friends will love you for it, and will grow closer to you every day.
This is how I am, most of the time. I don't change myself to please everyone around me. I don't act depressed to get attention, I don't pity myself. I'm always appearing happy, even if inside I'm in ruins, just so no one pities me. Pity can be good, but pity can be bad too. People will grow to believe you're just some melodramatic, depressing person who's always going on about what's wrong in life. Now, don't take me wrong about that, please. Because that's just the truth, at least with my experience. People used to call me depressed because of how I acted, so I don't go about telling everyone that I'm sad about what I don't have.
I go around and be happy with what I have been graciously given. I'm eternally grateful for all the experiences I've had.

Song-of-the-Day: Anonymous by Three Days Grace
Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Eric Hoadley, Chelsea Moore, Jori Ball, Elaine Ritchie

Thanks for the CD, man! And actually, not to act unappreciative, but there is supposed to be 13 songs originally. I still really like the one you gave me. :D I just have to fix the missing two.
Chelsea: Hi, wife. :D Zumba on Thursday was some crazy stuff, eh? Sorry you weren't feeling too good, but I'm glad you finally got to see me Zumba in person. :D Love you, wife.
Jori: Yeah, thanks for making me feel bad, and for ALMOST successfully getting a hug on me. I told you, I. AM. WATCHING. I am not losing this bet by any means possible. And you are GOOD at making me feel bad, I have to admit. xD
Elaine: Thanks for telling me all those stories last night when we came to drop off your tickets. You're an amazing lady, and thank you for always being so respectful to me and my family. We love you, and I love you.

Alright everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful day, and that you've all enjoyed this!

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