
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Come Morning Light

"No matter what, once in your life, someone will hurt you. That someone will take all that you are, and rip it into pieces and they won't even watch where the pieces land. But through the breakdown, you'll learn that you're strong, and no matter how hard they destroy you, that you can conquer anything." -Anonymous

So, how's everyone doing? Sorry it's been like literally a WEEK since I've posted. You know how it is when you're completely over-stressing about silly stuff. Eh, I'm just, DONE, with all the stuff that's been going through my head lately.
Ha, I'm not going to rant on about all of the stuff, because I'll just give off the wrong tone somehow.
I'm just glad to be done with it all, and not having to deal with it anymore.

Now, who knows what song that the title lyrics come out of?
It's from Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift ft. Civil Wars. From the Hunger Games Soundtrack.
NOW NORMALLY, I'm not a big T-Swift fan, but... I had a bit of a downer day a couple of days ago, and I was looking for "Sad Dubstep". I found this playlist, and this was the second song. I REALLY liked the version I found there, and so I started listening more and more, and kind of fell in love with this song.
It's called the Bustre Bootleg Version. I suggest looking it up, if you like the original song already.
ALSO, there's a free download for it, which I love! So now I have it on my iPod!

So, today we had the talent show, and I actually wasn't so stressed about that while we waited. The only thing that killed me about how that turned out, was that the microphone was giving me feedback, so it made that really annoying sound, and you couldn't hear the piano. If I could be hurt by compliments, I would've been dead about half an hour after the performance. I swear, I'm almost tired of hearing the words, "You did good" or "Good job!". As much as I appreciate the congratulations, it actually can get repetitive! I love you all, and it completely made my day, but... cool it down a couple notches, please?
Alright, again with this. Got a question, or five, you want to ask me? You guys can ask me any question[so long as it doesn't cross my comfort zone], and I'll answer them all truthfully. That's another reason why I was postponing the blog for so long! I asked the question on my Facebook, and I got ONE question.
From my loving wife, Chelsea, too! :D Ha, she always comments on my stuff, and I find it funny. She's awesome, and she's always been there when it came to me crying and stuff... Ha, I appreciate her question, and I'll save it for that specific blog post. It'll be my favorite question to answer, too!

Song-of-the-Day: Safe & Sound (Bustre Bootleg) by Taylor Swift ft. Civil WarsSeriously, I'll even put a link to the video for this song. Just take a listen, if you want, and I bet you'll enjoy the "chillstep".

Shout-Outs-of-the-Day: Chelsea Moore, Cassandra Fortenberry, Alex Hammond/Naomi Black
Oh, wife! How are you? I've had this bad feeling on my right side practically all day, and it's not going away. (yes, that seems weird, but that's how I tell something is wrong) You doing okay? Come over and talk to me if you have to, okay? Love you. (notice whenever I color yours, I get as close to TEAL as I can!)
Cassandra: You did SO good at the Talent Show today, and thanks for always being willing to talk to me about the stuff going on! You're amazing!
Alex/Naomi: Hey, you two! I miss all the times when we would hang-out! We need to get back into that habit soon! I miss my brother and sister dearly! Ha, I love you two. Thanks for the Gem State help and stuff. You guys are amazing.
Alright guys! Sorry if today's post seemed a bit too much. I've just got to get back into the routine, and it should be normal again! :D


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