
"If my jokes offend you, 1. I'm sorry. 2. It won't happen again. 3. 1 and 2 are lies. 4. You're a wuss." -Jenna Marbles
"Tell me everything. Write it all down, that way, we’ll be with each other all the time, even if we’re not with each other at all.” - Nicholas Sparks
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." -Christian D. Larson

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Beast Inside

"Everyone sees who I appear to be but only a few know the real me. You only see what I choose to show. There's so much behind my smile you just don't know." -Unknown
To stay silent, one must first find solace in their current settings. One must be content with all that is being thrown at them, and never change for the worse because of it. Life isn't about becoming a worse person because of the trials that we go through. I believe it's all the opposite of that. I believe that we must become a better person in every way possible, regardless of how serious a trial it is.
I have seen people lose loved ones, due to accidents, and they completely accept it and understand that they are safe from the world's harsh nature.

People wonder why I am a silent person sometimes. It's not because I'm depressed, or because I'm mad at anyone. It's because I need my time to think and accept how everything in my life is going. When all these trials continue to be thrown in my face, what do I do? I shut my mouth, kneel down, and begin to pray now. I may not have always had the best of habits towards when I prayed, but now I'm changing that. I've begun to pray every morning and night, regardless of how much time I have left. Now all I have to do is restart my scripture study habit, and I'll be much more content and find more solace in whatever trials I come through. It is through Christ that I have found my ways through the darkest parts of my life. It is through the angels of heaven that I cannot see, but feel around me, that I have been saved from dark places/people everyday. No longer do I associate with certain people, because I never felt light when I was associating with them, but I appreciate their company nevertheless. They have helped me learn the better ways of life.

I say all of this now, because I am extremely grateful to have all the wonderful people in my life, regardless of me knowing you well or not, you have all influenced my life for the better part. Thank you all so much. You have no idea how much the little things in life can influence those around you.

Song-of-the-Day: Demons by Imagine DragonsI recently found this song, and I absolutely love it. SO MUCH SO, that I want to do it for my comfort zone in Troylairs. (: I think I could do it okay. I've become more confident in my abilities to sing ever since Portland. Thanks to Mr. Peter, and Mr. Burrows, and EVERYONE on that trip! I sing more proudly, and much easier because of it. (: I love choir so much.

Shout-Out-of-the-Day: Everyone In My Ever-Growing Audience!

I'm not going to individualize the shout-out today. It's well deserved to everyone one of you, and I'm extremely thankful to have everyone of you here with me every day of my life. Thank you for all the love and support shown through your words, actions, and impressions. You all mean the world to me. Some, of course, more than others, due to the natural man inside of me.
I can never say enough thanks to all of you.
I have a hard time saying this, but... I feel like you all would maybe want to know. At one time, a couple years back, I was suicidal. I never cut myself, or took pills, or did any of that stuff that typically happens nowadays. I was just extremely depressed, and didn't want to socialize with anyone, due to my shyness to admit my true feelings about anything. I would always have a power-tool, or some kind of weapon at hand, because I'm a knife-enthusiast and a small-arms fanatic. I may not own many, but I have enough to cause damage to anything in my way.
Thanks to my friends, and my family, and those that I've come to love now, I am alive and very well. I mean... imagine all the differences there would be if I hadn't met you all. I mean... I'm not saying I'm a big importance in your lives, but I know I've made an impact and even saved a few lives because of some of the things I've expressed over the past two years.

So, thank you all for taking this little time out of your day to read this! I love you all!

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