
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Friday, December 14, 2012

End of the Week

Well, it's yet another wonderful Friday! Ha, I hope everyone is having a wonderful day! I know I did! ;D
Ha, such a great Friday. I was in my tuxedo all day, and it felt okay. It gave me some grief during lunch, because we had over an hour of lunch! Ha, I just held Kat's hand all throughout the assembly today, and all throughout lunch pretty much. I'm kind of worried about her. For the past week or two, she's been slowly getting this sort of arthritis-based nodule on her ring-finger on both her hands.
It was wonderful, we had a small kiss when I dropped her off at her 4th Hour. After that, I went to my Biology class. We went to the English lab, which is on the OPPOSITE side of the school, compared to the normal classroom.
So when class was over, I walked up behind her, and gave her this big hug from behind. (: She was so surprised and nearly fell over. I caught her, and then we hugged for a minute there. Again, she decides she's going to take me home, so I agree, because I had to. So we held hands the whole time she drove me again. As we get to my house, I notice that I'm home alone again. I didn't mention anything, because that could've led to some seriously bad stuff. We say goodbye, and have another one of those repeated triple-kisses. (: Oh my goodness, for some reason those kinds of kisses feel so... good. They're just, so epic, it's ridiculous. (:
Love you, Kitty. Thanks for starting this with me again, you have no idea how happy I am now because of it.

Song-of-the-Day: Wanted by Hunter Hayes: I don't why I keep listening to this song. FIRST OFF, I'm not the biggest country fan, as of yet. I think it may be growing on me, after all this time. Ha, maybe because I was singing this song when me and Kat kissed the triple-kiss for the first time. Maybe that memory is just stuck in my memory. Ha, yeah, that makes sense.

Shout-out-of-the-Day:Rebekah Phillips: Thank you so much for being the supportive best friend I've always wanted, needed, loved, etc.. You get my point. You're so amazing, and I'm glad that Dawson has someone so perfect as you in his life. "Wherever we grow, we grow together. Spiritually, emotionally, physically, whichever way.


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