
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Monday, April 22, 2013


"A real gentleman, even if he loses everything he owns, must show no emotion. Money must be so far beneath a gentleman that it is hardly worth troubling about." -Fyodor Dostoevsky

To stand idly by and submit yourself to the stereotypes of modern day society is an act of complete ignorance. Insomuch, that it just makes everyone have a lesser opinion of you and not want to associate themselves with such. Detract yourself from the everyday temptations and keep yourself always worthy for those times in your life that will be most important for your future. If we prepare ourselves now, we will be much farther ahead than the adversary's power than we would be if we succumbed to the modern temptations.

I had to say this because of this new song that became public a little over a week ago, and it's hit over 200 million views on YouTube already. Despite the song's title and how catchy it is, the video exemplifies the exact opposite of being a gentleman. Sure, I like the song, but the actions performed in the video push me away. I don't like people who mistreat women and stuff like that.
I tie this into that Elementary school attitude that some of the teenagers of nowadays carry. It kills me inside, slowly, but surely. The whole, "Oh, if he hits me, it means he likes me." NO, JUST NO. It does NOT mean he likes you, at all. It's a sign of a bad relationship.

I've been thinking a lot about this lately, because we had a speaker come over about Teen Dating Abuse. All these bad signs, all these things that are so prevalent in the halls of your average high school. I never really noticed them in great detail before, but ever since that speaker came, it's been killing me to see it all so clearly now. It's one of those things that you just pass off as the "norm" around the school. I want for people to watch what they do, and think about it seriously... Is it a sign of a healthy relationship?

Gentleman by Psy
Raise Your Weapon
by Deadmau5

Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Rebekah Phillips
Been a while since I gave you a solemn shout-out, eh? I mean, you're my sister-site, and I haven't really given you a proper thank you for all the back up you've given me over the past two years. You are such a kind and beautiful young spirit. You have so much potential, and I really see you going farther in life than almost anyone I know. I've loved being able to see your testimony grow, and you mature more as a youth these past months. I can say I love you, but maybe with a different sort of meaning, I guess. :) You're an amazing singer, an amazing designer, and a great caretaker. Never let these memories die... because that will always be one thing that will hold our friendship to eternity. We seriously need to get together and hang out with each other sometime, and catch up with what's been going on lately. We haven't talked as often, and I really do need to be the one who starts these conversations, because I really do care about them, but don't show it as much... I have to thank you for making me a brony, and for introducing me to so many wonderful things in this world that I would have never seen before. I remember a few posts ago, you posted a particular picture that I thought was cute, and I just have to reshare it. :) Dashie and Soarin. Or maybe, you and Dawson. You guys fly so high, and it's adorable. <3 Please don't get too stressed about testing and everything else. I'm taking tests too, and with Prom coming up, I'm rather stressed. But today I took my first ISAT, and passed with Advanced scoring. :) I was happy, but I relaxed when I took the test.
Now, I'm not going to go much farther on here, for the sake of not sounding too obsessive or something... I'll leave this with a simple, I love you, sister. Take care, and wish that big lug of a brother of yours a happy mission for me, please?

Thank you all for sticking with me through my darkness and through my light, and through my obsessive parts...

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