
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Is It Too Late to Apologize?

Welcome everyone. First off, sorry that I haven't posted in a few days. I needed some time to myself, so I wouldn't sit here and blow off my steam on you guys. I spent these past few days getting to know myself better, learning some things about control and understanding, and simply trying to get over my issues. I've turned myself more towards the Lord, and towards Christ, in these times of trial. Insomuch, that I feel the spirit in my house, no matter what I'm doing.
My sister left for her mission Wednesday, and I'm still trying to get used to it. I continue to glance at the door, or glance towards the couch where she would sleep. Of course I know she'll not be there for another year and a half, at least, but I can't help looking, just in case I was dreaming the whole time. Just in case it might have been a big joke to make me miss her. I guess I'm just having a hard time adjusting to the sudden emptiness in my house.

So, as some people may already know, I'm letting go. Not even kidding anymore. I'm completely and utterly letting go of all that I thought would keep me happy forever. Thanks to recent enlightenment by friends, I realize I'm a major idiot, a major screw-up, and just plain stupid sometimes. I went through a day of depression, and that's what ate up one of these past few days of blank nothing. But after that day, thanks to some of the best friends I have, whom shall be named in a minute, I got up "off the ground", so to speak. They introduced me to a couple of new groups, like Mayday Parade and He Is We. I actually REALLY like those groups! And my wonderful friends are Autumn Jephson and Miranda Dahl. Ha, even though Autumn didn't show me any music, she always talks to me and makes me laugh at random stupid stuff in every day life. Miranda showed me all that music, so she claims the most praise out of the two, I suppose.
Ha, I love just trying to make Randa laugh and smile at random stuff. It's like, the other day, we had an hour of lunch. And I had nothing to do, so I went to the auditorium(which is officially locked to everyone not in Troyplairs). I knocked on the door, and just as I did so, Jori and Jarrod walked up. Jori said that on behalf of the council I was invited to have lunch with them. SO I GET IN! *insert Freddie Mercury meme* Anyways, so Randa was out in her car and craving some hot chocolate. They usually sell hot chocolate during lunch, so as soon as I saw that on Facebook, I told Jori to comment that I was on my way. Jori lent me a dollar, because I didn't have one.
I run out of the auditorium expecting to buy it, and what do you know, THE STORE IS CLOSED. I was like, "Gosh dang it". So I walk back in the auditorium and tell Jori the news so she could tell Miranda. Randa was all bummed and stuff, but she understood. xD Oh how I love the things I do at that school.

So... I learned a lot of things over the course of the past few days. Most of which are a bit personal, and invoke this sudden feeling in people to make me feel special. Because I felt like a complete loser, BUT I'm over that now.

Songs-of-the-Day: OneRepublic Medley by KurtHugoSchneider Most people probably don't know about this song collage. It's just one guy singing several songs by OneRepublic in one sitting. He's actually very good, and I absolutely love the way he did his rendition of each song.

Shout-Out(s)-of-the-Day: Miranda Lyn Dahl, and Autumn Jephson.
Ha, you know I really appreciate everything that you do for me. We talk so much nowadays, it's like, not even funny anymore. We have our Q&A sessions, and learn a lot of random stuff about each other. We talk about personal crap with each other. Nothing TOO personal, but stuff that we wouldn't tell everyone else. I think you know me best out of most of my other friends right now. Thank you for introducing me to He Is We and Mayday Parade. Their music really saves my life, as it did yours. I can't even express my full thanks in just words. I owe you more than just one. xD
Autumn: Ha, you're awesome Autumn. You're beautiful, and you don't even care to notice most of the time. We're both just single people, and somewhat stranger than the average person on our bus. Ha, you already know how I feel... and you know how hard it is for me to act upon what I feel, for fear of ruining it all.
Think about what I asked you. (: I wasn't even kidding. I was totally serious.

So, as always, HAVE A NICE DAY!

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