
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Make Up Your Mind

"When you cannot make up your mind which of two courses of action you should take, choose the bolder one." -Author Unknown
Welcome back everyone! Thank you all for the holiday wishes and the happy new years. I deeply appreciate the little time you all took out of your life to tell me personally.
Anyways, my holidays were absolutely wonderful, thanks to all of you and my small family.
For Christmas I got a whole lot of clothing, a couple of games, and some DARK chocolate. Oh how I love dark chocolate! Especially the Brookside brand. They put fruit in the chocolate, so it adds those flavors in. c: I LOVE IT. Ha, the clothing I got was really nice stuff too! American Eagle, and Aeropostale stuff! I LOVE IT! Ha, the games are some interesting games. It's Heavy Rain: Director's Cut and RAGE. Heavy Rain: Oh my goodness, this game. It's SO sad. I won't ruin it for you gamers out there, but it's a must get if you are a PS3 fan! PS3 Exclusive, but worth it, if you can handle sadness.
RAGE: I find it funny that it's supposed to be in FULL CAPS. There's nothing about rage in there really, at least not that I can tell. It's a good story, and good game play. Not too much blood, but a little bit of language here and there when only the enemies start shooting at you. That's the only time I've noticed swearing.

My New Years was just wonderful. C: I got to spend the whole day with my mom! We went to the theater and I finally got to see Wreck-It Ralph after all this time! IT'S. SIMPLY. AMAZING. Wonderful animation, good use of video-game characters, and good storyline. Touching in some parts, and funny in quite a few parts. Personal Rating: 8.95 Now, don't get me wrong about the rating. I try not to always rate things at 10s because that's just saying it's the BEST THING IN THE WORLD. No, it's not really. It's just REALLY good and I'd recommend it to anyone. I got to try out the new Taco Bell Loaded Grillers.  There's three of them, and I liked all but one. Maybe because I've never been a fan of Buffalo sauce. I especially liked the Nacho Crunch burrito, I think it's called. Loaded with slightly-spicy chips, and meat. IT'S DELICIOUS.
Song-of-the-Day: Razor by The Foo Fighters "Wake up, it's time
We need to find a better place to hide
Make up your mind
I need to know, I need to know tonight.

Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine

Patience my dear

We could spend a lifetime waiting here
Maybe this time
I hope I get the chance to say goodbye

Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine

Day after day
Cutting away
Day after day
But anyway

Wake up it's time
We need to find a better place to hide
Make up your mind
I need to know I need to know tonight

Sweet and divine
Razor of mine
Sweet and divine
Razor blade shine."

Ha, I just felt like I should share those lyrics. That's the entire song, actually. Sure, it sounds weird because of the continuous reference to a razor blade. It would SEEM that it's all about cutting, but no, it's about time alone with yourself, and what you could do. He may say cutting away in the song, but I really don't think he actually cut.

Shout-Out(s)-of-the-Day: Joseph Salvo, Taylor Sorg, and Katie Salvo.
Hey man, I didn't see you at school today! You doing okay? Well, just know that you're one of my best friends ever, and you and I have been through a lot together. I can talk to you about anything really. You're an amazing person. Love you, bro, in a heterosexual way.
Taylor: Hey there. Ha, I know we talk quite a bit now, but it's still been way too long since we've seen each other. I'm glad to have you in my life. I feel like you really care, and that you really want a relationship. Not just some sort of void filler, or some sort of substitution. I believe you may really like me, more than I currently know. But maybe I'm just hopeful. Love you! C;
Katie: You're one heck of an intelligent young lady. I love our late night talks, and our talks about the most random of things. We both understand things that don't always make sense to the standard person in society. You're very pretty, you're very unique, and you're amazing. Don't settle for anything less than a sincere guy who you can actually tell wants the relationship. You. Are. AWESOME. Love you!

So, I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and a wonderful rest of the night!
Have a wonderful time with your family while it lasts, because these are the times you'll wish you had when you're older. AS ALWAYS, HAVE NICE DAY!

1 comment:

  1. I love you too. :D And The Foo Fighters are awesome. Brilliant song.

    Yeah, Joe has mentioned before that Heavy Rain is heartbreaking. I don't know a thing about it, though.
